Discussion List
How do we add a custom graph to this area on Salary/View Compensation?Summary: Can you add a custom graph to the Redwood Compensation area? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are…
REDWOOD Position Actions -> Create Requisition is missingSummary: REDWOOD My Client Groups → Position Actions -> Create Requisition is missing. How to enable that or would it be available in future releases Content (please ens…Usha Kiran Medisetti 25 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Tash Recruiting, Opportunity Marketplace
Redwood Cancel Work Relationship Global Transfer Payroll Error MessageSummary: After enabling Redwood Cancel Work Relationship, we can no longer cancel a work relationship for a global transfer (scenario: effective start date for new LE is…
Redwood - How to Default or Validate Recommended for Rehire through Correct Termination?Summary: For the Redwood page of Terminate Employment, I have built a default rule through VBS to default RehireRecommendation field based on TerminationActionReasonID a…
Testing for RedwoodSummary: Does anyone have test scripts that they've created and found useful for implementing Redwood? Want to ensure there are no negative downstream impacts to enablin…Samantha Hernandez 2 views 0 comments 0 points Started by Samantha Hernandez Human Capital Management
Applying List binding LOV_K_tobaccoUser with given set of values leads to no matching row forSummary: When attempting to complete Hire an Employee using Redwood, we get this error after entering name & SSN. Applying List binding LOV_K_tobaccoUser with given set …
How to display employee Default Expense Account and Sales Person flag in RedwoodSummary: How to display employee Default Expense Account and Sales Person flag in Redwood? Traditionally in RUI, this is under Person Management > Employement > under As…
Redwood-FamilyandEmergency Contacts(Edit Contact)-Unable to hide Religion field in Demographic InfoUnder VBS, we have marked Religion field to be hidden, however they continue to appear on the edit contact redwood page. Could this be a bug?
Edit access to be removed for Name sectionSummary: Hi Team, We need to remove edit access to the name section. As per the link below Can we consider same functionality for personal info page where we unable to h…
Public Info and Employee self-service Person spotlight in redwood UI ?Summary: Is it planned to have Person Info page in redwood UI soon ? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): When HR use "Person Spotlight Search"…
Positions update Redwood page not working for HR usersSummary: When our HR users try to update a position via the Redwood page it just spins and never loads. There are no issues when the same users utilize the classic UI Po…Derrick Ellis 371 views 31 comments 1 point Most recent by Kaavya Ravi-Oracle Human Capital Management
Skills and Qualifications page is blank for Implementation users (users without person records)When HR team users login they can see person profiles loaded under Skills and Qualifications. These users are employees that have person record linked to their user acco…GowriTatikonda 20 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Maria Croitoru-Oracle Human Capital Management
Redwood: skills and qualification field marked as required not able to editHi, Under skills and qualification we marked field 'Membership Start Date' under Business title section as required, visible and editable, but even that we are not able …
Redwood - Hide edit button for managers on Employment Contracts PageSummary: Is it possible to hide the edit button for managers on the Redwood Employment Contracts Page? We had hidden the edit button for managers in the Responsive UI us…
Redwood - Unable to move forward after When and Why section in few CORE HR pagesAfter 25A - For few Core HR pages, we observed a behavior that we are unable to move forward after When and Why section. What is the root cause for this behavior? Termin…
Personal Details Page in Redwood - Employees Not Displayed and Filters Not WorkingSummary: Hello Oracle Community, I’m encountering an issue with the Redwood "Personal Details" page, where no employees are being displayed. Additionally, the filters do…
When will Redwood Terminate and Resignation be mandatory?Summary: When will redwood terminate and resignation be mandatory (or when will terminate/resignation responsive be unsupported)? Content (please ensure you mask any con…
Badge for Expired Document RecordsSummary: Badge for Expired Document Records not visible Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello experts, based on the 25A what's new related…
Redwood Pages and Visual Builder Studio Customizations - Reinstate the Original Redwood PageHello All, We have been migrating Responsive page customizations to Redwood pages. Also, some of the customizations we have started doing in VB studio tool. Sometimes, w…
Redwood - Error Message when mandatory fields are not enteredHi Team, Is it possible to throw an error message when the mandatory fields were not entered in Redwood, as of now fields were highlighted with red color when the requir…Kareti Uday Kiran 8 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Kaavya Ravi-Oracle Human Capital Management
Redwood UX - User is unable to Update Demographic Info - "employeeAgeVerified" ErrorSummary: Hi! I’m trying to update Demographic Information in Redwood UX (24D) - specifically fields like Sexual Orientation, Religion, or Ethnicity. However, when I atte…Zaneta Zetkowski 79 views 15 comments 0 points Most recent by Stacey Williams Human Capital Management
Department flexfields have disappeared after 25ASummary: Department flexfields have disappeared after 25A Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Usually we complete a number of flexfields again…
Redwood Person Details missing Ethnicity after 25ASummary: Prior to 25A the Ethnicity section was visible under Demographic Info on the Person Details page. After the Photo section was added to Person Details we no long…
Is there any documentation for list of redwood enabled notifications in Core HRIs there any documentation for list of redwood enabled notifications in Core HRMridula Mitra Pal 31 views 4 comments 1 point Most recent by Kaavya Ravi-Oracle Human Capital Management
Redwood Add Absence welcome messageSummary: Is it possible to modify and/or add to the welcome message displayed on the Redwood Add Absence page? "After you select an absence type, you can enter the detai…
Switching to Redwood Pages - HCM Redwood Pages with Profile OptionsSummary: This document identifies HCM Redwood pages or flows that can be turned on or off through profile options. Pages are flows that are delivered turned on we highly…
ME > Current Jobs. Hide Job Grade in RedwoodHi Experts, Please advise on how to hide Job Grade and Business Case Rationale fields in Redwood. When Employees to ME > Current Jobs and then select any of the listed j…
Have HR power users be able to see everyone in the Team Activity Center page.Summary: HR Power Users can benefit from seeing all history, comp, etc. in the Team Activity Center. The HR Department power users are not line managers, but have been a…
Is there any replacement for Person Management page in Redwood Global Human Resources?Summary: Hi, Is there any change in person Management and Employment pages in redwood. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include th…
The start date is showing Invalid while correcting or updating the Enterprise HCM Information pageThe start date is showing Invalid while correcting or updating the Enterprise HCM Information page. We are trying to correct details on the Enterprise HCM Information Pa…