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Oracle Fusion Mobile App compatibility with Microsoft IntuneSummary: Is Microsoft Intune compatible with the Oracle Fusion Mobile App? We want to provide users with access to the mobile app through a controlled environment due to…
Oracle Mobile Expenses App CustomizationsWe have requirement to get rid off 'Quick Entry' , 'Enter' and 'Mileage' (as highlighted in red) from the Oracle Mobile Expenses App. As shown in the attached screen sho…
Does omc supports android notifications after 6/20/24Summary: Mobile hub configuration notification support Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi, current Oracle Mobile Hub supports firebase xmp…Pavel Trachtulec.-Oracle 21 views 0 comments 0 points Started by Pavel Trachtulec.-Oracle Digital Assistant & Mobile
Testing ODA on WhatsAppContent Hi, I am trying to publish my ODA to WhatsApp. However, I am done with all steps but I still can't receive replies from the ODA once I message the phone number r…
How to integrate or embed Oracle Digital Assistant in Oracle Analytics CloudSummary: How to integrate or embed Oracle Digital Assistant in Oracle Analytics Cloud Content (required): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Cod…Nina Bonita Brilleta 101 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Nina Bonita Brilleta Digital Assistant & Mobile
Mobile Hub vs Visual BuilderSummary: If I need to build an enterprise mobile app, what are the pros and cons of using Visual Builder vs. Mobile hub for development? Content (required): Version (inc…
Oracle Digital Assistant - Agent system through webhooksSummary Can somebody provide the right webhook agent payloads for ODA 20.08?Content Dear People, I'm trying to implement a 3rd party agent system through webhooks . I'm …Lorenzo Mac-Donald-251034 40 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Tamer Qumhieh Digital Assistant & Mobile
Integrating Oracle Digital Assistant with Google AssistantSummary Channel for integrating Oracle Digital AssistantContent Hi, We are trying to integrate oracle digital assistant with google assistant, we want to know how we cou…Satshah 86 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Ricardo Buitrago Lizarazo-Oracle Digital Assistant & Mobile
Oracle Websdk - Disable textarea focus when widget open in case of mobileSummary Oracle Websdk - Disable textarea focus when widget open in case of mobileContent Hello, How to disable auto focus on textarea when the wdiget open in case of mob…
Deploy Mobile Hub Custom API-Express package on generic NodeJS serverSummary Is it possible to run a Mobile Hub Custom API-Express package on generic NodeJS serverContent Hi there, We have developed a set of Mobile Hub Custom Express APIs…User_2025-02-05-17-52-41-208 15 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-02-08-04-00-49-804 Digital Assistant & Mobile
face recognition and user profileContent 1. is there any posibility for loginTo bring automaticly user profile nameFrom ecommerce and how can get from web channel?2. Is there any function to get employe…Hamdien 42 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Frank Nimphius-Oracle Digital Assistant & Mobile
ODA with exchange server (calenders)Content Dears,Can you help me how to integerateODA with exchange server to bring today calnders for spesific profile.usernameBest Regards,
request - ODA Translation Google rest APISummary ODA Translation Google rest APIContent Dears, Can you help what is Rest Google API end point, that i should i set it in ODA configuration , i have access key but…
Publishing ODA to WhatsappContent Hi, I have configured an adapter on an internet facing machine to publish the ODA to Whatsapp but I couldn't get any reply from the bot. How can I debug it? Rega…
ODA with QnA is not working with MS TEAMSSummary ODA with QnA is not working with MS TEAMSContent I have built a Skill with Intent and QnA. I have created a bot in Microsoft Bot Framework and linked to the deve…Jaeyshree Kumaran 32 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by Jaeyshree Kumaran Digital Assistant & Mobile
how to embed the html page in Oracle digital assistant without using web viewSummary how to embed the html page in Oracle digital assistant without using web viewContent Hi Team, Could you please anyone helps me to embed the HTML page inside chat…
Activating ODA in HCM SaaS applicationSummary Unable to establish chat with FADigitalAssistant (HCM)Content Hello, We get to the point where we see the widget in our HCM SaaS application (Role assigned, Prof…Preethi Kirthi 55 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Preethi Kirthi Digital Assistant & Mobile
Publishing ODA to WhatsappContent Hi, I know there are a lot of references for publishing the ODA to WhatsApp channel but I'd like to know what's the best way I do it in the least time possible e…
Oracle Mobile Hub and Oracle SQL DeveloperSummary How to connect Oracle SQL Developer with OMH DatabaseContent Hi All, I need to connect with SQL Client (with support rest connection) to OMH Database. I test wit…Matias Buonavolonta 28 views 0 comments 0 points Most recent by Matias Buonavolonta Digital Assistant & Mobile
Entity ADDRESSSummary Getting an Error when extraction Entity AddressContent Hi Guys! We are encountering an error when using the ADDRESS entity. For example, we tried entering an Add…Xena Arcabos-133101 35 views 1 comment 1 point Most recent by Rohit Dhamija-Oracle Digital Assistant & Mobile
how to print the values form custom component as a link in skill ODA?Summary I would to print value coming from custom component as linkContent My requirement is to print the output from the custom component as a link. Below out I am gett…Geetha Devi 35 views 15 comments 0 points Most recent by Frank Nimphius-Oracle Digital Assistant & Mobile
Oracle Mobile Hub Database versionSummary What DB version use OMHContent Hi all,I will create a MBaaS and i like know what version of DB is provisioned in OMH?Thanks in advance!Matias Buonavolonta 5 views 0 comments 0 points Most recent by Matias Buonavolonta Digital Assistant & Mobile
Unable to use my ChatbotContent Hi, I have created my ODA App on Facebook and was able to successfully test it from the same account that created the page. When I logged into my personal accoun…
How to integrate oracle bot with google hangout?Summary how google hangout as oracle chat-bot UI.Content I have configured the webhook channel in oracle digital bots. And publish the hangout chat API based below docum…Geetha Devi 35 views 7 comments 0 points Most recent by Grant Ronald-Oracle Digital Assistant & Mobile
How to use Oracle Bot into google hangout? Anyone have any doc on this?Summary how to integrate the OMH chatbot-UI as google hangouts.Content I would to login the oracle mobile hub chats using the hangout credentials. Dailog Flow channel as…
System.Webview not Supporting Images in Oracle Digital Assistant 19.1.5Summary System.Webview not Supporting Images in Oracle Digital Assistant 19.1.5Content As per the article ,…User_2025-02-03-19-24-16-837 28 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Frank Nimphius-Oracle Digital Assistant & Mobile
How to remove View option from QnA and Change card to verticalContent Hello, I am stuck in problem to remove VIEW option from qna and also change the card to vertical. I want to create a qna skill where qna query comes like hyperli…subhajit saha 17 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by User_2025-02-05-02-07-23-630 Digital Assistant & Mobile
How integrating oracle digital assistant with WhatsAppContent Hello, I want to create channel integrating with WhatsApp. or any idea how can we use whatsaap with ODA. Regards Subhajit saha
QnA componentSummary i want to cretae a bot only using System.QnA component to make my bot reply to some question.Content i want to build a sample of a Q&A bot. i created the bot and…Ameur Baccoucha 44 views 10 comments 1 point Most recent by subhajit saha Digital Assistant & Mobile
On-Demand Webcast: Oracle's New AI Voice for the EnterpriseSummary Oracle Digital Assistant update, new AI voice acquisition, demos, and live Q&AContent This webcast is now available as on-demand. The Oracle Digital Assistant te…Carlos Chang-110362 31 views 2 comments 1 point Most recent by Carlos Chang-110362 Digital Assistant & Mobile