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How we can convert big data file into single vector chunkIs there any way to convert complete CLOB data into single vector chunk. if yes which function we can use to convert. Currently i am using TO_VECTOR(VECTOR_EMBEDDING(doc…
how to create ords api to send file as a multipart attachment in requestSummary: Hi Experts How to create a ORDS REST API to send a file as a multi part form data and insert into a table column of blob type. Please help me. I do not want to …
Issue connecting to 23ai autonomous data warehouse "Always Free" instance - ORDS HTTP Status 571Summary: Due to 21c "Always Free" instances being imminently decommissioned, I rebuilt a database in 23ai. The original 21c database was an APEX instance, and I decided …
The extended JSON data type REGULAR_EXPRESSION is not supportedSummary: I have an application that uses the MongoDB API for Autonomous JSON Database. I was attempting to do a case-insensitive find query on a collection using regex b…
How to replace new line character in one of the value in CSV during DBMS_CLOUD.COPY_DATA call?Summary: This DBMS_CLOUD.COPY_DATA API is failing during importing data from Object storage to ATP that is having a new line characters in one if its value. We are tryin…
ATP in Private subnet, how to access database action (sql developer web) and Apex over internetSummary: Hi Team, We have an ATP provisioned in private subnet, how can we access the APEX and Database Action over internet, any pointer to that would be helpful? Thank…
ORDS cannot be reached using public IPSummary: We have several BIP reports where we have defined the data source for ORDS (see definition below) and they were working fine until around 19-Jul when the consol…Humberto Martín-Oracle 12 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Keith Laker-Oracle Autonomous Database
Security of a stored procedure enabled as a REST service in Oracle Autonomous DatabaseHello, I created a stored procedure on Oracle Autonomous Database and marked it as REST enabled. When I do not require authentication, the service works correctly, but w…
Advantage of ORDS service call in vbcs and cons of OIC call in vbcsHi experts advantage of ORDS api over OIC calls in vbcs . suppose ORDS being called in OIC for VBCS services what is the disadvantage its better approach or not? what is…
AutoREST POST End-point loses all dataSummary: When using AutoREST on 23C for a specific table, if I POST to it, it loses all data that is sent along with it. This is only for this specific table, but anothe…
dbms_cloud.list_objects not returning data as other user than ADMINSummary: As ADMIN dbms_cloud.list_objects returns a list of objetcs; As other DB user with same credentials not returning data and not returning errors. Content (please …Stéphane Lamy-Bouchard 21 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Stéphane Lamy-Bouchard Autonomous Database
How to solve this error of Oracle apex- 1403-no data found - rest data sourceSummary: Hi Experts, we are trying to upload file into OCI Object storage from Apex, so we created web credentials, rest data source and pages for uploading file. when u…
Unable to write file on OCI bucket with Header row from DBMS_CLOUD.EXPORT_DATASummary: Hi, I am writing a file from ATP (table) to the bucket in the OCI object storage it's working fine but the header row is not inserted. Please help to export the…
Authorization failed while exporting to Object storage from ATPSummary: Hi I am getting authorize failed error while exporting data from ATP to bucket using dbsm_cloud.export_data package. ORA-20401: Authorization failed for URI - h…
ORDS - Issue with OAUTH Implicit grant - Missing or Incorrect Client idSummary: An ORDS client has been created in an ATP database as following. When doing the 1st step of the schema sign-in/authentication get the 400 Bad request message On…
Connect to ATP Database from ExcelSummary: Want to connect to ATP Database from Excel Content (required): Hi, Found below note to connect to ATP DB from Excel, but we don't find option to download 'Add-i…
ATP in private subnet, how to allow access of APEX & ORDSSummary: Hi Team, We are planning to provision ATP for a client and private subnet, so it will have a private endpoint. so how to do access APEX, ORDS and database actio…
Is it possible to use Oracle Database API for MongoDB to run rocket.chat?Summary: I am trying to connect RocketChat with Oracle-DB, but get error "MongoServerError: Invalid index specification: text index only support on wildcard" Content (re…
Hi I am facing issue while passing rec array as input parameter in ORDS exposed package procedureSummary: I am facing an issue and not sure about doing it correctly I created a package and created a record type and CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE my_test_package AS TYPE t…
Transparent Data EncryptionWe are trying to use Transparent Data Encryption for encrypting columns in Oracle ATP database. we have used the below query for creating a table with encrpted column, b…Narayanan V-Oracle 61 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Venkat Koduvayur-Oracle Autonomous Database
Production Live with Free Tier ATPSummary: Hi Team, Has anyone gone LIVE in production with Free Tier ATP. Do you see any challenge with that. Our data volume is less and 20 GB is enough. So just looking…
How to call a SOAP request in PLSQLSummary:Hello ,I have created a SOAP request which is working fine when I am using SOAP UI .But how to invoke the same SOAP request through PLSQL ?Can someone pls give s…
apex_web_service.make_rest_request always gives error insufficient privilegesSummary: I am trying to set up a small API with my home automation and the Oracle cloud. To do this, I want to send an HTTP request from the autonomous data warehouse to…
Hi I am facing issue while fetching ORDS records limit more than 1000Summary: Hi , I am trying to fetch all tables records from ATP database using ORDS service but I am only getting 1000 records after setting ?limit=1001&offset=25 when I …
Cannot figure out Why the Update Statement is not working for PUT APISummary: I am using the Update Statement produced by dragging my table into the sql worksheet as described on page https://docs.oracle.com/en/database/oracle/sql-develop…User_2025-02-11-18-40-46-534 11 views 0 comments 0 points Started by User_2025-02-11-18-40-46-534 Autonomous Database
To insert values from one table to anotherContent Hi team, So there is this table having 4-5 columns in which we will insert the ID and another column name, (say names) , values , into the child table where the …
ORDS on ATP basic Postman GET and PUTContent I am trying to perform a basic PUT from Postman to insert a record. I cannot figure out the proper syntax. I am just learning about ORDS and ATP. We have an ATP …
Can an APEX page generate a URL link?Content Hi team, I just want to know, can an APEX page generate a URL link so that an external application can redirect to that particular APEX page? So there is this mi…
ATP Object Deployments - Hub and Spoke configurationSummary Looking to have an ATP database (hub) control one or more other ATP or ADW databases (spokes) with regard to object deployments for things like views\MVs and pro…User_2025-02-08-03-47-01-847 15 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-02-08-03-47-01-847 Autonomous Database
A working example of UTL_HTTP.REQUEST, please!Summary Please provide with a complete example of UTL_HTTP.REQUEST, which works on ATPContent I am totally stuck with my inability to make an API call from PL/SQL runnin…