AI Procurement
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What documents can be used with an AI agent for SCM? And how to achieve the best answers?Summary: I'm testing the AI Agent for RSSP. Is there documentation on what type of documents you can upload and what it can read on those, does it need to be all text, o…
PDF attachment details are not summarized by Gen AI during supplier registration(24D)Summary: Opt in feature to summarize attachments during supplier registration has been enabled. At company details page PDF & text attachment's were added Supplier regis…Deepak Kinkar-Oracle 15 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by User_GPC1Z Oracle AI for Fusion Applications
How can we enable AI Agents for ERPI read an interesting article regarding AI Agents for Enterprise Resource Planning. Are these already available? How can we enable this? Is any setup required? This is a…AnnelizeHenskens 176 views 5 comments 3 points Most recent by AnnelizeHenskens Oracle AI for Fusion Applications
Fusion AI Agents: Sorry, the assistant is unavailable right now?Summary: I have defined an AI agent. It's active. It has a tool which has got two pdf procurement policy documents. These documents inside the tool are in 'Published' st…
No "Agent" Type task on Guided Journey CreationSummary: I have created AI Agent and when I am creating Guided Journey, but I don't see the option "Agent" from Task Type drop down on Guided Journey creation. Without t…Govind Kumar Reddy S 77 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Ayyappa Dasam Oracle AI for Fusion Applications
How the data model currently trained in 'Discover New Suppliers Using Generative AI' ?Summary: How is the data model trained to suggest a supplier in the 'Discover New Suppliers Using Generative AI' feature? How has the dataset been developed to train the…Nandha Kumar R-Oracle 34 views 2 comments 2 points Most recent by Mario_N_oracle Oracle AI for Fusion Applications
List of AI features in Fusion ERP and ProcurementSummary: Can someone share a catalog of all AI features till 24C in Fusion ERP and/or Procurement, indicating which ones require Redwood and which ones do not, along wit…Swetha Ventrapragada-Oracle 74 views 0 comments 0 points Started by Swetha Ventrapragada-Oracle Oracle AI for Fusion Applications
Can buyer role be restricted to only able to view low value purchases?Summary: Please help to advise whether a buyer role could be restricted to only able to view the historical documents (PRs, POs, BPA, Negotiations) below certain amount …
We have a need to add format validations for fields in supplier pageIn the Manage suppliers under Bank, there is a field IBAN to enter IFSC Code, The format of the IFSC Code is as below The IFSC is an 11-character code with the first fou…
Do we have AI capabilities for SSR, PO and supplier module?Businesses want to know about AI capabilities for self-service procurement, procurement, and supplier modules.Dhanashri Mugal 12 views 0 comments 0 points Started by Dhanashri Mugal Oracle AI for Fusion Applications
Oracle Digital Assistant windows not popping upSummary: Oracle Digital Assistant window is not popping up in my fusion instance even after assigning the privilege: Access to Digital Assistant and only pops up in the …Bhavish Kumar B 2 views 0 comments 0 points Started by Bhavish Kumar B Oracle AI for Fusion Applications
AI Capabilities embedded in Cloud SCMHi All, I recently came across the oracle document where the AI capabilities are embedded in Oracle Cloud SCM. But I am not able to find any detailed information on any …
Configure "Discover New Suppliers Using Generative AI" to search for suppliers already createdSummary: Is it possible that the list of suggested suppliers, displayed in "Discover New Suppliers Using Generative AI" , not to be searched externally but it comes from…Laura AV 137 views 1 comment 1 point Most recent by Gaurav Gupta NOV Oracle AI for Fusion Applications
How currently it discovers New Suppliers Using Generative AI in SourcingSummary: How currently it discovers New Suppliers Using Generative AI in Sourcing? Which is source of these suggestion. How to make this discover supplier Geographic spe…Manoj Kumar Chaurasia-Oracle 81 views 1 comment 1 point Most recent by Madhusudhan Awadhani Oracle AI for Fusion Applications
How to customize the ODA for Procurement?Summary: How to customize the ODA for Procurement? Can we add multiple lines to same PR? Can we use for raising PR for inventory items and services lines? Looking for mo…Manoj Kumar Chaurasia-Oracle 49 views 1 comment 1 point Most recent by SatishD Oracle AI for Fusion Applications
AI for Fusion Analytics Warehouse - Spend PredictionSummary: Spend Analytics Data points and driving factors. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): As AI features are growing, one AI feature in FA…Ananya Patel-Oracle 21 views 0 comments 1 point Started by Ananya Patel-Oracle Oracle AI for Fusion Applications
AI feature like Invoice Document recognitionSummary: Hi, We would like to know if there is any AI feature that is readily available where data is recognized from the document received and created in oracle applica…Karunakar Tanneru-Oracle 82 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by ThomasKorbecki Oracle AI for Fusion Applications
Find us on too!Summary: Quick link to the AI Apps pages. Content: Learn more about the suite of AI Apps capabilities on here Links to pillar-level pages on AI are prov…wkerr-Oracle 71 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Varun Jain-Oracle Oracle AI for Fusion Applications
AI apps for Financials and Procurement(Supplier Intelligence) Implementation guide & Pricing detailsSummary: Hi Team - I am looking for implementation guide for AI apps for Financials and AI apps for Procurement(Supplier Intelligence). Also wanted to know about the lic…Prithis 71 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by John Menhinick-Oracle Oracle AI for Fusion Applications
Why business leaders should invest in AI to help their pandemic recovery.Summary: Latest Blog from the AI Apps team and posted to the AI & Data Science Blog Channel Content: This blog looks at attitudes towards spend on AI now vs before the p…John Menhinick-Oracle 21 views 0 comments 2 points Started by John Menhinick-Oracle Oracle AI for Fusion Applications