Category 145
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How can I add an "International Supplier" filter on the out of the box control?Summary: I can't relate the "Supplier Site Location" object with the "Audit - Supplier Bank Accounts" object to add an international supplier filter on the out-of-the-bo…
Idea - Show the date access was granted on the Certifier Worksheet in Access Certifications + by whoSummary: It would be valuable to see the date that access was granted to a particular job role that a user has when viewing the Certifier Worksheet in Access Certificati…
Navigation buttons disappear when actioning on the Access Certification Certifier WorksheetHas anyone else noticed when actioning users on the Certifier Worksheet that the navigation buttons disappear? I have been testing in our Dev environments to get more fa…
Risk management financial reporting compliance pdf document.Summary: Please provide a financial reporting compliance pdf document that has screenshots and descriptions for FRC setup. Content (required): Version (include the versi…Peddireddy Srini-Oracle 52 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Peddireddy Srini-Oracle Risk Management and Compliance
Risk EvaluationSummary: Concepts abou risk criteria (Context model) Effectiveness, Reliability and Compliance Content (required): About Context Model in evaluation, the system offer so…Renata Dos Santos 21 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Barry Greenhut-Oracle Risk Management and Compliance
Is it possible to have information about the risk related to the Incident?Summary: While detailing the Incident Result, is it possible to see the risks related to the Incident based on a Risk Matrix that already exists? Content (required): On …Richard Migita 1 view 6 comments 1 point Most recent by Richard Migita Risk Management and Compliance
On the Incident Result page, can I set another option as Default instead of "All Eligible Users"?Summary: Is it possible to set the option "Search" as Default instead of "All Eligible Users"? Content (required): On the Incident Result page, I can find "Result Invest…Richard Migita 21 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Barry Greenhut-Oracle Risk Management and Compliance
Is it possible for the investigator to view and change only the incidents assigned to him?Summary: User with investigator profile can view and change all incidents that have not been aggregated for him. Content (required): User with an investigator profile ca…leticiaide 26 views 3 comments 3 points Most recent by Barry Greenhut-Oracle Risk Management and Compliance
An Investigator cannot distinguish the Incident that was assign to him.Summary: On "Notifications" tab, the Investigator isn't able to verify which Incident was assigned to him or who assigned the Incident to him. Content (required): On "No…Richard Migita 41 views 4 comments 1 point Most recent by Richard Migita Risk Management and Compliance
What is the definition of "Closed"?Summary: When using the filter on Incidents Results, I came across on "Closed" Status and "Closed" Estate. Content (required): When using filters, you can filter by "Clo…Richard Migita 11 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Richard Migita Risk Management and Compliance
Users of Access Certification functionality - best practice/user casesSummary: I am keen to make contact with users of the Access Certification functionality to see how they are utilising this tool Content (required): At the moment, the wa…
How do you eliminate the SOD conflict on 5985: Create Suppliers and Maintain Supplier Bank AccountsSummary: The seeded model 5985: Create Suppliers and Maintain Supplier Bank Accounts is checking for existence of privileges Maintain Supplier and Edit Supplier Registra…Rich Fernandez 31 views 8 comments 0 points Most recent by Barry Greenhut-Oracle Risk Management and Compliance
Is there a way to understand better why an action has been flagged as incident?Summary: Greater detail of the incidents generated. Content (required): I would like to know if it is possible to have more details as to why an incident was generated, …User_2025-02-12-02-18-11-781 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Barry Greenhut-Oracle Risk Management and Compliance
Is it possible for a user to view period closing information only for the module he is responsible ?Summary: Users with period closing Job roles can view information from all modules, even if they are responsible for a single module. This is because all Job roles need …
Report Synchronization for Multiple Models ( Synchronize Results to OTBI) Job running from long timeContent Hi Team, Greetings for the day. I have submitted the job : Synchronize Results to OTBI ( Report Synchronization for Multiple Models ) from Models Menu to sync th…Venkat Mandula 33 views 1 comment 1 point Most recent by ArunMajumdar Risk Management and Compliance
Mass upload - Risk Matrix and Advanced Access Controls (Advanced Controls and FRC)Summary Is it possible for a client to do an initial mass upload of the risk matrix and users access and if so how can it be done? Content We are trying to take advantag…Ilse Cristina Garcia-Oracle 35 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Barry Greenhut-Oracle Risk Management and Compliance
Export / import AAC controlsContent Oracle / Barry, Do you have anything on the roadmap that would allow us to export AAC controls from one customer's environment and load it into another customer'…Jeff Hare CPA CISA CIA 30 views 11 comments 3 points Most recent by Donna Curtis Risk Management and Compliance