Discussion List
Add Attachments in Asset Retirement TransactionNo attachment field can be found in retire assets page. We have tried to attach files in retirement approval process, uploading by reviewer/approver. But the attachments…
Set up prorate convention to acquisition month no depreciation and disposal month full depreciation.Summary: Content (required): Please do advise on how to set up the prorate convention to "acquisition month no depreciation and disposal month full depreciation. As per …
Number Attributes (DFFs) to be used to derive the entered amount in Fixed AssetsSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi, We would like to derive the entered amount for specific events based on a DFF value (new SLA …
How to derive AP Invoice Distribution combination at FA Mass Addition?Summary: We have a requirement to bring AP invoice distribution combination to FA Mass Addition line so that the user can update the BSV in the Asset depreciation expens…
how can I assign a bonus rule without the system generating a bonus depreciation adjustment amountSummary: I have a fixed asset with 10 years of useful life, it is now in its second year, I need apply a accelerated depreciation using the bonus rule, but when I run th…
Is it possible to display the DFF in the first page of the asset addition?Summary: Is it possible to display the DFF in the first page of the asset addition before clicking the 'Next' button. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential in…
Is it possible to increase char limit for Tag number field on Manage Physical Inventory Template?Summary: The max limit for Tag number field is 15 char on Manage Physical Inventory Template. Is it possible to increase this char limit? Content (please ensure you mask…
PO and lease creation for lease contract with budget check caseSummary: Need solution or workaround for PO and lease creation for lease contract Content (required): We are using lease asset (Not lease accounting), procurement and en…
Reporting currency of asset addition doesn´t equal transaction amounts (Historical conversion rates)When capitalizing amounts from Projects (CIPs) there is a requirement to report the same amount of the transactions to the asset addition event on our secondary ledger. …
Need to upload opening FAR to system with depreciation reserve and YTD depreciation balancesSummary: Opening FAR to be uploaded to the system with depreciation reserve and YTD depreciation balances Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): …
How to create Formula type Depreciation Method with different Depreciation Rates for different PerioSummary How to create Formula type Depreciation Method with different Depreciation Rates for different Periods?Content Hi Experts, I have requirement to create the calcu…
Ran Depreciation and retired an asset in prior fiscal year but NBV is showing negativeSummary: Additional Depreciation posted after retirement causing negative NBV and since it is in 2021 can't reinstate the asset. Is there any way to make an adjustment o…
Need selection parameter criteria to select assets based on location or asset category to Mass impaiSummary: Need selection parameter criteria to select assets based on location or asset category to Mass impairment assets in bulk Client is expecting the same functional…
Delete asset retirement transactionSummary: Hi We have an assets whivh is fully retired. We also have this retirement hanging as imcomplete: How do I delete this retirement transaction? Content (required)…
How to adjust lease asset lifeSummary: We found that there is an asset with useful life 36 months in "Manage Lease", but the corresponding asset record in "Inquire Asset" is 6 years. When we try to "…
Can we add source lines to existing capitalized assets?Summary: Hi All, Currently, we are exploring the functionality to add source lines to existing capitalized assets. I believe adding source lines for Capitalized Assets i…
update Descriptive Flexfield in Fixed asset through SpreadsheetSummary: update fixed assets descriptive flexfield through spreadsheet for existing assets. do we have any such kind of functionality where we can change the descriptive…
What is Recoverable Cost in the asset inquiry window?Summary: Content (required): What is the Recoverable Cost in the asset inquiry window? Is it the same as current cost or is there any purpose or way the Recoverable Cost…
Validation on proceeds of sale based on retirement reasonIn the retire assets page, there are fields for retirement reason and proceeds of sale. These fields are both optional fields and independent of each other. Is it possib…
How to write down the value of an asset, without actually retiring it?Summary: How to write down the value of an asset, without actually retiring it? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello Some assets are movi…
Default 'sold to' field based on asset assignmentSummary: In the retire assets page, there is a field for 'sold to'. This field is freetext and is null by default. Is it possible to add default value for this field bas…
Default preparer for assetsSummary: Is it possible for the Preparer field in Assets to be automatically populated based on who entered or prepared the asset? Content (please ensure you mask any co…
What is the Oracle behavior when delete asset?Hi, I would like to know will Oracle reuse old asset number when we delete asset which created from FBDI template and recreate it using same FBDI file? The steps as belo…
While doing data migration for expensed asset whether we shall be the amortization flagSummary: We are doing data migration of asset for expensed asset. Please share the inputs shall we use amortization flag as Yes. If Yes what is the impact of the same in…
Corporate book closingCan we close multiple Corp book at once which are assigned to one legal entity or ledger?
REST API to update the Asset commentSummary: Requirement is to update the Comment field in the fixed asset frequently, We Couldn't find any REST API to achieve the same. Kindly provide is there any REST AP…
The calculation of the Fixed Asset Depreciation is incorrect (Depreciation Method Type is Table)Summary: The calculation of the Fixed Asset Depreciation is incorrect. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): For example, The asset register on …
life years must entered in Project module to update asset life year in Fixed Asset Module.Business wanted to enter the life of assets in Project module (PPM) and flow the same information to the fixed assets module. Question : Does this functionality is possi…
OTBI Unit Transfers ColumnSummary: OTBI Columns to correctly display current unit assignment Content (required): We're looking for a column or columns in the Fixed Asset Subject Area "Asset Trans…
Is it possible to start calculate depreciation depend on the month of place in services date?Summary: Is it possible to start calculate depreciation depend on the month of place in services date? Content (required): We use depreciation method is Table. For examp…