Oracle Eloqua Developer Release Notes - 23C
A list of developer-facing new features, significant recent changes, and platform notices for Oracle Eloqua release 23C:
Bulk API
- External Activities are available to export via Bulk API - one of our top Dream It idea requests!
- New Activity Type: ExternalActivity
- ExternalActivity Fields:
- Activity.Id
- Activity.Type
- Activity.CreatedAt
- Activity.ExternalAssetType
- Activity.ExternalAssetName
- Activity.ExternalActivityType
- Activity.Campaign.Id
- Activity.Contact.Id
- Activity.ExternalId
- Use the following request to retrieve all available fields for External Activities:
GET /api/Bulk/2.0/activities/fields?activityType=ExternalActivity
- Learn more about the export definition.
- Bulk API definition deletion when App uninstalled. For more information, see the