Discussion List
Import Position List - Recruiting general ConfigurationSummary Provide steps to import position listContent Hi, We have enabled position in our environment and would like to upload position list (Recruiting Administration > …
Need Database item for Married filing jointly and spouse also has earned income field in State tax.Unable to find database item for "Married filing jointly and spouse also has earned income" field in State tax. Navigation: 1.Choose IOWA State employee 2. Payroll-> cal…
How do I find my system's XML Feed code?Summary: I'm trying to have a new job board scrap my jobs but it needs my XML feed to successfully do so. Content (required): Where do I find my XML feed code? Version (…
Oracle Certified Job Posting Distribution SupplierSummary: Hello Team, We are in process of setting up integration of between Taleo and a job posting distribution service. Would like to know whether 'Mitratech - Circa' …
Between complex filter with system datesSummary Complex filter using system date rangeContent Hello - I'm trying to write a complex filter that uses a range (based on system date and system date +7) and export…
Taleo Careers Page - APISummary: We are trying to integrate to one of our internal systems, we are unable to find API's for the below data. - List of all requisition - Filter requisition by rol…
Integration with WorkatoIn connection with the search for a solution for the transfer of Requisition ID and Candidate ID for Workato from Taleo via the Save and Close button on the Submission O…
TCC import User Accounts and Employee Profile/InformationSummary User Accounts and Employee Profile/InformationContent HI Has anyone use TCC import to load new hire and net changes User accounts and Employee Information (ie Or…
TCC Sample script to assign Functional Role to a userSummary: Hi, Has anyone worked on creating a TCC script to assign functional role to a user in Taleo Enterprise Edition (TEE)? I'm also looking at adding the OLF context…
Integration Taleo & Oracle EBS R12Summary Build autonomous interface between Taleo and Oracle EBS HR r12Content Hi gurus, Please need your advice. We are currently using Oracle EBS HR R12 as our HR syste…
Unix server issuesSummary: Looking for list of issues with unix server for TCC integrations Content (required): Hi, If anyone using/used Unix server for TCC, can you please list out the i…
Requisition Screening Services - ExportSummary Need to extract the active screening services on a requisitionContent Hi, Can any body help me extracting active screening services on a requisition. I referred …
PS to Taleo TCC - can reqs coming in from PS be linked to a job template in Taleo?Summary PeopleSoft to Taleo TCC - can reqs coming in from PS be linked to a job template in Taleo?Content We have setup a TCC interface where approved positions requisit…User_2025-01-23-22-35-10-583 33 views 2 comments 1 point Most recent by User_2025-02-05-04-05-16-790 Taleo Enterprise
Taleo to HCM cloud IntegrationContent Hi all, We are having a hard time finding the integration file from Taleo to HCM cloud. We are trying to do research to improve the integration, but unsure where…User_2025-02-05-20-24-10-848 43 views 6 comments 1 point Most recent by Thousif Syed Taleo Enterprise
Taleo - Fusion ( unwire the integration)Summary Taleo - Fusion ( unwire the integration)Content Hi guys, Currently we are using Taleo and Fusion with Out of the box integration (OOTB) in place. However we woul…
Idea - Taleo Recruiting: Export Requisitions / Submissions as PDF ("Print View") via TCCSummary Taleo Recruiting: Export Requisitions / Submissions as PDF ("Print View") via TCCContent Hi, we would need a possibilty to Export the Print Views (PDFs) in Taleo…User_2025-01-23-23-01-59-653 39 views 3 comments 4 points Most recent by User_2025-01-23-22-18-46-975 Taleo Enterprise
Can a requisition (position from PeopleSoft) be tied to an existing Taleo template?Summary Can a requisition (position from PeopleSoft) be tied to an existing Taleo template? Each time a req comes over to Taleo from PS it creates a new template in Tale…
Self-taught TCC users: What was your approach to learning Taleo TCC?Summary Many TCC users are self-taught. What are some of the resources available for TCC beginners? What was your process for learning the system and understanding it's …User_2025-01-28-22-13-40-977 85 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Thousif Syed Taleo Enterprise
Salesforce interface with Oracle TaleoSummary Salesforce interface with Oracle TaleoContent Has someone interfaced Salesforce with Taleo? As per my understanding, Oracle does not have an API to upload candid…User_2025-01-30-04-42-28-139 28 views 1 comment 1 point Most recent by Thousif Syed Taleo Enterprise
How to pass credentials in SMTP step for authentication via port 587Summary How to pass credentials in SMTP step for authentication via port 587Content The TCC is installed outside office n/w on Oracle Cloud. The SMTP …
How to import a Job Template with the External description in HTML Format ?Content Hello, We have create a Job Template using the TCC import, however the import was successful, the External, Internal Job description/qualification is not coming …User_2025-02-04-14-36-43-133 45 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Greg Blodgett-6841 Taleo Enterprise
Requisition Import Script - Response File SpecificationSummary Requisition IDs in the response fileContent Hi, We have TCC scripts to import requisitions in draft status. It succeeds and we dont have issue with the TCC file.…
Taleo - Fusion HCM IntegrationSummary Taleo OLF dataContent Hi All, My client has Taleo implemented and is in use for more than 5 years. They are now switching to Fusion HCM from EBS. Taleo - EBS int…
TCC Script error : An Internal error occurred running the configuration fileSummary Getting an an internal error when adding a custom step in config fileContent Hi all, I am running an export TCC script and it is running fine. But as soon as I a…
TCC Import InterfaceSummary TCC Import from HRMS ExtractContent Hi, We are building an interface to automate Requisition Creation process using TCC. The extract from the HRMS has the follow…
Prescreening Questions as columnsSummary Export questions associated with Job Templates in columnsContent Hi, I am trying to export job templates to check which questions are added to them. Unfortunatel…
Post-processing : SMTPSummary Configuring SMTP for sending response file as an attachmentContent Hi, I would like to know what format is the MessageTemplateFile that is available in the SMTP …
XSL StylesheetSummary XML TransformationContent Hi, Can anybody help me with a sample XSL stylesheet so that i can work for my XML file? Also if someone can help me doing a XSL for th…
Requisition Import ErrorSummary More than one element has been found. Path: Requisition.JobInformation,JobInformation.PrimaryLocation;Content We are importing requisitions in Draft status, and …Thousif Syed 37 views 4 comments 1 point Most recent by User_2025-01-30-00-46-46-858 Taleo Enterprise
Using IgnoreCase in includedIn - Complex filterSummary Using includedIn filter but would like to ignore the case sensitivityContent Hi, I am extracting user accounts for a list of users. I am using includedIn complex…