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REST API for Fixed Assets FlexField Value Sets?Summary: I want to update the fixed assets location flexfields values, so that i need to know any API'S for that. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential inform…
System allows an asset to add to retired parent asset. is this correct system behaviourHow do we set in the system that this is parent asset and this is child asset to so and so parent asset in oracle cloud assets.Aswani Buddiga-Oracle 41 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Shawna Green-Support-Oracle Assets
Change depreciation method without adjusting the entire asset's depreciation retroactively?Summary: We are using a "Flat" Method type with "NBV" as Calculation Basis, but the customer needs to change the depreciation method to set a constant depreciation amoun…Gabriel Rega 21 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Louise Gareau - Support - Oracle-Oracle Assets
Parent-child Assets in Oracle FusionSummary: Standard Report and Actual Use Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Is there any standard report in Oracle cloud for Parent-child asse…
can we split an asset by amount?My client needs to transfer from the asset, the sum of "941,869.07" USD it’s related mainly to R&D SPC payroll cost, and the company would like to see it in a separate b…
How work "Salvage Value Amount" and "Depreciation Limit Amount "Summary: Please explain the behavior of "Salvage Value Amount" and "Depreciation Limit Amount" on the "Add Asset" UI. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential in…
Approve Function For All TransactionsSummary Approve function for all transactions of fixed assets.Content In the fixed asset market in Japan, the demand for the approval function for all fixed asset transa…
Approval for posting of assets.Summary: Hello Team, We have a requirement Current functionality indicates that when an asset is changed from the New status to post status, there's a need for that proc…
Approval rules spreadsheet for asset approvalsSummary: Unable to submit the Assets workflow template - keep getting this error message. Was anyone able to successfully upload asset rules? Version 24A Content (please…
Is there a functionality wherein I can split fixed asset already added to the FA?Summary Is there a functionality wherein I can split fixed asset already added to the FA?Content Hi Experts, Is there a functionality wherein I can split fixed asset alr…
What is the Relevance of Column " Earlier Life in Months" In fixed asset FBDI Template.Summary: We Populated the Asset life in " Earlier Life in Months" Column but the Oracle system does not pick this life for calculating the Depreciation, instead the syst…
Default parameters on the Create Mass Addition Job setSummary: How to default the parameters on the Create Mass addition Job Set Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version yo…K Leeni Samuel 11 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by K Leeni Samuel Payables, Payments & Cash Management
Possible? - Transfer Receipts to Mass Additions for global procurement scenarioSummary: In case of a global procurement scenario, is it possible to transfer receipts to mass additions? Kindly respond based on the below scenario and the new feature …Srikanth Raghavendiran 44 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Shawna Green-Support-Oracle Assets
changed actions showing the same data in different reportsSummary: I review the monthly audit change reports and find that the exact same data will appear in a gorup of reports For example a change in Global human resources wil…Jason Stapleton 1 31 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Jason Stapleton 1 Human Capital Management
Invoice Amount Calculation on Agreement Life CycleSummary: Does anyone know how the invoice amount on the Agreement Life Cycle is calculated? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): I am using the…Jill Larson 22 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Glen/Oracle Support-Oracle Payables, Payments & Cash Management
Migrating of Assets with different opening balances to tax bookSummary: Is it possible to migrate assets with different opening balances from corporate book to tax book? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information):…Jaiswal Jaswant 13 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Louise Gareau - Support - Oracle-Oracle Assets
Asset source line shows zero cost when transferred from Project CostingSummary: Asset source line shows zero cost when transferred from Project Costing Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi, I found the asset sou…
Invoices created from Asset Leases cannot be matched to POSummary: This is Assets Lease and not Leased Assets : Question below Below is our process. A Lease PO is created from Procurement and we want to match this to the invoic…Shanmuga_Muthukrishna 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Vivekbalchandani Payables, Payments & Cash Management
REST API for View the Period Information of a BookSummary: REST API for View the Period Information of a Book Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We want to view the current period information…
Which table replaced FA_BALANCES_REP_ITF from EBS to CloudSummary: We are moving out from EBS to Oracle Cloud and would like to know which table replaced FA_BALANCES_REP_ITF table from EBS in Cloud? In ebs it contains all balan…
FA Data Conversion: UOP(Unit Of Production) AssetsContent Hello, I've got a question related to the FA data conversion. Our client has most of the assets which gets depreciated by unit of production method , while we ar…User_2025-02-05-09-37-02-399 44 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Naveed Surani-Oracle Assets
API for Fixed AssetsSummary: How to update fixed assets location flexfields using API? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): I want to update the fixed assets locat…
Could you please share the list of secured view Oracle Fusion offers in Fixed Asset module.Summary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any code snippets t…
How to show asset which has been suspended/resumed depreciation in OTBI report?Hi, I am trying to create new OTBI report to show the assets which they have been suspended/resumed depreciation. But I am not sure that which filed and areas should I s…
Does receipt serial number pass on to Asset with item attribute Create Fixed Asset "At Invoice"Summary: For an expense item, with attribute Create Fixed Asset value "At Invoice", does the serial number added at receipt stage, pass on to the Asset? Content (please …Srikanth Raghavendiran 33 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Srikanth Raghavendiran Payables, Payments & Cash Management
Use excel based visual builder to create and retire assets?Summary: Have you used visual builder to create and retire assets? We have the below use case and client is finding standard functionality manually intensive. Create 100…Srikanth Raghavendiran 32 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Shawna Green-Support-Oracle Assets
In 24C? - Bug 9056496 : INTERCOMPANY ASSET TRANSFERS BETWEEN LEDGERS AND ASSET BOOKSSummary: Can this enhancement be incorporate in 24C - Bug 9056496 : INTERCOMPANY ASSET TRANSFERS BETWEEN LEDGERS AND ASSET BOOKS Content (please ensure you mask any conf…
How to schedule Extract Asset Reporting Data processSummary: How can I schedule the Extract Asset Reporting Data process to run from the Process Scheduler/Schedule New Process in Oracle Fusion? I am not able to search and…