Asset Acquisition
Discussion List
SLA rules to pick Cost Center segment from AP Invoice DistributionSummary: We modified the Fixed Assets Addition Rule such that the Cost Center segment is Expense Cost Center Segment or Expense Cost Center Segment with Payables Check s…
Is there way to hide certain asset category and location category by role?Summary: Is there a way to restrict the asset categories and location categories that a user can select in a user role? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential …
Assets are created from Inventory Receipt and not able to drill down to PO from source linesSummary: Assets are created from Inventory receipts and not able to drill down to PO from source lines. Invoice details (Invoice number) are not available in the source …Anuradha.vaddivalli 15 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Louise Gareau - Support - Oracle-Oracle Assets
Transfer of cancelled invoice during mass additionsSummary: I would like to know more details in the following case Invoice created in AP with Asset Clearing account and cancelled before run mass addition. - Do the mass …Sam Samaddar 18 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Louise Gareau - Support - Oracle-Oracle Assets
JG_ZZ_FA_REG_ITF, Oracle Fixed Asset Report Table is not updating with addition of new AssetsHello, We added several new assets into Oracle Fusion and the following tables updated as expected except for this table: JG_ZZ_FA_REG_ITF. FA_ADDITIONS_B FA_DEPRN_DETAI…Sheldon Toussaint - TSTT Consultant 13 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Sheldon Toussaint - TSTT Consultant Assets
Issues in Fixed Asset conversion when sum of invoice cost at source line is different than asset cosSummary: While trying to convert Fixed Assets, we have a good amount of assets where manual adjustments were done in legacy system. Example: An asset was capitalized fro…
Asset cost and useful life of the adjustment be recorded separatelyCan the Asset cost and useful life of the adjustment be recorded separately? I want to ensure that the asset depreciation of the asset before the adjustment remains unaf…Sara Gamal 16 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Louise Gareau - Support - Oracle-Oracle Assets
How to default salvage value automatically to be amount 1 for an Asset CategorySummary: How to default salvage value automatically to be amount 1 for an Asset Category while importing Assets from mass addition in Oracle Fusion Content (please ensur…AASHUTOSH K. UPADHYAY-Oracle 8 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Louise Gareau - Support - Oracle-Oracle Assets
will create mass additions create assets when openperiod in AP is not matching with openperiod in FAWe have open period in FA as Mar 24 and we have created an invoice in Mar 25 and run the create mass additions program. Does this create an asset in FA even though the o…
create mass additions for tax booksHi, Is there any possibility to transfer the AP invoice directly into the tax book from the Create Mass Addition program? The client wants to add assets directly to the …
Can an Asset be created in mass additions after GRN creation by Transfer Receipts to Mass AdditionsCan an Asset be created in mass additions after GRN creation by running the program 'Transfer Receipts to Mass Additions'. We currently do not have the requirement to us…
How to Bulk Update the PO, Invoice, supplier Fields on the Source Lines of Fixed AssetsSummary: How to Bulk Update the fields PO, Invoice, supplier Fields on the Source Lines of Fixed Assets Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): be…
Periodic Mass Copy program went to error saying "You must enter a valid group asset number."I created some Group assets in my Corporate Asset Book and at the period end ran 'Periodic Mass Copy' which showed some errors including one saying: You must enter a val…
Asset Categories are not showing on Add Assets for manual AdditionSummary: After Completing all Assets Configuration which included Books and Category definition with Book assignments when i am trying to add Asset for manual addition t…
Depriciation calculation - Turkish LawsHi Team As per turkish laws, depreciation on the asset has to be calculated for full year even if the asset is acquired on any month between the year. Example: If the as…Snigdha Jain 11 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Louise Gareau - Support - Oracle-Oracle Assets
which table have asset inquiry source linesDear , I want to create a report but cant find assets source lines table kindly tell me where can i source lines details in tables for reference i attached picture i nee…
Is it possible to create DFF in FA, that appear in Assets Inquiry page ?Summary: Is it possible to create DFF in FA, that appear in Assets Inquiry page, When you search any Asset in Assets inquiry page, we have the below fields called — Book…
REST/SOAP Api to update fixed asset mass additions distribution unitsHi , In Fixed Asset Mass Addition I want to update the Units using REST/SOAP API the below Rest API is not allowing me update the same : fscmRestApi/resources/…
Is there any REST API for fixed asset Mass Addition split?Summary: Hi Team, is there any rest api to perform asset mass adition split ? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version…
How can I migrate all the attachments in Fixed assets in data migration?Summary: I need to migrate all the attachments that are in Assets EBS to Assets Fusion Cloud. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): In the attac…
💡Assets Approvals workflow configurationSummary: 💡Assets Approvals workflow configuration Content: User wants to configure asset approval workflows (Additions, Retirements, Transfers, Adjustments) Solution: Do…
How should sale of assets from one entity to the other be handledSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any code snippets t…
How to enable the Budget Books in Oracle Cloud ?Summary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any code snippets t…
how to restrict Asset copy from CORP to TAX book based on legal entitySummary: We have a requirement where we have 1 Corporate book linked to Primary Ledger and 5 Tax books linked to different secondary ledgers. The corporate book is linke…PL Karthick Ramanathan 21 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Shawna Green-Support-Oracle Assets
Using Project Identifier Source in debit line Addition, CostSummary: Hi, The Project ID is informed in the source line of the Asset via API. In the Asset Module, I want to use the Project Identifier Source (there is no other sour…Christian Flegler 12 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Louise Gareau - Support - Oracle-Oracle Assets
Revalue Asset using Price IndexSummary: Client has the requirement to revalue asset based on price indices. We need to understand how price index can be loaded and revalue based on these. Content (ple…
Retrospective Price Index in Fixed AssetsHi All, We have a requirement from the business where they will not receive a memo until March (from the related authorities) for a price indexation to be applied on ass…
Can we have Invoice Preparer name in Assets page in Oracle FusionCan we get the name of name or email id of person who has created the Assets Invoice and transferred through Mass Addition on Assets Page in Incomplete Tab?
After deleting the assets, where can we see those deleted assetsSummary: In Fixed Assets, after creating an asset - I have deleted the asset Can we see those deleted records anywhere in the system? Content (please ensure you mask any…
💡How to use Oracle Assets Cloud REST API for Asset transactions?Summary: 💡How to use Oracle Assets Cloud REST API for Asset transactions? Content: You can use the fixed assets REST operations to perform asset management functions. He…