Revenue Management
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Looking for guidance to terminate the recuring or month-on-month contractSummary: We have a scenario where a regular revenue contract (3/5/7 year contract) gets converted to a recurring or month – on- month contract once contract tenure is co…
Use Additional Satisfaction Event Rules for PeriodCan we use Additional Satisfaction Event rules (23B) for Period SMM? For example, if we want to delay Start Date of a service until we have Proof of Delivery of a relate…
System is not allowing to enter ‘bill amount’ more than the ‘transaction amount’ in RMCS.Summary: We want to enter bill amount more than the transaction amount to cater our business requirement. However, how billing does not show when we enter the bill amoun…
Gross Revenue Recognition and contra-Revenue recognition instead of Allocated revenueSummary: Problem Summary --------------------------------------------------- Recognizing gross revenue, instead of allocated net revenue Problem Description ------------…
How does base unit price flow from OM to RMCS?Summary: We have a SSP profile for Base Unit price. When we are sending an item from Oracle Order Management to RMCS, it fails with Missing Base Price. How is Base Price…Soubhagya Ghosh 84 views 8 comments 0 points Most recent by Helle Hennings-Oracle Revenue Management
Incorrect precision value for Japan between EBS and RMCS.Summary:We have a issue Japan's RMCS Reconciliation Report does not tie to GL report When we checked precision value for Japan for EBS and RMCS. In EBS precision it is 0…Samuel Jebasingh 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Marius Neagu - Oracle Support-Oracle Revenue Management
How to schedule the process 'Create Contract Renewal Source Data'Summary: We need to schedule the process 'Create Contract Renewal Source Data', since there are multiple recurring Month-on-Month contracts created all through the month…
configure gross vs net revenue recognitionSummary: Example : The most likely scenario we have considered is reselling a third party product in which Jamf would need to account for the revenue from that sale as n…
How to do a carve out in Revenue Management based on Percentage basis?Summary: We need to split the revenue recognition for a Parent Line into Child lines based on percentages. How is it possible in RMCS? Content (required): Version (inclu…
Multiple Balancing Segments in a Ledger impact in RMCS when a revenue contract is createdSummary: Content (required): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any code snippets that support your topic, if applicable):
Start Date & End Date not populating automatically for Implied Obligation Line for Period SMMSummary: In case of Implied obligation, why Start Dates & End Dates are not populating automatically from the Parent Line for Period SMM? Is that the OOB behavior? Conte…
How to Skip a line from sending into RMCS from Order managementSummary: We need to skip certain order lines from sending into RMCS. How can this be achieved? Content (required): Version (include the version you are using, if applica…
How to prevent revenue recognition for a few line items that have been tied to sales orders.Summary: How to prevent revenue recognition for a few line items that have been tied to sales orders but for which we have to keep the payment as a deposit rather than r…
List price in Revenue ManagementSummary: We are importing contracts from subscription management. We could see the list price getting populated from OSS to RMCS. However we wanted to update the list pr…
Contract Modification-RevisionSummary: We have modified the contract and added a new line. The new line has 'Unassigned' status for revision intent. Now we need to update this to 'Contract Modificati…Praveen T 31 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Marius Neagu - Oracle Support-Oracle Revenue Management
VRM_CUSTOMER_CONTRACT_AUDIT Table storing information against each contract createdSummary: We are looking for the information on VRM_CUSTOMER_CONTRACT_AUDIT Business team is mainly looking for a Contract Audit report to show clearly what all changes h…
How to add a new line to a recurring contract?Summary: In an ongoing recurring contract, how to add a new line when the customer adds a new service or equipment? Content (required): In an ongoing recurring contract,…
Can we create two transactions with different currencies in a single ledger?Summary: How to create two transactions with different currencies in a single ledger and group it in a single revenue contract ? Content (required): Version (include the…
How to pass future satisfaction event date for an itemSummary: How to pass future satisfaction event date for an item, for example customer purchases a service and pays for it immediately for which the AR invoice will be cr…
can revenue be recognized based on the revenue budget completion percentage?Summary: can revenue be recognized based on the revenue budget completion percentage? how to meet this requirement? Content (required): Version (include the version you …Yakub Sharif-Oracle 21 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Helle Hennings-Oracle Revenue Management
How to customize integration between Order Management and RMCSSummary: We have a requirement wherein we need to customize the service mappings between OM and RMCS and conditionally pass values to RMCS from OM using algorithm. Conte…
How to identify Sales Return originating from OM Integration into RMCS to build SLA RuleSummary: Need to identify Sales Return originating from OM Integration into RMCS, So, that i can build SLA Rule to drive specific GL Account based on Sales Return. Conte…
Revenue Recognition upon Customer AcceptanceSummary: Content (required): How to recognize the revenue with the customer accepts the items/services? we have RMCS to OM Integration. also, we have OTM in our scope. a…
Easy Way to Identify the Customer Contract source DocumentSummary: Content (required): We have an integration with Order Managment and Subscription, and we observed that there's no Source Document Number on the Customer Contrac…
Derive Revenue Account In RMCS based on Revenue Inventory Item Revenue AccountSummary: Derive Revenue Account In RMCS based on Revenue Inventory Item Revenue Account of Associated Inventory Org NOT Master Org. Content (required): We've configured …
How to hold revenue management accounting on non-inventory items until item is deliveredSummary: Initial performance accounting is happening and revenue from non-inventory items is getting recognized in full when sales order is created (prior to invoicing o…User_2025-03-07-00-36-42-170 91 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-03-07-00-36-42-170 Revenue Management
How can we calculate SSP using Gross Margin profile for transactions sourced out of Order ManagementSummary: I understand for Gross margin SSP profile to work, we would require Cost Amount column to be populated in VRM_SOURCE_DOC_LINES interface. But I don't think Orde…Soubhagya Ghosh 41 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Prescilla Sadepalli-Oracle Revenue Management
In the case of advance billing (AR Invoice), where the order has not yet been shipped.Summary: There exists a scenario where the order will be shipped at a later date, but the client needs advance billing for the Sales Order. And total Order value to be t…sreecharan.kotte-Oracle 51 views 2 comments 1 point Most recent by sreecharan.kotte-Oracle Revenue Management
How to send SSP from Order Management into RMCS?Summary: How can we send Unit SSP from Fusion OM to RMCS? Content (required): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any code snip…
Free Item From Order ManagementSummary: Content (required): what is the best practice to enter Free item to create it in sales order with Zero Price or add it as implied Performance Obligation ? Versi…Omar Adel Mohamed Dawoud 31 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Helle Hennings-Oracle Revenue Management