Lease Creation
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What is the difference between Payment Purpose and Payment Type fields on Expense Payment Template?Summary: What is the difference between Payment Purpose and Payment Type fields on Expense Payment Template? Is there any financial calculation impact? Content (please e…
how to handle lease payment frequency like bimonthly payment?Summary: How to handle lease payment frequency like bimonthly payment? For payment frequency on expense payment template, there is no option for bimonthly. That means ne…
In Property revenue lease property type name LOV is comingSummary: while creating lease LOV is not coming Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable)…anusha godha 14 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Maria Mendoza - Oracle-Oracle Lease Accounting
Is it possible to post to seperate to accounts for Lease Impairment Expense and LiabilitySummary: Oracle Consulting Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Is it possible to post to seperate accounts for Lease Impairment Expense and Li…Janelle Azimullah-Oracle 21 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Navin Gadidala-Oracle Lease Accounting
Lease Search function does not work after creation of lease. What is the reason?Summary: 1 After lease creation or activation of lease, the created lease cannot be found by Search function. 2 But the same lease can be displayed on the standard repor…
Legacy to Oracle Lease Accounting ConversionSummary: Best practice, things to consider, guide on how to convert Lease Transaction from Legacy system to Oracle Lease Accounting for both Revenue and Expense Leases C…
OTBI Subject Areas for Lease AccountingSummary: We're looking for the subject areas for Lease Accounting, since there are some descriptive flexfield information that the client wants to include in a report. C…
Daily Compound Interest rateSummary: Definition of daily compound interest rate, currently no other option in Lease setup. Client requires monthly rate for discounting, how can lease accounting cat…
Lease Approval History via the UI?Summary: After approving a Lease, where can we view approval history via the UI? I thought via the History tab but this doesn't appear to be the case. Content (required)…Janelle Azimullah-Oracle 31 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Janelle Azimullah-Oracle Lease Accounting
Does Lease Accounting Support the Migration of Leases with existing Impairments?Summary: Customer is migrating leases with existing provisions for dilapidations. Does Lease Accounting support the Migration of Leases with existing Impairments? Conten…Janelle Azimullah-Oracle 21 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Janelle Azimullah-Oracle Lease Accounting
Physical inventory process in lease accountingHello, Our client is looking for physical inventory process each year. Has anyone created physical inventory process for leased assets in lease accounting module. Thanks…Alekhya Appala 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Maria Mendoza - Oracle-Oracle Lease Accounting
How Lease Accounting can handle scanned invoices for payments related to Lease?Summary: For lease related payments, there will be cases where the invoices will be raised from scanning the invoice from the supplier, how do we record these payments a…
Migrated Lease Option Addition ErrorSummary: While adding options for migrated lease system giving us warning. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version yo…Muhammad Zarlash 41 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Maria Mendoza - Oracle-Oracle Lease Accounting
Assets in FA Register (Asset Book) which are leased (lease contract created)Summary: If the assets are already in Asset Book - depreciating. And these were leased (lease created in Oracle Lease Accounting). How to handle the scenario? Content (p…
Payment Template for RevenueSummary: Looking for documentation on creating Revenue Payment Templates. Specifically, what are the functions of the Distributions; Accrued Asset, Receivables, Receivab…
Lease Data Migration - client expects the complete schedule to be available for migrated leasesSummary: Lease Data Migration - client expects the complete schedule to be available for migrated leases, is this possible? Content (required): Eg: Lease start date is 0…Rajkamal.ravoor.pattabi-Oracle 21 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Rajkamal.ravoor.pattabi-Oracle Lease Accounting
Capability to calculate depreciation and lease liabilities (Current and Non-Current portions)Summary: We have a requirement: Capability to calculate right-of-use assets and depreciation, lease liabilities (non-current and current portions) and lease expenses, am…
Is Security Context Value assignment required if Data Set is All Values ?Summary: We see a conflict between steps in Doc ID 2735319.1 and common security features of Oracle cloud. Any explanations ? Content (required): As per Oracle doc "No B…
where can I find lease accounting business process documentsSummary: Where can I find lease accounting business process documents? Content (required): Where can I find lease accounting business process documents? Version (include…Claire Lucas 31 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Maria Mendoza - Oracle-Oracle Lease Accounting
Question regarding Migration of leasesSummary: Our client is using the GASB financial reporting standards and also as an SLA. Now, GASB was implemented in the year 2020. Amortization till 2020 is different a…
rent increase not known at inceptionSummary: Rent increase not known at inception Content (required): There is a scenario where, for lease of 10 years, first 3 years payment is known but other years subjec…E.S. 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Alvaro Montenegro- Product Management at Oracle-Oracle Lease Accounting
Data migration - Accounts handlingSummary: We have a scenario where there is multiple assets under one lease with multiple payments, with each payment having different cost center to be migrated to Oracl…Rajkamal.ravoor.pattabi-Oracle 31 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Alvaro Montenegro- Product Management at Oracle-Oracle Lease Accounting
Settings of Data Resource to activate revenue leaseSummary: Content (required): Regarding 'Activate Revenue Lease'(, could you please …
If the Right of Use check box is enabled, you must also enable the liability check box (FUN-720679)Summary: Requirement to add dilapidation provision to finance leases which is ROU applicable but not Liable Content (required): A UK business unit has a requirement to a…Senthil Mohanraj 25 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Janelle Azimullah-Oracle Lease Accounting
Can Lease Accounting module accomodate rental, leasehold and license agreements?Summary: Does Lease Accounting cover the following agreements: Rental agreement between a landlord and tenant Leasehold Agreement between a lessor and lessee License Agr…E.S. 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Alvaro Montenegro- Product Management at Oracle-Oracle Lease Accounting
Lease Properties - Not allowing to add Property to the Lease - AssetSummary: I uploaded lease properties using the template succesfully. I can see the properties in the view properties form. Now creating the Lease, I go to the Asset wher…
Can a lease in any way possible be associated to a ProjectSummary: Can the lease invoice or PO be associated to a Project (POET)? Needing to see the lease invoice or PO as a project commitment Content (required): No additional …Wallace Bartlett 31 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Alvaro Montenegro- Product Management at Oracle-Oracle Lease Accounting
Configuration of Lease AccountingSummary: I have some questions surrounding the required Lease Accounting core system configurations 1. How do the Primary (ASC842) and Secondary (IFRS16) accounting stan…Sheila Alabrudzinski 61 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Maria Mendoza - Oracle-Oracle Lease Accounting
Impact of changing manual asset number to automatic asset number in Lease Accounting System OptionsSummary: Can you suggest what can be the impact of changing manual asset numbers to automatic in lease accounting system options? For data migration, business want to lo…
Can we tie leases from one company to another companySummary: We have assets that reside in one company and we want to create the leases in a different company Content (required): Is it possible to tie assets from one comp…Anthony Iannuccilli 21 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Maria Mendoza - Oracle-Oracle Lease Accounting