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You must provide a value for the PersonId attribute error on Redwood pageWe have enabled 'Hire Contingent worker ' page in REDWOOD. We are getting Error message 'You must provide a value for the PersonId attribute' in person details section. …SS552 16 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Deaconu Constantin Valentin-Oracle Human Capital Management
New Redwood Document Record Deep LinkSummary: In 24D, our existing deep link for Redwood Document Records page is not longer working. An SR has been raised. Reviewing the deep link selection, we noticed a n…Aja Nealley 74 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Deaconu Constantin Valentin-Oracle Human Capital Management
Redwood-Is there a way to default the filter chips values on Explore Goal LibrarySummary: Our company is only using the Development Goal Library, can we default the filter chips values system wide to default to certain filter chip values? We are roll…
Can we hide "When does the name change start" field for Personal details pageSummary: As per the business requirement need to hide the field "When does the name change start? on Me→Personal details page, but this field is not available in VB to c…
How to Hide "Coworker as a Contact" Option in Redwood PageIn the redwood page, can we hide or remove this 'Coworker as a Contact' under Family and Emergency Contacts? Could someone guide me on how to achieve this? Thanks in adv…Misbah Khair 12 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Deaconu Constantin Valentin-Oracle Human Capital Management
Redwood Pages Limitation :- Initial Release Vs Latest ReleaseSummary: How to track current status of Redwood Page limitations (e.g. 23B vs 25A) Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi Experts, We are prep…
Is there ability to personalize Home Address StartDate - EndDate value in RedwoodSummary: In RUI, the value field is personalized using the EL expression. (If the End-date in back-end is 4712, display end-date as "Present", else display the actual en…
Benefit Relationship dropdown issue in Benefits Summary Redwood PageSummary: Benefit Relationship dropdown is not working in Benefits Summary Redwood Page . Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Benefit Relations…
How to Limit the option in dropdown to a single option for country attribute.Hi team, I have a requirement to limit only one option in the country field under phone number and national identifier in family and emergency contacts while adding a ne…Abhishek kumar13161 31 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Abhishek kumar13161 Human Capital Management
Valid Grade from Position is not always properly reflected in the assignment grade LOV.Summary: For each position, we have associated one or more valid grades. In Redwood UI this is not always properly reflected in the assignment grade LOV. Content: In var…Orange 15 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Deaconu Constantin Valentin-Oracle Human Capital Management
Standard Cost, Rollup Cost, Scenario Exception and Compare Standard Cost Redwood page not workingSummary: We have enabled the redwood pages for Cost Management using Manage Administrator Profile Values task but for 'Standard Cost', 'Roll up Cost' pages are not able …Sandeep Chandel 3 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Chris Borsh-Oracle Human Capital Management
Promote and Change Position how to hide Additional position infoSummary: In the 'Promote and Change Position' flow we have hidden the PositionsDFF. However, the 'Additional position info' section is still displayed in the 'Info to In…Orange 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Deaconu Constantin Valentin-Oracle Human Capital Management
Promote and Change Position unable to hide Associated profiles sectionContent: In the 'Promote and Change Position' flow, it is not possible to hide the 'Associated profiles' section in VB. We do not use associated profiles, therefore this…Orange 7 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Deaconu Constantin Valentin-Oracle Human Capital Management
Issue when changing work location "Couldn't change the assignment"We have moved to Redwood and when trying to change the work location for a few current employees (not all) we are receiving this notification and are unable to complete …Jill Stewart 22 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Deaconu Constantin Valentin-Oracle Human Capital Management
Redwood Employment Info hide some historical changes attributesSummary: How can we make some historical change attributes hidden? Content: In the Historical Changes section of the Employment Info flow, the employee can click on a hi…
Redwood Make Check Box Field Read Only - Request Feedback PageSummary: Need to make a Check Box Field read only on redwood page. Navigation - Me → Request Feedback The Section Highlighted in Image - Share feedback with you was prev…Stebin Sebastian 35 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Krishnaveni.B -Oracle Performance Management
Limit Line Manager access on Change Assignment Page in RedwoodSummary: Our implementer created two business rules in express mode in VBS to prevent Line Manager from making any changes on the Change Assignment Redwood pages. The sa…K. Morton 15 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Deaconu Constantin Valentin-Oracle Human Capital Management
Reverse Terminate Pending Worker Work RelationshipSummary: Attempting to reverse the cancel work relationship action of a pending worker or contingent worker with profile option ORA_PER_EMPL_REV_TERM_PWK_WHEN_CANCEL_WR.…Sara Alvarez 15 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Deaconu Constantin Valentin-Oracle Human Capital Management
ESS Ingest Process ParametersSummary: When running 'ESS job to create index definition and perform initial ingest to OSCS' which parameters do we need to run for each module. Content (please ensure …Junade Shujaat-143572 63 views 4 comments 1 point Most recent by Junade Shujaat-143572 Human Capital Management
Preferred Pronouns (seeded field) also doesn't show any list of values in RedwoodSummary: Preferred Pronouns (seeded field) also doesn't show any list of values in Redwood UI while it works perfectly in Responsive UI Content (please ensure you mask a…Praveen. 55 views 6 comments 1 point Most recent by PatriciaS-Support-Oracle Human Capital Management
Where can I find a doc/list for "When and why" pages in Redwood?Summary: Where can I find a doc/list for "When and why" tansaction pages in Redwood? In particular for Core HR / Workforce structuresGiuTira 12 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Deaconu Constantin Valentin-Oracle Human Capital Management
Which are the screens that have a failure with the migration to Redwood HCM?Summary: Which are the screens that have a failure with the migration to Redwood HCM? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello, I am about to…PRISCILA BIBIANA REINHARD 13 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Deaconu Constantin Valentin-Oracle Human Capital Management
Document Records preview issue (Redwood)Summary: Document Records preview issue (Redwood) Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We have an issue with previewing some of the successfull…Karolina Nicola 13 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Karolina Nicola Human Capital Management
Published schedule not showing on redwood team scheduleSummary: Published schedule not showing on redwood team schedule Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): I have enabled the Redwood team schedule …
Redwood 25A: Sections showing twice in all MSS Transactions after 25ASummary: Redwood: After 25A Upgrade, in all MSS transactions like Promote, transfer, Change Working hours, we are able to see the sections twice. Eg. Weekly Working Hour…
How to default "Hourly Paid or Salaried" value based on FLSA value of the selected JobSummary: Hi team, Business wants the default value as Hourly or Salaried for "Hourly Paid or Salaried" field in the assignment section for Promote/Transfer etc. process …
HR view only role for Document RecordsSummary: HR view only role for Document Records Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello experts, we would like to create new HR roles only f…
Redwood: Employment info, name undefined, Permission is required to view this content.Hello community, when entering the redwood page "employment info" of an employee then there is occures the following (error) message: "Permission is required to view thi…
Local and Global Transfer: Hide Source Assignment Status - RedwoodHello Community, Situation: When entering the "local and global transfer" transaction in Redwood and get to the section "When and Why" there the "Source Assignment Statu…
Badge for Expired Document RecordsSummary: Badge for Expired Document Records not visible Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello experts, based on the 25A what's new related…