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Need help in understanding the accounting entries generated for Buy and Sell Side of RebatesSummary: I want to understand the accounting entries generated in the cycle of Supplier rebates and Customer Rebates. What are the event types and What needs to be the i…Aniket Paul 12 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Bijeesh Kunjan-Oracle Channel Revenue Management
Channel Revenue Management SLA - not able to derive Cost Center based on supplier/customerSummary: For Channel Revenue Management, when we setup the SLA for deriving the accounting, we only see derivation criteria for Program/Item etc. However, the Cost Cente…
Do we have any setup to allocate the rebate to Inventory or it is always COGS?Summary: Can we add the the rebate cost to Item cost or is it always a misc COGS to the business? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information):Can we ad…
Is there any specific screen to check the Accrual distributions other than accounting sheet?Summary: Currently when we run the program "Create Accounting" at that time, the system shows the error and unmapped mapping set. But do we have a screen just like cost …
Create AccrualUnable to generate Accrual Entries after running Create Accruals for Channel Batch, We have open Accrual and Earned Accrual but system is not generating accounting entri…Sandeep Nihalani 76 views 10 comments 0 points Most recent by shankar-b-Oracle Channel Revenue Management
What is the process to reconcile the Lumpsum accruals at the month end?Summary: 1) Customer accruals are generated and accounted, but the accruals are partially paid and the remaining amount is open. How can this open amount be reconciled a…Mathew Thomas93 14 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Mathew Thomas93 Channel Revenue Management
SLA: Dynamically derive the product segment in Expense account for Lumpsum AccrualsSummary: The product group is stored as item attribute 1 in the product definition. This value has to be fetched for the item used in lumpsum program to drive the produc…Mathew Thomas93 52 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Mathew Thomas93 Channel Revenue Management
Supplier Rebate Accounting based on item categorySummary: Regarding the accounting entries generated for supplier rebates, is that possible to configure the SLA to derive different natural accounts based on characteris…Thiago Ugarte 62 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Bijeesh Kunjan-Oracle Channel Revenue Management
Sell Side DocumentationSummary: Hello, I was wondering if there was more information on the Sell side of Channel Revenue Management? I know the documentation currently has a lot of information…
Integration with ERP?Summary: Hello, I'm still trying to learn about Channel Revenue Management, as my current client is moving from EBS to the Cloud for Channel Revenue Management, ERP (FIN…