GL Web Services
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Related Valueset Values upload any API or WebserviceSummary: Is there any API or Web-service for Related Value-set Values upload Content (required): We are maintaining the Related Value-set Values. For automation/integrat…Hemant T 74 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by CA Nirmal Choudhary General Ledger & Intercompany
Webservice available to approve intercompany transactions/batches ?Summary: Looking for a SOAP/REST webservice to approve intercompany transactions or on batch level as well. Content (required): As per Standard Oracle functionality, AGI…Prabhu Acharya 53 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Anca A-Oracle General Ledger & Intercompany
Oracle FBDI > Journal Import > Journal Import FBDI Template > Journal Entry FlexfieldSummary: Oracle FBDI > Journal Import > Journal Import FBDI Template > Journal Entry Flexfield Content (required): Hello All, Is it possible to send in the Journal Impor…
Can we update Header level DFF Using FBDI/REST/SOAP in Journal ?Summary: Content (required): Hi All, We have a business requirement to store 26 DFF in 1 journal using integration. 20 fields are available on line level, Is there any w…
"Revalue Balances" Scheduled Task Call via REST API?Hi Guys We need to run the "Revalue Balances" Scheduled Task only after another non-Oracle process finishes. Is it possible to somehow create a "Revalue Balances" Schedu…
Task Manage Daily Rates > Daily Rates > Automate the Creation of Daily RatesSummary: Task Manage Daily Rates > Daily Rates > Automate the Creation of Daily Rates Content (required): Hello All, In task Manage Daily Rates (tab Daily Rates), we wou…
Web service to validate code combinationsSummary: Can someone tell me how to validate complete code combination that's coming from integration if they are valid and do not violate cross validation rules before …Vinod Mohan Raj 51 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by CA Nirmal Choudhary General Ledger & Intercompany
Can we Reverse Journal Using REST/SOAP/FBDI ?Summary: We have a requirement from Client to reverse the Journals using Integration. Reversal can happen on any Date and not defined by Journal category and based on Tr…MihirS 281 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by CA Nirmal Choudhary General Ledger & Intercompany
How to create journal lines using REST API?Summary: How to create journal lines using REST API? Content (required): I can find resources for creating journals using FBDI or webservices but no resources on creatin…Abhishek Shukla 1K views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Hussian Sharief M-Oracle General Ledger & Intercompany
OANDA daily rate load web serviceSummary: We are currently loading daily rates from OANDA application with FBDI. Do you know if we have any web service which can be used for this? Appreciate any help Co…
Is there any FBDI or ESS jobs to update the Journal Line DFF values?Summary: Hi Team, We have an outbound integration wherein we are sending journals from Oracle Fusion to a third party system and once the outbound file is generated it s…Srishti Kedia-Oracle 132 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Andreea Brem-Oracle General Ledger & Intercompany
Where can I find the details for "Oracle ERP Cloud Adapter Use Cases"Summary: There is no further descriptions or links to the "Oracle ERP Cloud Adapter Use Cases" in…boeingdream 62 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Baidehi Nanda–Support-Oracle General Ledger & Intercompany
Cross Validation Rules InterfaceSummary: We have multiple source system from which data is being interaced to Oracle GL. We have lots of CV Rules which are defined and maintained in GL Cloud. We wanted…Praveen T 51 views 1 comment 1 point Most recent by Mihaela Cozma GL-Oracle General Ledger & Intercompany
Manual Set up or use of Rapid Implementation file for loading chart of accounts, hierarchies, legalSummary Manual Set up or use of Rapid Implementation file for loading chart of accounts, hierarchies, legal entities, accounting calendar, primary ledgers, business unit…
Warning status when loading COA segment values using FBDISummary: Warning status when loading COA segment values using FBDI without any details on the rejection Content (required): Load File to Interface completed with status …
Intercompany Payables and REceivableaSummary: How do you settle intercompany balances Content (required): We do not use Global Intercompany. But we do have intercompany Payables and Receivables when we make…User_2025-02-11-03-09-13-126 23 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Kashif Hussain-Oracle General Ledger & Intercompany
'Submit Journal Import' submission option not showing in ADFDI journal UploadSummary 'Submit Journal Import' submission option not showing in ADFDI journal UploadContent Hi Team, 'Submit Journal Import' submission option not showing in ADFDI jour…Rohit Kumar Singh 149 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by venkatanarayana p General Ledger & Intercompany
Journal Issue - "No sequence version is enabled or defined for sequence **** XX GL Accounting SequencContent Hi Guys I would just like to inquire if anyone of you have encountered this kind of error for created journals? Please kindly refer below "No sequence version is…User_2025-02-11-12-30-38-982 223 views 1 comment 1 point Most recent by Kallol Sinha General Ledger & Intercompany
GL_INTERFACE Status ColumnSummary GL_INTERFACE Status Column meaning of code PContent Hi team, hope you are fine! Does any one know what the letter P means on the GL_INTERFACE table, and why it d…Luiz Mendes Jr 43 views 3 comments 1 point Most recent by alexey.shtrakhov General Ledger & Intercompany
How to use SOAP API "updateDffEntityDetails" for update GL journal DFF?Content Hi, we want to update GL journal DFF with SOAP API "updateDffEntityDetails". But there are no sample information and document about the case updateing GL journal…Tsubasa Kokubu-Oracle 161 views 1 comment 2 points Most recent by Anca A-Oracle General Ledger & Intercompany
How to call GL Journal Load Webservice in a SaaS environmentSummary How to call GL Journal Load Webservice in a SaaS environmentContent We have a requirement of calling the GL web service, we are able to load this using SOAP call…Sam Samaddar 92 views 3 comments 2 points Most recent by Daniel Perez Soto General Ledger & Intercompany
Cash Flow Statement-Indirect Method ?Summary Cash Flow Statement-Indirect Method ?Content Hello The company needs a Cash Flow statement Report, hence first at all we reviewed the cash management reports and…gabriel kinovisques-163562 100 views 2 comments 1 point Most recent by Vaishnavi Aryasomayajula-Oracle General Ledger & Intercompany
How to clear account balancesSummary How to clear account balancesContent What is the best way to clear account balances? When I check the entered vs converted currency, the rate for some accounts a…
How to add more Attributes for Business UnitsContent Hi Everyone, I would like to kindly ask if you guys have any idea on how to add more Attributes for Business Units. Or are there any workarounds to add more attr…User_2025-02-11-12-30-38-982 34 views 3 comments 2 points Most recent by Adrian Townsend General Ledger & Intercompany
GL Ideas that are essential for security and compliance – Ideas that desperately NEED your votesContent There are a few Ideas (Enhancement Requests) that we and others have logged that are critical for SOX compliance and for the implementation of good internal cont…Jeff Hare CPA CISA CIA 62 views 1 comment 12 points Most recent by Jeff Hare CPA CISA CIA General Ledger & Intercompany
How to create a Daily Calendar in Oracle Fusion General LedgerContent Hi I would like to kindly ask if we can create a daily calendar in Oracle Fusion General Ledger. Last time i check, you can choose "Option" in the period frequen…User_2025-02-11-12-30-38-982 139 views 3 comments 4 points Most recent by Anca A-Oracle General Ledger & Intercompany
Desktop Integrator is not working when we are using for EBS and Cloud version from the same ComputerSummary Desktop Integrator is not working when we are using for EBS and Cloud version from the same ComputerContent We are working on a cloud implementation project and …
Reporting Ledger & Global COASummary Reporting Ledger & Global COAContent Hello This is the business requirement : A Company with operations in Mexico, Brazil, Argentina etc needs to prepare its fin…gabriel kinovisques-163562 45 views 5 comments 1 point Most recent by Eamon Kearney-Oracle General Ledger & Intercompany
Intercompany (AGIS) AutomationContent Basically current steps : 1. When AP capture Invoice in Entity A with Entity B Interco chargeback dimension (last 3 digits) 2. Interco Module : Interco Team will…
Receiving error "You're using a segment value that doesn't exist" at validateAndCreateAccounts ServiSummary Hello, we are receiving an value error but the same values are being used on the screen.Content Hello, We are trying to use the service validateAndCreateAccounts…Thiago Cunha 189 views 8 comments 4 points Most recent by Baskar.Chakravarthi General Ledger & Intercompany