Accounting & Reconciliation
Discussion List
How to calculate depreciation as per Diminishing value method in Australia for Tax Asset BookSummary: How to calculate depreciation as per diminishing value method in Australia for Tax Asset Book Content (required): As per straight line - If Asset cost is $80000…
Accounting entries for partial retirementSummary: Currently for partial unit retirements, the entire cost is credited and then the new cost is debited. Is there a way to only credit the retirement amount on one…
Asset clearing to General ledger reconciliationSummary: Currently we are having issues to reconcile the historical transactions on the asset clearing accounts (every account in the ledger which has either the text st…
Incorrect Asset addition accountingSummary: Hello experts, Asset additions "Cost Clearing" Credit booking has picked up "Conversion Account" while the Subledger Journal Entry Rule Set is actually mapped t…SHAN - Fusion PPM Consultant 11 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by SHAN - Fusion PPM Consultant Assets
Create Account Assets- Missed running create Accounting for AssetsSummary: Dear Experts, We run create accounting Manually , FA user has missed running created accounting for one of the books and periods was closed . Ex Jan Period Clos…
Inactive Date on Fixed Asset BookSummary: Due to tax issues we had to create a new legal entity and business unit for one of our groups and move the existing BU to the new legal entity and business unit…
Issue with Fixed assets period closureSummary: When business tried to close Jan-22 Fixed Assets period, the period has gone into "Partially Closed" status. What could be the reason for this. And how to put t…SHAN - Fusion PPM Consultant 218 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by SHAN - Fusion PPM Consultant Assets
How to update already final accounted Addition Cost clearing account entry against multiple assets ?Summary: SLA was configured to book "Conversion Account" for Addition, Cost Clearing event. Before the SLA setup was updated to the correct mapping of "Category Cost Acc…SHAN - Fusion PPM Consultant 32 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Mirela Tomoiu-Oracle Assets
Create Mass Addition is Creating extra lineSummary: Dear Experts, I have couple of question regarding with mass addition process when we create Assets from Payables to asset cycle. Create Mass addition process is…
Asset retirement accounting entriesSummary Retirement Gain or Loss accounts not showing on the correct sideContent Hi everyone, I have a query re the accounting entry for asset retirements. This is a samp…
Create Accounting (Assets) ending up in warningSummary: Create Accounting for Assets ending up in warning Content (required): I am getting the following error: The Create Accounting process ended in an error because …
How to add a new field/column on Asset Adjustments pageWe wish to have an additional field to show "Original Cost" on Asset Adjustments page so that users can always have a reference to original cost while doing adjustments …
Depreciation Account is defaulting value from the Asset BookSummary Depreciation Account is defaulting value from the Asset BookContent We have 2 business unit (BU1 and BU2) and one corporate asset (BU1) book. We we are procuring…
Override Account functionality does not exist in Fixed Assets?Summary: Override Account absent in FA - is this intended? Content (required): We are looking for the Override account functionality as some of the hardcoded accounts by…
Depreciation calculation after useful life time adjustmentSummary: How to make the depreciation to start calculating based on the netbook value when useful life is change Content (required): Currently, the depreciation method u…
Is there a way to account for sale of fixed asset in AR?Summary: I have a client currently coming onto cloud from EBS and they are asking if Oracle has the functionality to account for the sale of a fixed assets in AR? (As in…
Assets addition does not make an entry in Accumulated DepreciationSummary: Assets addition does not make an entry in Accumulated Depreciation. We just did an asset addition - the asset is added and the assets entry was to debit the Ass…
How can I change the Asset Cost Account on a single AssetSummary: How can I change the Asset Cost Account on a single Asset Content (required): I need to change the Asset Cost Account on one single Asset. In the Transfer Asset…
Run Depreciation for Single AssetSummary Run depreciation for single asset without using Unplanned DepreciationContent Hi all, My requirement is that calculate straight-line method depreciation for a sp…
Fixed Assets: Bifurcating Transaction Types for an Asset Facility by Major-Minor CategoriesSummary Fixed Assets: Bifurcating Transaction Types for an Asset Facility by Major-Minor CategoriesContent Hello All, We are working on a BIP report for Fixed Assets whe…
Issue with Create Accounting for Asset job Parameter's ValueSummary The parameter 'Post in General Ledger' is showing as 'No' by default for the job 'Create Accounting for Assets' for specific userContent Hi Team, We are facing I…
How to delete an asset with Change in Cost Bonus rule tagged to the asset?Summary How to delete an asset with Change in Cost Bonus rule tagged to the asset?Content Hi Experts, Any suggestions on "How to delete an asset with Change in Cost Bonu…
What-If analysis report calculating the new depreciation wrongly for NBV methodSummary What-If analysis report calculating the new depreciation wrongly for NBV methodContent Hi Experts, I ran the What-if analysis report for the given asset. Asset C…
Fixed Asset Summary ReportSummary FA Balance Summary Report for QTD and YTD by Asset CategoryContent Hello, We have a requirement of a Fixed Asset Summary report which shows the trial balances by…
Formula Method with NBV gives wrong depreciation amount calculationSummary Formula Method with NBV gives wrong depreciation amount calculationContent Hi Experts, I have an asset cost $237483.76 and Reserve $13211.51 i.e. NBV = $224,272.…
How out of balance shows in cost summary or detailed reports?Summary One intangible asset and another asset adjusted from invoice is showing out of balance in reportContent I created an intangible asset with no depreciation with $…
What is the impact on Asset calendar if GL calendar is changed from a Fiscal to a Calendar yearContent If GL calendar is changed from fiscal (Sep to Aug) to calendar year (Jan to Dec), would existing Asset calendar still work with the new GL calendar? if not, is i…
Update Tag number for assetSummary Update Tag number for assetContent Dears, After added an asset, How can i update tag number for this asset? thanks