Offer Management
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Advanced eOfferSummary Task is not displaying - white screenContent Hello, I am testing 17.9 in the stage zone and I have run across an issue with Advanced eOffer. When the candidate l…
# of Positions Ignored - Can Create and Extend offers above this valueSummary Is this expected behaviour?Content Hello, We are continuing our testing of a prototype of ORC. * We have created a vacancy with 1 position * We applied for the r…Kevin M Storrie 93 views 11 comments 2 points Most recent by Matthew Hancock Recruiting, Opportunity Marketplace
Responsive UI Error message - Definition findByActionId of type View Criteria is not found.Content Hello, We have created an offer using the new responsive UI, the action was not filtered an let us select any option, when re-opening it did change itself to Cre…Kevin M Storrie 52 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Kevin M Storrie Recruiting, Opportunity Marketplace
Candidate receives "Something went wrong. Try again Later." when trying to accept a job offerContent Hello, We have sent an offer to candidate and they received the message, they click accept, the system asks for their name, we have tried, firstname, lastname, f…Kevin M Storrie 61 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Lee Charleton Recruiting, Opportunity Marketplace
Recruitment Readiness Training for Update 18BSummary Watch the latest Recruitment readiness training for Update 18BContent Want to watch the latest Recruitment readiness training for Update 18B? You can visit the T…Alison McClure-Oracle 210 views 9 comments 11 points Most recent by San Sabanayagan Recruiting, Opportunity Marketplace
electronic offerSummary updated start datesContent I had a question on electronic offer. How do you handle updated start dates? For example, if a candidate electronically accepts an off…Alice Kim, SPHR-SCP 155 views 1 comment 2 points Most recent by Sebastian Batog Recruiting, Opportunity Marketplace