Decision Modeling Notation
Discussion List
Exception Handling in PCSSummary: Can anyone provide a good example of how to implement business exceptions that covers Business exceptions boundary error events Error end events And how they sh…
How can i Link PCS notification to Fusion SAAS Application Notification IconSummary: How Can i Link our PCS Workflow Notification with Fusion SAAS application Notification ICOn Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Versi…
Is it possible that we can assign approvers dynamically to the Human ActionSummary: Suppose if there are 4 level approvers reviewer 1 is not null then it will go assign and sent the notification to the approver and if reviewer2 is null then it …
is there any process to update the result in PCS workflow using VBCS pageSummary: is there any process to update the result in PCS workflow using VBCS page output and route it to the next level approver based on the VBCS ouput Content (please…
is there any rest API available to update action(approve or reject and more info) for a source activSummary: is there any rest API available to update action(approve or reject and more info) for a source activity and move to next activity Content (please ensure you mas…
Based on the total amount my workflow send approval mail to approverSummary: Hi i have a requirement where a workflow notification needs to send for the approval based on the total amount that is coming to message based workflow from BIP…
How to get the Approver from the human task that has assigned with a groupSummary: HI how can I get the approver from a group of approvers in the human task activity. I have designed a 2 level approval flow, in the first approval flow i have a…
How to capture rest api response in PCS data objectsSummary: We are able to capture REST API response in PCS data objects for one record. For example, a string variable to capture body.items[1].assignments[1].managerId I …Santhosh Kumar J 61 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by Biman Dey Sarkar-Oracle Process Automation
Creating a Business RuleContent Hi Folks, I want to create a Business rule in oracle process cloud Version: (190323.0400.26650). I have tried to create business rule decision but sho…Seetha Ramalingam 30 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by PavithraSaravanan-Oracle Process Automation
Invoke or use Funtion notation(Parameter) , context notation,List notation, realation notaion decisiContent Hi Folks, I want to know how to invoke or use a funtion notation (Parameter), context notation,List notation, relation notaion decision by another decision in de…
AIC:Process Builder : Decision ModelSummary Unable to create new decision modelContent Hi, I am using trial version of autonomous integration cloud and not able to create a new decision model. I navigate t…
Conditional Approval flowSummary Conditional Approval flowContent Hi,Does anyone know how to create a condition based approval flow in PCS(based on the condition it goes for approval). Do we use…