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Release Notes, when do they come out before applying to environmentsWhen are release note available? How long before the release is applied to test environments.Luecrita Haraughty 6 views 0 comments 0 points Started by Luecrita Haraughty Oracle Marketing Developer Tools
Oracle Eloqua Developer Release Notes - 24CA list of developer-facing new features, significant recent changes, and platform notices for Oracle Eloqua release 24C: Bulk API SMS activities are available to export …Lou Patrick-Oracle 62 views 0 comments 0 points Started by Lou Patrick-Oracle Oracle Marketing Developer Tools
Eloqua Release 24C Customer Release Briefing and What's New AvailableVisit the Oracle Eloqua 24C Release Information page for an on-demand briefing and a complete list of all of the features included in the 24C Release. Here is an extract…Lou Patrick-Oracle 54 views 0 comments 0 points Started by Lou Patrick-Oracle Oracle Marketing Developer Tools
Oracle Eloqua Developer Release Notes - 24BA list of developer-facing new features, significant recent changes, and platform notices for Oracle Eloqua release 24B: Bulk API When attempting to delete data using th…Lou Patrick-Oracle 57 views 0 comments 0 points Started by Lou Patrick-Oracle Oracle Marketing Developer Tools
Eloqua Release 24B Customer Release Briefing and What's New AvailableVisit the Oracle Eloqua 24B Release Information page for an on-demand briefing and a complete list of all of the features included in the 24B Release. Here is an extract…Lou Patrick-Oracle 34 views 0 comments 0 points Started by Lou Patrick-Oracle Oracle Marketing Developer Tools
Oracle Eloqua Developer Release Notes - 24AA list of developer-facing new features, significant recent changes, and platform notices for Oracle Eloqua release 24A: APPLICATION API UPDATES View Form Submission Per…Lou Patrick-Oracle 40 views 0 comments 0 points Started by Lou Patrick-Oracle Oracle Marketing Developer Tools
Eloqua Release 24A Customer Release Briefing and What's New AvailableVisit the Oracle Eloqua 24A Release Information page for an on-demand briefing and a complete list of all of the features included in the 24A Release. Here is an extract…Lou Patrick-Oracle 48 views 0 comments 0 points Started by Lou Patrick-Oracle Oracle Marketing Developer Tools
Oracle Eloqua Developer Release Notes - 23DA list of developer-facing new features, significant recent changes, and platform notices for Oracle Eloqua release 23D: Application API Application API Campaign endpoin…Lou Patrick-Oracle 25 views 0 comments 0 points Started by Lou Patrick-Oracle Oracle Marketing Developer Tools
Eloqua Release 23D Customer Release Briefing and New Feature Summary AvailableVisit the Oracle Eloqua 23D Release: Customer Release Information page for an on-demand briefing and a complete list of all of the features included in the 23D Release. …Lou Patrick-Oracle 117 views 0 comments 0 points Started by Lou Patrick-Oracle Oracle Marketing Developer Tools
Oracle Eloqua Developer Release Notes - 23CA list of developer-facing new features, significant recent changes, and platform notices for Oracle Eloqua release 23C: Bulk API External Activities are available to ex…Lou Patrick-Oracle 78 views 0 comments 0 points Started by Lou Patrick-Oracle Oracle Marketing Developer Tools
Using Eloqua API Update Dynamic Content Having Huge Data.We are creating Emails in Eloqua using Dynamic contents. In Eloqua Dynamic Content we are using below 3 sections 1) Dynamic Content Rules We are creating 40 to 50 rules …User_2025-03-07-22-58-13-060 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by User_2025-03-07-23-01-06-072 Oracle Marketing Developer Tools
Eloqua Release 22D Customer Release Briefing and New Feature Summary AvailableVisit the Oracle Eloqua 22D Release: Customer Release Information page for an on-demand briefing and a complete list of all of the features included in the 22D Release. …
Eloqua Release 22A Customer Release Briefing and New Feature Summary AvailableVisit the Oracle Eloqua 22A Release: Customer Release Information page for an on-demand briefing and a complete list of all of the features included in the 22A Release. …
Eloqua Release 21D Customer Release Briefing and New Feature Summary AvailableVisit the Oracle Eloqua 21D Release: Customer Release Information page for an on-demand briefing and a complete list of all of the features included in the 21D Release. …
Oracle Eloqua Developer Release Notes - 21CA list of developer-facing new features, significant recent changes, and platform notices for Oracle Eloqua release 21C: New features Application API * Asynchronous Form…
Eloqua Release 21C Customer Release Briefing and New Feature Summary AvailableVisit the Oracle Eloqua 21C Release: Customer Release Information page for an on-demand briefing and a complete list of all of the features included in the 21C Release. …
Oracle Eloqua Developer Release Notes - 21BA list of developer-facing new features, significant recent changes, and platform notices for Oracle Eloqua release 21B: New features Application API * The default depth…
Eloqua Release 21B Customer Release Briefing and New Feature Summary AvailableVisit the Oracle Eloqua 21B Release: Customer Release Information page for an on-demand briefing and a complete list of all of the features included in the 21B Release. …
Oracle Eloqua Developer Release Notes - 21AA list of developer-facing new features, significant recent changes, and platform notices for Oracle Eloqua release 21A: New features Application API * We've added a new…
Eloqua Release 21A Customer Release Briefing and New Feature Summary AvailableVisit the Oracle Eloqua 21A Release: Customer Release Information page for an on-demand briefing and a complete list of all of the features included in the 21A Release. …
Oracle Eloqua Developer Release Notes - 19DA list of developer-facing new features, significant recent changes, and platform notices for Oracle Eloqua release 19D. New features Application API Retrieve a list of …
Oracle Eloqua Developer Release Notes - 19CA list of developer-facing new features, significant recent changes, and platform notices for Oracle Eloqua release 19C. New features Application API Retrieve list of Vi…
Oracle Eloqua Developer Release Notes - 19BA list of developer-facing new features, significant recent changes, and platform notices for Oracle Eloqua release 19B. New features Application API Asynchronous Form P…
Oracle Eloqua Developer Release Notes - 19AA list of developer-facing new features, significant recent changes, and platform notices for Oracle Eloqua release 19A. New features Application API New Audit Log Endpo…
Eloqua Product Notice: Bulk API – Definition validation on sync creation and new sync log for temporOverview With the arrival of Eloqua release 20D (Nov 2020), when creating a Bulk API sync the definition will be validated and there will be a new Bulk API sync log mess…JodyMooney-Oracle 12 views 0 comments 0 points Started by JodyMooney-Oracle Oracle Marketing Developer Tools
Product Notice: Eloqua Application API Retrieve an account endpoint – Adding “crmSystemMappings” wheOverview With the arrival of Eloqua release 20D (Nov 2020), crmSystemMappings will be returned at complete depth with the Retrieve an account Application API endpoint wh…JodyMooney-Oracle 1 view 0 comments 0 points Started by JodyMooney-Oracle Oracle Marketing Developer Tools
Product Notice: Eloqua Application API 2.0 Email endpoints – “archive” property changing to “archiveOverview With the arrival of Eloqua release 20D (Nov 2020), the property, archive, that indicates if the email is archived, will be changed to archived for the Applicati…JodyMooney-Oracle 11 views 0 comments 0 points Started by JodyMooney-Oracle Oracle Marketing Developer Tools
Oracle Eloqua Developer Release Notes - 20CA list of developer-facing new features, significant recent changes, and platform notices for Oracle Eloqua release 20C. New features * You can now write to the "Last Mo…