Content Management
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How to upload file on UCM in a specific folderHi, We are trying to upload a file to a specific folder on UCM (Fusion CRM) using a SOAP call. We are using the following payload, and while we receive a 200 OK response…
How to upload file on UCM in a specific folderHi, We are trying to upload a file to a specific folder on UCM (Fusion CRM) using a SOAP call. We are using the following payload, and while we receive a 200 OK response…
Anyway to tag courses besides skills?Is there a way to tag courses that could be used to group courses together without skills? If sills is the only way , where in OTBI can you bring in skills associated wi…
Retention Policy for the files and metdata for the Fusion application's Web content serverHi, We want to understand Oracle's retention policy for the files/metadata on the Fusion applications web content server. Following are our questions. How frequently are…Srikanth Devarakonda 63 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Sebastien Mariller Content Management
Help Needed with URL Navigation in Notification via REST APIDear All, I am trying to attach a URL to a notification using the REST API endpoint: /fscmrestapi/resources/ I am using the following body requ…
Not able execute REST API to find the folder in UCMHi , I have two requirements in UCM : Find the folder in UCM using REST API Move the file attachment to the folder identified in Step#1. Tried to execute the REST API to…Manjunath Paduchuru-Oracle 54 views 0 comments 0 points Started by Manjunath Paduchuru-Oracle Content Management
Change main pageSummary: I have completed my refresh of production HCM to Development but want to change the main page to put a note letting the users know they are in a development env…
Can I just copy the OraDocs URL link instead of using the File Share option?Summary: To share an OraDocs file, can I just copy the URL instead of clicking the share icon and choosing copy? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential informa…
Can we deep link to specific course in Learning?We are trying to add a deep link to a specific course. Is it possible to provide a deep link to specific courses from the list of available courses?
Oracle Content Management - assigned "End of Life"Summary: oAppsNET has replacement for this product and it's called "OAN Business Doc: and it can be found on the Oracle Cloud Marketplace: https://cloudmarketplace.oracl…
Moving documents shows all folders that you have access to and cannot be filteredSummary: When selecting "move" on a document, it is not possible to filter the folders available. This is an issue where users have access to multiple (sometimes hundred…
Short link to asset for download?Summary: We need to provide a short link to a asset which will be published in a printed document. How can we generate a keyboard friendly link to an asset? Version (inc…
Are there any duplicate file detection capabilities in OCM?Summary: Are there any duplicate file detection capabilities in OCM? Content (required): Hello, During contribution of digital assets to OCM, are there any available fea…
How to access Oracle Content and Experience ?Summary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any code snippets t…
Access to content server document as read only without option to downloadHi All, I want to load the HR Policies in the content server and make it available to the employees from the Fusion Application UI under a new tab. I can design this fol…
Clear Formatting button - Text EditorSummary: When using the Oracle default text editor the clear formatting button is clearing bold and underline tags, but is not removing heading/size tags. When we paste …
OraDoc Documents Lost? Where can I restore the backup? Where can I find the access history of folderSummary: Content (required): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any code snippets that support your topic, if applicable):
OraDoc: What is the process to request an OraDoc Feature/function?Summary: OraDoc Feature/Function Request Content (required): Looking to submit a feature request for OraDoc functionality considerations. Version (include the version yo…
Why is a PATCH method not allowed on any OCM API?Summary: No OCM API I've found supports PATCH Content (required): I need to update just a single field on an asset. Typically through most other APIs you'd use a PATCH m…
Content management workflow to trigger PCS processSummary: Hi Team, We are using content management (OCM) workflow to trigger PCS process and referred sample oracle provided simple one step/two step process, which is wo…
Error in creating content from UI & REST APISummary: Hi Team, We are getting below error while trying to create a content / document as assets in Oracle Content management cloud, need help in resolving the same. T…
How to create a multivalued number field in OCMSummary: How do you change the "Number of data field values" from "Single Value" to "Multi Value" for Number data type fields on assets in OCM? Content (required): Hello…
Files in "root" not synchronizingSummary: I have setup OCE on a new computer and I am synchronizing all of my folders. However, files at the "root" of my Oracle Content folder do not get downloaded. Con…
What are the document preview limitations on OCM?Summary: What are the document preview limitations on OCM? Content (required): Hello, When attempting to view a PDF digital asset in OCM, we are faced with this message …
No access to OCM ServiceSummary: Hi, I provisioned a OCM instance and I am able to login to OCM with the user provisioned the instance. In IDCS, I assigned a group to application role 'CECDevel…
OraDocs - how long will content be stored?Summary: I have an OraDocs folder for my sales team for shared documents like proposals, pricing spreadsheets, and articles. How long will the content remain on OraDocs …Joshua Ballantine-Oracle 32 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Mark Paterson-Oracle Content Management
Assigning Full Collections of Assets to a Taxonomy CategorySummary: Is it possible to assign a taxonomy category to a full collection of assets in OCM? Content (required): Hello, We are reviewing a use case where a customer woul…
Public Folder Access IssueSummary: A handful of the EBS development team have, for the first time, had problems accessing the shared folders such as RCDs and the EBS 12.2.X Repository. Content (r…
I need access to an Oradocs that belonged to an employee of mine who left Oracle. /_Fraud_MitigationSummary: Content (required): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any code snippets that support your topic, if applicable):Traci DelVecchio-Oracle 31 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Mark Paterson-Oracle Content Management
Roadmap for Retention Policy SupportSummary: Does OCM support content retention policies? Content (required): Hello, We have several requests for support of retention policies on documents/assets in OCM. U…