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Has anyone used language translator in TSS?Summary: Has anyone used language translator in TSS? I didn't see any category for Taleo Social Sourcing product so I've created it here if anyone has expertise. We have…
Add Requisition or Candidate Fields to List FormatsSummary Add Sort Fields to Req ? Candidate ListsContent Recruit users wish to sort both Requisition List & Candidate List by specific fields. How do I add new fields to …User_2025-01-30-00-46-46-858 21 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Thousif Syed Taleo Enterprise
Remove welcome center content to a specific user typeSummary Remove welcome center content to a specific user typeContent Hi There, I want to remove a welcome center content to a specific user type i.e. we have general wel…User_2025-01-30-03-54-30-017 40 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by User_2025-01-22-20-04-57-287 Taleo Enterprise
Oracle Fusion UI customizationSummary Oracle Fusion UI customizationContent Hi, I need to do customization on cloud fusion User Interface. For eg: For a given movement order user select an item and a…