OBIEE Answers
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TODATE: Time Series calculationHi, I am creating report where the requirement is to get ITD Budgted cost. When I am adding this column using Project Performance Real Time Information Subject area. It …
Is there a BICC extract data store for projects or is it on the roadmap?Summary: Is there a BICC data store for projects or is it on the roadmap? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): This document mentions extract d…
OTBI Analysis to get a value from the latest budget versionI have created an OTBI analysis that shows values from the original budget version , but I want to compare it with the same values of the latest budget version, but when…
Project resources not reflecting in base tables PJT_PROJECT_RESOURCE & PJF_PROJECT_PARTIESSummary: Hi, We are doing an implementation on PPM. A new project was created and resources allocated to it. It is an expectation that they should reflect in the base ta…Rupali_Krishna-Oracle 37 views 4 comments 1 point Most recent by Rupali_Krishna-Oracle Project Management
Contract Std Invoices only to get Auto Approved. We have working BPM rule for cancelled invoices.InvoiceApprovalAMXruleset: Summary:Standard Invoice Auto Approval If InvoiceApproval.invoiceTypeName is "Standard invoice" THEN it should get auto approved what are the …
Sample Report: Project Financial Management Cloud: Project Budget vs. ActualSummary This dashboard displays Budget details for a specific project.Content The attached sample dashboard displays budget vs. actual cost and commitment details for a …Dustin Grabowski-Oracle 965 views 21 comments 11 points Most recent by Project Management
Forecast line additional information doesn't appear in analysisSummary: I have specified some additional information to the Forecast line , and all are BI enabled the issue is that none of them appears in the OTBI analysis meanwhile…
How to make one prompt for two viewsI have created an analysis in which a table and graph are reflecting the same results but in different views, I want to use one prompt to work for both at the same time.…Mohamed Abdelbar 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Adrian Paun - Oracle-Oracle Project Management
How to know whhat are the data access and role needed for consulting a BI report with project tablesSummary: Hello, can some one help me with this? The business wishes to know if it's possible for anyone within the organization to view a report made with project tables…
Subledger Period Close DashboardSummary: where do i find Subledger period close dashboard, to view period close exception for all the ledgers or BU from one window. Content (please ensure you mask any …
How to retrieve the source records for the entries in the table PJC_COST_DIST_LINES_ALL?Given a record in the table PJC_COST_DIST_LINES_ALL with the column Transaction Source (TRANSACTION_SOURCE_ID) = "Oracle Fusion Payables" and the column Document (DOCUME…
PPM Contracts - How to setup new roles on the Parties LOV tab ?Summary: PPM Contracts - How to setup new roles on the Parties LOV tab ? Content (required): Hello We have the contracts module and on the parties tab , there are only t…
BICC SYNC - PVO for PJF_PROJECTS_ALL_B_ tableSummary: BICC SYNC - PVO for PJF_PROJECTS_ALL_B_ table Content (required): Hi - I am looking for PVO to BICC sync table PJF_PROJECTS_ALL_B_ table. Please help. Version (…
OTBI report is falling while adding DFFsSummary: Hi Team, We have created an OTBI report as combination of 2 subject areas below, report is working fine and having data from both the subject area, but as soon …
OTBI-Expense-Expense Transactions - SQL to Link Expense and PPM ?Summary: OTBI-Expense - Expense Transactions - SQL to Link Expense and PPM Content (required): Hello I have an OTBI report with the subject area Expense-Expense Transact…Cesar Saveedra 41 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Vinodhini Vobhilineni-Oracle Project Management
OTBI Report security to permit PM to see only their data in the report.Summary: Hi Team, We have created project reports using OTBI. We have multiple project managers, requirement is when PM run the project report they should be able to see…
Report: Project Number is '000000' for most of projects in report.Summary Report: Project Number is '000000' for most of projects in report.Content Hi All, Report: Project Number is '000000' for most of the projects in the report. Vers…
Sample Report: Project Financial Management Cloud: Cost Transaction Import SummaryContent This dashboard displays a summary of the cost transactions that have been successfully imported after a specific date. The default is the last 7 days, and this c…
OTBI report for BPM workflow task assigned through Project Status WorkflowSummary OTBI report for BPM workflow task assigned through Project Status Workflow?Content Hi, We have a Project Status workflow defined. Scenario ======= 1. Project Sta…
Time entry Third Party System integration with oracle PPMContent Hi All, we are planning to intergeate our third party time entry system with oracle project costing and for project resource management dashboard to view the act…User_2025-02-06-13-19-17-977 37 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-02-06-13-19-17-977 Project Management
Sample Report: Grants Management Cloud: Federal Awards without CFDA NumberSummary This analysis displays Federal Awards that do not have a CFDA Number assigned. Content The attached sample analysis displays a summary and list of Federal Awards…Dustin Grabowski-Oracle 179 views 0 comments 5 points Most recent by Dustin Grabowski-Oracle Project Management