IO Resource Management
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How can keep OCI resource monitoring dashboard session alive without timeout?My customer wants to monitor the real-time OCI resources such as compute instance and DB health, system resource utilization and overall performance metrics just like th…
how to calculate pricing for OCI VCN and NAT gatewayWe need to connect On premise API and database with Oracle digital assistant where we will need a config based on VCN and NAT gateway. We would like to know how pricing …
Custom Image LimitationSummary: Wanting to ask if I could import a custom image being giving an increase to the custom image limit from 0 to 1? Thanks for your time in any case. K.
Unable to access my cloud resources on dashboardSummary: Content (required): I am facing an technical issue while I am accessing of my cloud panel I am unable to see any of my instances created by me and also unable t…
OCI-C System Availability & Service Credits/Penalty ClauseSummary: We would like to find out if you all have System Availability as a clause for OCI-C PaaS CS Services such as SOA & MFT ? Content (required): We are using SOA, M…
UHP BV Attachment - How to Multipath Enable?Summary: I'm trying to create a UHP BV Attachment. Content (required): I have a 16 OCPU E4 Shape with Oracle Linux 7.9 installed and updated. I have the Management Agent…
Free-Tier Trial Period is not Enough + Extra OCI Credits for ACESummary Free-Tier Trial Period is not Enough + Extra OCI Credits for ACEContent Dear OCI Team, Please extend the trial and evaluation period of Free-Tier from 1 month to…
OCI Audit ToolSummary "OCI Auditing Tool" helps us in mitigating the manual work and provide an automated way to govern the infrastructure with minimal effort. Content With the increa…Karthik-Oracle 72 views 4 comments 3 points Most recent by Kuljeet Singh - Oracle-Oracle OCI - General
Limits, Quotas and Usage page is not displaying capacity for our tenancySummary Limits, Quotas and Usage page is emptyContent Limits, Quotas and Usage page is not displaying capacity for the tenancy ofscpreprod but it works for prod What the…
Two instances - Master data and Transactional dataSummary Two instances - Master data and Transactional dataContent We have a client who wants to centralise the ERP cloud master data (suppliers, customers, products,etc)…
OCI – Resource Manager Integration with GitHub and GitLab, 25 February 2021, 8 a.m PT - Submit QuestContent Submit your questions for the OCI – Resource Manager Integration with GitHub and GitLab session to have them answered during the live event. Post your questions …
Oracle management cloud Integration with ServiceNowSummary Oracle management cloud Integration with ServiceNowContent I am looking for OMC to use for monitoring…Nitin Srivastava-256434 21 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Nitin Srivastava-256434 OCI - General
Demo Replay: using Terraform on OCIContent Terraform is a tool that allows you to programmatically manage, version, and persist infrastructure through the "infrastructure-as-code" model. You can manage re…
OCI – Terraforming the Cloud with Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Resource Manager, 16 December 2020, 8Content Submit your questions for the OCI – Terraforming the Cloud with Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Resource Manager session to have them answered during the live event.…
Me ayudan a configurar un MV totalmente GratuitaSummary Quiero configuirar una maquina virtual totalmente gratis, que no me cobre nada despues de la pruebaContent Hola, mi nombre Edison Diaz Primero solamente se habla…User_2025-02-07-18-21-46-765 8 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Richard Jacobs OCI - General
Looking for a basic breakdown of IaaSSummary Please help provide just a basic breakdown of IaaSContent Linking documentation will be helpful as well. I would like a open platform for just the basics of IaaS…