Discussion List
API Specifications for scheduled integrationSummary How to create API Specifications for scheduled integration?Content So I understand how to create API specifications for integrations that start with a REST adapt…
OIC: for-each inside for-each issueSummary for-each inside for-each issueContent Hi All, I tried to enable a integration that has for-each inside for-each activity. it is throwing below error. If I take o…
Error Handling in OICSummary Error Handling in OICContent Hello, I am building a REST API. If any error comes during validation/api error, I want to catch it and raise application error with…
OIC: Accessing Scope Variables in another ScopeSummary OIC: Accessing Scope Variables in another ScopeContent Can we access the output of an activity in scope1 as input to the activity in scope2. I want to map read o…
What does EnforceEmptyJSONObjectPayload ?Summary The EnforceEmptyJSONObjectPayload is default false, what happnes if it is true ?Content I could not find any documentation about this. Could you explain what wil…
Error Message Return in REST serviceSummary How to return error message thrown by oracle to REST responseContent Hello, I have orchestration built for REST API, which Invoke process item API to update item…
key value pair mapping in XSLT by dynamicallySummary key value pair mapping in XSLT by dynamicallyContent Hi Everyone, I have requirement where i can map key value pair mapping dynamically from a template. For inst…
Convert XML to JsonSummary I have the same problem as this Post: Hi I have requirement to convert XML output as Json, Steps …
Unable to Activate Integration in OICSummary Unable to Activate Integration in OICContent 1. I have a working orchestration(Integration) with starting Trigger point to Item Update event from Oracle Cloud, t…
PDH Item Category Update at Org Level - Event in OICSummary If we update Org Level Item Category in PDH through soap UI, it is not firing item update event in OICContent Hello All, If we update Org Level Item Category in …
Stage-action using multiple namespaces in single schemaSummary Stage-action using multiple namespaces in single schemaContent Hi Experts, I have requirement to integrate with PCS process. I am invoking PCS process in one of …
Rest Adapter : Configure Complex JSON ResponseSummary REST Adapter JSON ResponseContent Hi Experts, I am trying to create a complex JSON response payload for data transformation in integration flow. However, the RES…
OAuth Custom Three Legged Flow - ErrorSummary Receiving Cannot obtain an access token. Authorization Failed when Using Three Legged FlowContent Hi Guru's, I have a OIC integration using the Rest Adapter, I n…
Stage a streamReference file for UnzipSummary REST GET ZIP FILE THAT REQUIRES UNZIPContent Hi all, I'm having some issues while trying to stage a file that I got from an REST endpoint as ContentType: applica…
ICS mapping to bring over XML tagsSummary Is there an ICS mapping function to bring over fields as is, with the XML tags?Content I am working on an integration between Oracle Utilities (using its ICS Ada…
How can I call POST integration from another integration in OIC ICSSummary Child integration is failing while calling from parentContent I was trying to call child integration which is REST POST from my parent integration which was also…
Split file in Chunks / ByteSummary split file in byte[] chunksContent Hi, I've the following use case, load a file from FTP that then needs to be posted to a REST endpoint in chunks (application/o…
Unclear error on simple invokeSummary Trying to invoke the cloud metering APIContent Hi, We are trying to automate the extraction of the cloud consumption of our customers. I have been doing this for…
Need web service to put hold at sales order levelContent Hi, Our requirement is to put hold on sales order for some time. can you please provide if you know any web service information for the same. Regards, VeeraVeerakumar Subramani-91179 33 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Veerakumar Subramani-91179 Integration
Parameters in OICSummary To get Date as a prompt while submitting the OIC Integration which has Database AdaptersContent Hi All, We have a requirement to have the Date as an input parame…
Runtime Fault/Exception Handling in OIC (Oracle SOA Fault Policy Functionality?)Summary Is Oracle SOA Fault Policy Functionality also present in OIC? Especially handling runtime fault on server sideContent Hello OIC Gurus, Oracle SOA has this Fault …
OAuth2 connectivity issue in ICSSummary Unable to set up OAuth2 connectivity in ICSContent We are trying to generate the access token using OAuth configuration but it is failing everytime. Let me try t…
XML namespace incorrect so mapping failsSummary Incoming xml payload to REST endpoint has a namespace mismatch so mapping failsContent I have a REST endpoint configured with an xsd that declares a target names…
Task Payload (PCS/OIC) doesnt work in ICSContent When I trigger an endpoint such as /ic/api/process/v1/tasks/200002/payload I can get back either an XML or JSON response. However, my form is built off a busines…
How to render PDF on browser in ICS / OICContent Hi Experts, We are trying to develop a REST service in which we are taking certain input parameter and fetching the pdf documents from some of the SFTP location.…
ICS | Upload Staged File To Commerce CloudSummary Need to upload ICS staged file to Oracle Commerce CloudContent Hi, I have an ICS integration that needs to pull products from Product Hub Cloud and publish them …
Error connecting to application running on-premise, on same box as connectivity agentContent OIC version 18.3.3 (but occurred in 18.3.1 and 18.2.4 as well) We have a dedicated RHEL 7 box that our production on premise connectivity agent runs on. However,…
Downtime Handling in OICSummary We encountered intermittent connection (2-3 minutes of random downtime) in OICContent Hi, We encountered intermittent connection (2-3 minutes of random downtime …
- after R13 UpgradeSummary I intermittently get the following An error occurred even before the REST endpoint could be invoked.[[ I intermittently get the …
Configure ICS integration to work for different environmentsSummary the ICS endpoint should dynamically push data into different Edge Systems.Content We have built an ICS integration to pull Items from Product Hub and push to dif…