Discussion List
Audit Report for RMCS loaded filesSummary: We have the need to obtain an Audit Report of all manual loads made to table VRM_SOURCE_DOC_LINES. I know that this table has a column named LOAD_REQUEST_ID whi…
How to query from backend File import and export screen?Records are being loaded into table vrm_source_doc_lines and in column load_request_id it is stored the process_id = 6251595. How can I query from backend what is the fi…
ADFDI customer import can i change the column name ?Dear All Kindly find the below: My client just added 2 DFF in the customer creation template it was created under the custumer descriptive flexfield segment 6/7 he is as…Mickel.Rmeily 31 views 11 comments 0 points Most recent by Gergana Radoutcheva-Oracle Receivables & Collections
Project Contract - Free-form, project Line Type errorSummary The standalone selling price profile cannot be derived. You must assign the item or memo line or item group to a standalone selling price profile.Content All, On…
Can we perform revenue recognition in RMCS based on percentage completion in PPM Contract?Summary: In PPM Contract we maintain forecast and actual cost for each contract. Can we recognize revenue in RMCS based on percentage completion in PPM contract if we en…
Can we create RMCS Contract from Internal Sales OrderSummary: We are creating an External Order to Customer in OU1 and an Internal Order in OU2 for the item sold by OU1 to the external customer. We have RMCS implemented in…
Billing data lines imported from Fusion Receivables are stuck in 'Not Processed' StatusSummary uploaded a AR transaction in Fusion Receivables. Extracted The Revenue Contract data and created Contracts in RMCS for the Receivables transaction. Failed when t…
Source Doc Line Data Transformation Status of "FUSION_PRE_INIT"Summary: I have two rows which are stuck in VRM_SOURCE_DOC_LINES with a DATA_TRANSFORMATION_STATUS = "FUSION_PRE_INIT". Has anyone seen that before? Any idea what it mea…
Getting this error "The valid account classes are Rev, Freight, Tax, and Rec. (UNEARN)Hi, We are trying to upload AR invoice using FBDI template. We are passing the REV and UNEARN Account classes for the invoice. But the invoice upload is failing with the…Shikha_Singh12 43 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Ashwin M-Oracle Receivables & Collections
Error while creating a contract in RMCS using a FBDI teamplate with the end date of 05-Apr-51We were creating a contract in RMCS using a FBDI file. The contract end/expiration date is 05-APR-2051. In the FBDI file, we had to enter the date format as 05-APR-51. W…MaheshSangareddikar 21 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Nimisha Sakalle-Oracle Revenue Management
Third Party Integration/FBDI Template Load to RMCS GuidanceSummary Looking for guidance on the process needed to integrate a third party solution to RMCS and guidance on using the FBDI template to upload into RMCSContent Hello, …
How do i map RA Interface fields to RMCS feilds.Summary I am unable to control which Columns in VRM_SOURCE_DOC_LINES are populated when a AR Transaction is interfaced to RMCSContent We have a Requirement where AR tran…
Update Unit SSP for Account contracts sourced from Subscription in RMCS ModuleSummary Accounting team would like to maintain and control the Prices used for Revenue allocation within RMCS Module, but i am unable to update Unit SSP values in RMCS f…