Discussion List
Is Integration able to invoke REST API to manipulate VBCS tables?Content Hi Experts, We have a requirement to store a bit of data in VBCS table, then operate the table from integration, at certain steps we will need to update the data…
How to run a integration by clicking a single url/linkContent Requirement: I want to send the url of integration in a mail notification. On click of that url, the integration should be triggered in OIC. I initially used the…
TimeEvents Rest API service is not accessibleSummary TimeEvents Rest API service is not accessible in efix-dev3Content We are trying to call the rest service '…
response status of 302 Found when integration calling integrationSummary response status of 302 Found when integration calling integrationContent Hi experts, I have oic.ics.console.integration.invoke.local.integration flag enabled in …
How "timeWindow" query parameter in OIC REST APIs works ?Summary How "timeWindow" query parameter in OIC REST APIs works ?Content Hello All I am using REST APIs to monitor the OIC Instances and Erros. I am following below Orac…
Atom feed response not getting refreshedSummary Response of atom feed is retained until it is replaced by new dataContent Hi, My scheduled OIC integration has HCM adapter which is enabled for 'Subscribe to Ato…
Business Events - HCM CloudSummary Are Business Events available for Oracle HCM Cloud?Content Hi Everyone, We have a requirement to integrate Oracle HCM cloud with a Third Party application. In HC…
I made a get call-in REST adapter. I am providing XML SCHEMA (XSD) as response payload format. butSummary I made a get call-in REST adapter. I am providing XML SCHEMA (XSD) as response payload format. but Live payload is JSON.Content HI, I made a get call-in REST ada…
How I can extraxt xml tag inside CDATA in XSLSummary Extract USER_ID tag value from CDATAContent 5086 ]]>
OIC Event SubscriptionSummary unable to activate integrationContent I had my integration working i deactivated and activated my integration again i get the below error Activation Error Code :…
TRANSLATION-ERROR-01Content Hi, I have requirement like, I have to invoke two services and the outcome of the services need to combine and send as one response. For Ex: Service 1 returns A …
Search VBCS BO in ICSSummary Need to retrieve a specific record of a BO based on a non id fieldContent Hi, I'm trying to search for a specific record in a BO in ICS. I created a REST Endpoin…
Issue with Array in JSONSummary Arrays not being handled correctly with in Json requestContent Hello, I hope you can help me with the following. I have an integration where I need to push Oppor…
Load testing integrations in Oracle Integration CloudSummary Load testing integrations in Oracle Integration Cloud that connects on Prem EBS to Oracle Cloud.Content Hi, I would like to know what tools/applications can be u…
When i am update Endpoint adapter it showing Error "A connection to the server has failed. (Status 5Summary I m Using App Driven Orchestration, When i am trying to update the Endpoint adapter its taking time and showing status as 504Content I m Using App Driven Orchest…
Integration ApporachContent Hi, Our customer have DB Cloud, OIC (Oracle Integration Cloud), JCS (Java Cloud Service) and Fusion Cloud (SaaS). We have tried to integrate the third party syst…
Download and Decrypt Object Storage Classic Container Object using OICSummary Download and Decrypt Object Storage Classic Container Object using OICContent Hi Gurus, I have the below requirement in OIC. Any pointers please. 1. Source syste…
OIC Integrations - Migration from Test to ProductionSummary OIC Integrations - Migration from Test to ProductionContent Hi Team, We want to migratee Integrations from Test Environment to Production environments by using E…
Issue with OIC REST AdapterContent Found a bug in OIC (version: with REST Adapter. While we configure the REST adapter in Integration whether Inbound and Outbound and choose "Accept att…
How to catch the error message in response of Fault DetailsSummary How to catch the error message in response of Fault DetailsContent Hi All, I had an unhandled error in one of my integration. Please see the highlighted in my at…
OIC + Erp Cloud - Performance ConcernContent Hi everybody, Here at Bioritmo/SmartFit group in Brazil, we started a project (last month) for configuring the Oracle Cloud ERP for five countries: Brazil, Méxic…
REST Service Query Issue in OICContent Hi All, I am having issues while querying the data using REST Services in OIC when i try to add = operators in the query string. in OIC the following string is b…
Mapping to complex JSON for REST postSummary Mapping to a complex json in OICContent Hello Cloud People I was wondering if someone can give an example of how to map to a complex 3 level json for a REST post…
Not able to call REST API from VBCS which accepts attachment in requestContent Hi Experts, I have created one REST API in Integration Cloud which takes attachment and payload in request body due to which request header type is multipart/mix…
I am getting error "CDATA[CASDK-0041: An error occurred even before the REST endpoint could be invokSummary While calling client REST Url for POSTING the data I am getting below error sometimes.Content While calling client REST Url for POSTING the data I am getting bel…
Wanted to run/submit Payment Process Profile from integrationSummary We wanted to place the output of payment process request in sFTP server locationContent Hi , Our aim is to generate the Payment Process Request (PPR) and place t…
REST adapter PATCH throws errorSummary REST adapter PATCH throws REST_REQ_PLD_ERR and ORABPEL-15236 errorContent I have inserted a Rest adapter with Patch method. It also includes a path parameter. RE…
REST Adapter and HTTP 301 Moved PermanentlySummary getting 301 http code from REST adapterContent I am trying to use the REST adapter to download the following file to OIC:…
Run a select clause in ATP database with 'in' Operator using OIC ATP AdapterSummary Run a select clause in ATP database with 'in' Operator using OIC ATP AdapterContent Hi, RestAPI structure : { 'accountNum' : '123456' 'product' : ['abc','def','g…
REST API Response text/htmlSummary REST API Response text/htmlContent Hi, I have REST API with POST method when invoked it provides resposne in the json format but the content type of API is text/…