Oracle Digital Assistant
Discussion List
How I can fetch licence details, which stored against particular assignment?Summary: If employee has multiple assignments, and I want to get licence detail of particular assignment then how I can fetch by using sql. I wrote the sql to fetch all …
Suggest learning item in Goal section based on prerequisites?Summary: Hi, We would like to know whether in Career section> add Goal is it possible to suggest a learning item based on the candidate prerequisites to access them? if …
Is it possible to link an approval flow to the Succession Plan?Dears, Is it possible to link an approval flow to the Succession Plan? Is it possible to hook an approval flow to the succession plan? If yes at what time? What is the t…
oss_subscriptions_ (Audit table) In subscription managementSummary: If any one worked on oss_subscriptions_ (Audit table) In subscription management we have option to check audit report but have requirement to add customer detai…Vinay Singh Thakur 74 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Claudiu Mindruta-Support-Oracle Subscription Management
I am not able to edit and not able to create content item and content types in Talent ProfileSummary: Need to edit content item in talent profile Content (required): Hi Team, Based on my business requirement, I need to add some more content items for degree cont…