Asset Acquisition
Discussion List
how to create CIP assets with muitple source lines using FBDI?Summary: We are planning to conevrt CIP assets with multiple source lines from JDE to Cloud. How should the data be populated in FBDI template? In Mass Additions FBDI, h…
Is there a possibility to have the option to retire child assets along with the parent assets?Summary: Is there a possibility to have the option to retire child assets along with the parent assets? Also, having the option to only retire the child assets without r…
How to load multiple invoice numbers via Mass Additions FBDISummary: In the "Invoice Number" column in the FA Mass Additions FBDI, client has attached multiple invoice numbers relating to a single asset. For example for Asset A, …
Can someone please explain the YTD depreciation on this asset as calculated by Oracle.Summary: The asset details are as below :- Pro rate calendar: May- April Fiscal year: May-April In service Date :- 1/1/2023 , Entered Period: Jul-25 Asset cost: 40,000 C…
Can we have the asset categories in multiple languages?Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi All, I would like to inquire about the feasibility of displaying asset category descriptions in multipl…
Access to Asset Screen and Lease ManagementDear All, Could someone please provide me with the necessary role to access the asset screen and "perform what-if analysis"? Thank you in advance for your assistance.
IR Pooled assets- Hong Kong specific practice on retired assetsSummary: Hello, As per the current system, there are some assets that are that are allowed to depreciate(annual allowance) after retirement as well. To comply with this,…
How to enable mass additions to create assets in the same order in the FBDI file.Summary: How to enable mass additions to create assets in the same order in the FBDI file. We have 30K assets to be converted and automatic numbering enabled but when th…
Need to understand the tax book migration balances to be taken while migrating assets to tax bookSummary: we are in process to migrate assets to tax book. We have taken the cut-off date of migration as 31-Aug-24. Migrated Trial balance also as of 31-Aug-24. Tax book…saketjain 24 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Louise Gareau - Support - Oracle-Oracle Assets
Transaction group is not displaying any valuesSummary: When selecting Mass in the approval type, the Transaction Type is not showing any value. any idea why or what set up is missing? We are getting same issue while…
Asset load error with ADFDi for approval type massSummary: You can't edit the transaction group Default because it was already submitted for approval or it's approved. (FA-645993) Trying to load FA data with ADFDi, Whil…
Not able to track assets in installed baseFor a inventory item created in EBS 12.2.11, and made as "trackable in installed base " , after running the program Create Assets: Interface Inventory transactions to Fi…
What does "Transaction Details"> "Amortize", "Amortization Start Date" affects when adding an Asset?Summary: What does "Transaction Details"> "Amortize", "Amortization Start Date" affects when adding an Asset? When adding an asset, what operations are expected to check…
Unable to Derive multiple Depreciation Accounts from Project ExpenditureSummary: Hello All, Unable to Derive multiple Depreciation Accounts from Project Expenditure, while creating Capital Asset, able to see single depreciation account inste…
Approval for FA asset transfer not workingSummary: We are trying to implement the approval workflow for FA Asset transactions. Approval for Asset Addition and adjustment is working but Asset Transfer between cos…
How to customize SLA for Mass Additions?Summary: Hello Good Morning, We have a request to customize the SLA. Below is the business requirement: 1. Create an AP Invoice with an asset clearing account 2. Post th…
Clearing House Functionality in Oracle FusionContent (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello, I'm seeking information about the availability and implementation of a clearing house functionality…Paul Younes 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by veerendranath pulivarthi-Oracle General Ledger & Intercompany
Integration between Fixed Assets and ProcurementHello, can we verify and integrate the asset acquisition process with the procurement module for better tracking and control?
Asset Cost and Cost Clearing account defaulting from Asset BookSummary: Hi, We had a requirement to add assets in MassAdditions Import template (historic assets from client). The assets were loaded successfully but upon running the …
Creating Lease Asset with Multiple asset categoriesContent (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi all, I am writing to inquire about the Asset lease functionality within the FA module. A client has ask…
Capitalize an asset in current period but Depp and Asset life should start from next financial yearHi, We are looking for an option to capitalize an asset in the current period (for example: Sep-24) with Asset life of one year in the asset book with Jan-Dec Financial …
Asset Register report Format Change.Summary: Can we change the format of the asset register report ? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Dear All, Thank you for your help and sup…
Unposted Mass Addition reportSummary: Is there a report where it shows all the unposted asset from the AP mass additions? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi All, I hav…
Salvage value field should be freezed once Major and Minor category selected.Summary: Hi Team, We have one business request in fixed asset Addition page. 1. When we do Fixed Asset Addition on this page once we select the Asset Major and Minor cat…
When transfering an asset the depreciation expense account should be locked or greyed out.Summary: The client is requesting to prevent manual addition of the depreciation expense account from being updated when transferring an asset Content (please ensure you…
fixed asset adjustment info tileSummary: Hi Fixed asset adjustment info tile not displaying correctly, It displays 14 incomplete records, but when we are trying correct them by clicking on adjustment w…
Limiting emplyees when transfering assetsSummary: Transfer of assets should only be allowed for employees who are asset owners. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi All, Thank you f…
FA tax book accountingSummary: Hello, We have two fa books : primary (corp book) and secondary book (tax book linked with primary book). Both FA books are assigned to same GL Ledger and accou…
How can change the LTD Production in Oracle Assets?Summary: The user changes the asset's production capacity every year. For example, the January 2024 production capacity of an asset was 100,000, but in January 2025 it c…