Asset Acquisition
Discussion List
How to impair a non-depreciating intangible asset?Summary: How to impair a non-depreciating intangible asset which does not have any depreciation reserve? Content (required): We have a few intangibles like Goodwill whic…
How to automatically fill in location key using prepare mass additions automatically on Fusion CloudSummary: Is it possible in Cloud to use the Custom feature of programm 'Prepare mass additions automatically' as descrive in this document :" How to Set up Auto Rules fo…
Table to find Net Book Value of an AssetIn which table is Net Book Value stored? Navigation: Assets-> Asset Enquiry -> Search for an Asset -> Financial Tab -> Net Book Value column
FBDI Asset Import Error related to Conversion RateSummary: Content (required): I get "The error ORA-20001: There is no currency conversion rate defined from USD to CAD on 01-07-2003 for rate type Period End for module G…
Is it possible to add DFF field on Manage Physical Inventory Template?Summary: Is it possible to add DFF field on Manage Physical Inventory Template? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the versi…
IAS 40 - Investment Properties on Fixed Assets moduleSummary: Can FA module handle Investment Properties that are subjected to the accounting standard IAS 40? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): …
Subledger Account Analysis report returning blank output for AssetsSummary: Hi, Tried to run the General Ledger and Subledger Account Analysis Report for Fixed Assets for July-2023 which is same as the current open period for Fixed Asse…
Is it possible to modify the calculation for the the initial present value in asset leases (ARO)?Content (required): Hello, I used the provided documentation Suggested Implementation of Oracle Fusion Assets for FAS 143 Adoption (Doc ID 2862179.1) for my configuratio…
How do you correct wrongly posted Depreciation for a prior period in Oracle Assets?Hi, How do you correct wrongly posted Depreciation for a prior period in Oracle Assets?
Reporting currency of asset addition doesn´t equal transaction amounts (Historical conversion rates)When capitalizing amounts from Projects (CIPs) there is a requirement to report the same amount of the transactions to the asset addition event on our secondary ledger. …
Need to upload opening FAR to system with depreciation reserve and YTD depreciation balancesSummary: Opening FAR to be uploaded to the system with depreciation reserve and YTD depreciation balances Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): …
Increase max length limit for FixedAsset's P_SERIAL_NUMBERCurrently when adding a fixed asset to Fusion its serial number's length has to be at most 35 characters. Is it possible to increase it (i.e. to customize it for our Fus…
Mass Additions Allocation FunctionalitySummary: We have a scenario where we want to allocate the cost of an AP invoice across multiple assets based on a weighted average of the cost of each of these assets in…
Asset KeywordsI need add new combination Asset Keywords by OIC. Is it possible to add new “Asset Key Kffs (Key Flexfields)” by Rest API or others external system options ?
Asset To Be Added with Depreciation Already recorded to General LedgerSummary: We have an asset that we want to add to our asset book that has been manually depreciated by Journal Entry since August 2022. Content (please ensure you mask an…
No Data Displayed in Reserve Summary Report Asset and Cost Summary ReportSummary: No data is displayed when we try to export the repots (Reserve Summary Report Asset and Cost Summary Report) to check the balance for closing the month end peri…
System does not allow to register a past date when creating an asset from a lease contractSummary: When an asset is created from a lease agreement, the date of an asset can be registered only the date after opened period and unable to register a past date. Is…
Best Practice for Parent-Child migrationSummary: For Fixed Asset migration, what's the best practice of migrating assets with Parent Child relationship? We can't directly enter a parent asset number since the …
How to create Formula type Depreciation Method with different Depreciation Rates for different PerioSummary How to create Formula type Depreciation Method with different Depreciation Rates for different Periods?Content Hi Experts, I have requirement to create the calcu…
FBDI load for mass asset addition will reject all the asset creation record, if there is any errorWhen loading the asset addition records using FBDI, if there is one incorrect record, all the remaining records are rejected by the interface. And logfile is only reflec…
Is there any REST API available to get all ASSET KEY from SYSTEM ?Summary: Is there any REST API available to get all ASSET KEY from SYSTEM ? I can get the values of Valueset defined for Asset Key, But there can be situation where Valu…
How can we do Asset Source Line unit retirementHow can we do Asset Source Line unit retirement, I want to Retire Assets source Line through Unit retirement.
How to do the adjustment for FA Detail in the past periods for audit purposeSummary: Hi experts, We are in the cutover phase. We're going to go live in Jan-24. So we need to upload the balance as per Dec-23. Lets say, I uploaded the GL as per De…
Can we derive the accounting entry of asset retirement based on retirement reasonUser's requirement is to derive the accounting entry for asset retirement-based on the retirement reason we select. This is possible in Oracle cloud fixed asset?
Same values for Asset Key getting imported 2 times with Success Message ?Summary: I am trying to import Asset key using REST API. It is successfully getting imported. But if I want to import same Value(trying to create duplicate entry) It is …
Can we add source lines to existing capitalized assets?Summary: Hi All, Currently, we are exploring the functionality to add source lines to existing capitalized assets. I believe adding source lines for Capitalized Assets i…
fully retired and reinstated asset details showing zeor value for net book value etc in the query.Hi, We have a query that fetches details of the asset like ytd_deprn, deprn_reserve, PTD_DEPRN, net book value and a few other columns. This query fetches all the detail…
Can we post the asset in current period but calculate the depreciation in next period?Summary: We have scenario where we want to capitalize the asset in open period but wants to calculate depreciation in next period. For example : Open period is Sep-23 an…
Manage Physical Inventory Access MissingSummary: I added the pre requisites and followed steps in How Does Function Asset Physical Inventory Work In Fusion? (Doc ID 2139408.1) The following were assigned to th…
What is Recoverable Cost in the asset inquiry window?Summary: Content (required): What is the Recoverable Cost in the asset inquiry window? Is it the same as current cost or is there any purpose or way the Recoverable Cost…