Discussion List
Undocumented APIContent I was inspecting the network console on the homepage of OIC after upgrading to 19.2 and noticed some new API calls. Namely: /ic/home/registry/api/v1/* ex: /ic/ho…
Read CSV line by line and assemble a template with specific data from the csv file.Summary Read CSV line by line and assemble a template with specific data from the csv file.Read CSV line by line and assemble a template with specific data from the csv …
Mapping to a Webservice in a LoopSummary Mapping to a Webservice in a LoopContent Hi Guru's I have an Integration which consumes a rest api to retrieve data, which I have to loop through to get the diff…
Convert JSON request to string in OICSSummary Catch the request and convert to string in OICSContent Hello I am work with Oracle Integration Clou Service and I have a REST connnection like trigger, I defined…Manuel Sanchez Martinez 75 views 9 comments 0 points Most recent by Hemanth Lakkaraju-Oracle Integration
Integrating into Oracle Product HubSummary How to load data into Product Hub with an IntegrationContent Hi Forum, I'm hoping to get some advice / guidance on loading Product Items for an external source (…
A common connector for multiple integration vs different connector for different integrationSummary OIC connectorContent Hi, We are integration ERP Cloud using OIC, here's my question below, please share your feedback if you know the about it- Considering- Cost…
Different ways to generate an APISummary Is there any other way to generate an API?Content Hi Experts, Besides creating a Plan and use its API, is there any other way to generate an API to consume the D…
How to process REST responses with diiferent code and contentContent Hi ! I'm calling from the integration the existing extern REST service. The REST services gives back 2 possible responses : if found then 200 and json structure …
Failing the OIC integration when REST API gives error responseSummary Failing the OIC integration when REST API gives error responseContent I created an OIC integration that uses a REST API to create inventory transactions, if the …
Is there a business event to receive in OIC whenever a customer account is created/updated in AR cloContent Is there a business event to receive in OIC whenever a customer account is created/updated in AR cloud?
While Client post the data(OIC Trigger URL) Client got Read time out ErrorSummary what is the issue and where? is it OIC URL problem or Their data problem?Content Hi, We are using app-driven orchestration for PO/PR Creation. While Client POST …
Date to number JS function not working as expectedSummary I am using below JS function for convert date to numberContent I am using below JS function for convert date to number In Browser it working and give a result as…
Error while translating message to the mentioned format.Summary Error creating a stage write and stage readContent I have an integration "App Driven Orchestration" where it starts with a rest adapter that receives a content s…
ERP AdapterContent Hi All, I would like to know if there are any plans to make the REST Services available with the ERP Cloud adapter. Thanks, Nagesh.
Is it possible function call in Basic Routing style in OICSummary I want to do function call and assign, in action palette I want to use collections (for each/ while ).Content I want to do function call and assign, in action pa…
REST API Parameter value - case sensitivitySummary how to pass REST API Parameter value to GET result even when there is case mismatch?Content I am using REST API to fetch Location data from Oracle Cloud. However…
Error While activating the integration in OICSummary Not able to activate the integrationContent Not able to activate the integration. while activating I am getting below error Please find the attachement for error…
Two Business Objects, One IntegrationSummary Variables not getting picked up in IntegrationContent Hello, I've created a VBCS application and an Integration to create three files and FTP them to a site. It …
How to handle the exception when some field is missing in the JSON input in OIC?Summary How can we do schema validation in OIC?Content How can we do schema validation in OIC? we are using xpath in assign variable in OIC for particular fields as show…
How to create a post REST service in OICSummary We have a requirement to create a REST service in OIC. And this service will be exposed to the client to POST their JSON data.Content We have a requirement to cr…
Reading application/octet-stream type file output and inserting records into a tableSummary Reading application/octet-stream type file output and inserting records into a tableContent Hi All, I am trying to create an integration in Autonomous Oracle Int…
Download csv file from the Response ContentContent I want to download a file from the Oracle Commerce into ICS stage https://*********/file/v1318708461789467835/import/ZuhQqfZOs6wnjkNmcKzEaLwSI8g_10008/occ-invent…
Integration User Password Expiration - Best PracticesContent Hello everyone, I've been working on a white paper to define the architecture of the development, and I'm facing the issue of integration user. According to my e…
Error while using rest adapter RAW format and having application/json as dataSummary I am getting below error (- Make a rest call with raw format having application/json as data.)Content I am getting below error (- Make a rest call with raw forma…
Got Beautify json from Rest adapter when we post the dataSummary In OIC, I am POST the json payload to Rest adapter to client rest URL. Client receiving a Beautify josn.Content In OIC, I am POST the json payload to Rest adapte…
Integration calling REST ServiceSummary My Integration is not returning any data from the REST ServiceContent Hi, I'm after some help with my Integration which calls a REST Service. I am new to REST se…
REST API Call with datetime parameter from ICS IntegrationSummary REST API Call with datetime parameter from ICS Integration is erroring outContent REST API Call with datetime parameter from ICS Integration is erroring out, as …
How to calculate signature in OIC using HMAC sha 256Summary Calculate signature in OIC using HMAC sha 256Content Hi All, In OIC, How to calculate signature using HMAC sha256 Is there any script available in OIC calculate …
Return file (ZIP) from OIC REST HTTPSummary Return ZIP file from OICContent Hi, I've the need to return an archive from an FTP server via an REST endpoint. However, since there's the limitation of 10 MB on…
Unable to get a Response from EBS using rest API In SOAP UI.Summary Unable to get REST URI Response thorough SOAP UI.Content We are deployed PLSQL record type code in EBS as REST API. we are unable to get a response through SOAP …