Application Composer and Extensibility
Discussion List
Deep link support for Subscription and Subscription productSummary Deep linkContent Hi, Quick question - Is deep link supported in subscription already for Subscription and Subscription product objects? Thanks, Adam Version 20B
Notification email via event model groovySummary email sender ''Content Hi, In the event model, I used the following code to send notification. boolean rslt=eventModel.applicationModule.getSu…
RESCHEDULED: Sales – Subscription Management Roadmap Winter 2021, 11 February 2021, 10 a.m PT - SubmContent Due to unforeseen technical issues, this topic has been rescheduled to a later date. An announcement with the new date will follow shortly. Apologies on the inco…
Sales – What’s New in Subscription Management 21A & 21B, 21 January 2021, 10 a.m. PT - Submit QuestiContent Submit your questions for the Sales – What’s New in Subscription Management 21A & 21B session to have them answered during the live event. Post your questions by…
Analytics Tab - Oracle Subscription Management - Analytics and Reporting, 17 December 2020Summary How to enableContent During the presentation - "Oracle Subscription Management - Analytics and Reporting, 17 December 2020", a new analytics tab was shown in Sub…Mitul Koya-248800 31 views 2 comments 1 point Most recent by Mitul Koya-248800 Subscription Management
Access control based on team membershipSummary Anyone deployed it?Content Hi Folks, Based on my understanding, OSS access control is based on RBAC and BU. We'd like to have any layer of access control based o…
Auto-Populate Early Termination FeeSummary Is this possible?Content Hi, I have a requirement to auto-populate early termination fee instead of having user to enter manually. I checked the attribute 'Early…
Sales – Subscription Management Roadmap - 20D, 21A, 21B and Beyond, 19 August 2020, 9 a.m PT - SubmiContent Submit your questions for the Sales – Subscription Management Roadmap - 20D, 21A, 21B and Beyond session to have them answered during the live event. Post your q…
Commerce Cloud IntegrationSummary OIC required?Content Hi, I have a quick question on the the planned commerce cloud integration on 20D. Does it require OIC provision and connection/integration d…
Integrations with Engagement Cloud B2B ServiceSummary Integrations with Engagement Cloud B2B ServiceContent Hi, I have following use case and I need certain clarifications on this 1.Oracle SR is logged based on an i…
Table level mapping details when Subscription Management data flows to AR via interface tableSummary Table level mapping details when Subscription Management data flows to AR via interface tableContent Please consider this s example only steps section-1) Log int…Ravindra Sirigiri-Support-Oracle 74 views 1 comment 3 points Most recent by Ravindra Sirigiri-Support-Oracle Subscription Management
What Events Trigger or Initiate Data Transfer from Subscription Management to Revenue ManagementSummary What Events Trigger or Initiate Data Transfer from Subscription Management to Revenue ManagementContent section-1) Here are the subscription events that initiate…Ravindra Sirigiri-Support-Oracle 65 views 1 comment 1 point Most recent by Ravindra Sirigiri-Support-Oracle Subscription Management