Error while translating message to the mentioned format.
Error creating a stage write and stage readContent
I have an integration "App Driven Orchestration" where it starts with a rest adapter that receives a content similar to this one:
"filecontent": "1,3,120,0,145,125,225,345,147,452,10,5,1,100, Comment 1, Production, Y
2,6,120,0,145,135,250,365,194,504,20,11,2,101, Comment 2, Production, Y
3,9,120,0,145,145,255,385,241,556,30,15,3,102, Comment 3, Production, Y
4,12,120,0,145,150,260,400,288,608,40,21,4,103, Comment 4, Production, Y
5,15,120,0,145,155,265,425,335,660,50,26,5,104, Comment 5, Production, Y "
I have to separate line by line then, I decided to create a stage write and then a stage read and so to create a for each for stage read and go line by line I did the test with a "Scheduled Orchestration" integration and this works but when poor with The integration of type "App Driven Orchestration" reading operation throws a similar error as the screenshot attached in this post.