Requisition Mgmt
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Taleo Advert specificationContent Hi can anyone steer me in the right direction to find out what the specification limitations are when creating a job description on Taleo? Would need to know if …
Passport ResultsSummary Previsor AssessmentContent Hello, In the past, I have had to build assessment results in the Legacy Recruiting Universe. Does anyone know if they are available i…
Deriving Dates for Requisition/Candidate in TCCSummary How to derive the dates in TCC that are not available as a direct projectionContent Hi, I need help in deriving the following columns in TCC. I am assuming this …
Source historySummary Is source history for an applicant reportable OBI?Content Is it possible to report on an applicant's source history? For example, if the source on an applicant o…Alice Kim, SPHR-SCP 52 views 1 comment 2 points Most recent by Stephane Cote-Oracle Taleo Enterprise
Time to Fill CalculationSummary How is Time to Fill calculated for multiple openings within a requisition?Content Please explain how Time to Fill is calculated for multple openings within a req…
OBI Reporting tool - how to combine multiple rows transaction user comments related to each requisitSummary Is there a way to consolidate a Transaction User comments in one row?Content Hi - how to combine multiple rows transaction user comments related to each requisit…Shobha Sengar-27323 83 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Shobha Sengar-27323 Taleo Enterprise