Category 152
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How can system know when Purchase Requisition has to be converted to RFQ?Summary: Hello, Once a Purchase Requisition is approved, it can automatically be converted into a PO via GEN AI However, what happens when I need an approved Purchase Re…
Is it possible to see both the position number and persons name in the manage approval page?See screen shot below. We use position approvals for Requisitions.
Adding budget reference description at PO levelSummary: Hello, We have as requirement from the client to add 'budget reference description' at PO level. Can you please advise whether there is such a field that can be…
Table and Column details for "Agreement Amount Changed" in the CPASummary: We are developing a BI report for Change order of CPA (Contract Purchase agreement). Client to capture the Individual change order amount that is the Agreement …Surjith N K-Oracle 27 views 1 comment 1 point Most recent by Phanindra V Gollapalli-Oracle Purchasing
Limit the LOV for end user to select for Funding Source field in the Requisition areaHi, Does anyone know if Oracle allows the LOV to be controlled that only certain values can be available for end users to select when creating a purchase requisition? Sc…
Can we skip PO approval to trigger when we update PO Headers DFF'sSummary: We have a requirement to update DFF's on PO Header through OIC. Since updating PO DFF's is internal change order, Is there a way to update PO DFF's with out tri…
How to update PO Line DFF using REST API?Summary: How to update PO Line DFF using REST API? Content (required): Hi Team. We are building a solution which requires PO Line DFF to be updated using REST API. Pleas…
External NotificationsSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any code snippets t…
Procurement BPM ApprovalsClient Requirement on PO Approvals: The Client is on Oracle EBS, and has a heavily customized PO approval workflow. Their current approval process for Purchase Orders in…
what accounting journals are created when cip cost imported from Purchasing and Payables in projectsI assume DR CIP CR Payables Liability or Purchasing Control How does Projects process the CIP spend within the subledger?
How to create parent and child supplier with same PAN numberSummary: A parent and child Supplier with same PAN number needs to be created. Tax registration number is different but Tax payer ID is same. Can this be enabled only fo…
Customising the PO/PR/BPA document number like YYYYnnnnSummary: How can I customize the PO/PR number like YYYYnnnn (e.g. 20253209)? The first four digit are the year and then the sequence. Content (please ensure you mask any…
REST API for Purchase Order CreationSummary: How to create Approved Purchase Order using REST API? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We have need to integrate purchase orders a…
Why Supplier Portal "Requires Acknowledgement" is not linked to the change order?Summary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): When the buyer has created a change order for a supplier, and supplier to acknowledge the change …
Country Of origin Information needs to capture on Purchase Agreement pageSummary: Country Of origin Information needs to capture on Purchase Agreement page Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi Team, We have a requ…
Unable to update LineType using draftPurchaseOrders REST APIHi Friends, I am trying to update the PO Line Type using this REST URL -…
How to prohibit requisition header lines in RSSP getting copied to requisition lineSummary: Currently RSSP has all the Header notes copied to all the lines. Is there a way to prohibit the copy of notes from header to line. Content (please ensure you ma…Akash Chaurasia 2 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Ashok Sriniva-Oracle Self Service Procurement
Adjust Receipt Accrual Balances - Accrual Aging List of ValuesSummary: Adjust Receipt Accrual Balances UI contains Accrual Aging as one of the parameters. Few queries on this parameter. 1) Accrual Aging parameter contains list of v…Abhishek.Kabra 25 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Manikandan S R-Support Oracle-Oracle Costing
Delegation ruleSummary: In order to implement a new approval workflow, we have investigated the delegation of certain PRs based on the amount on that PR. For this reason, we noticed th…
PO Approval fails while configuring using Mapping SetsWe are configuring a part of the PO Approvals using mapping sets for the Project Roles using in the PO. On using the MappedAttributeX in the BPM rule and in below scenar…Srinivasan Nagarajan-Oracle 14 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by RANGANATHAN V-Oracle Purchasing
How to Implement the below scenarios in BPA?Summary: We would like to implement the below scenarios in BPA Create a BPA line for accomodation cost per person per night. For example for each person the rent is 200$…
The receiving transactions couldn't be processed for 1 receiving transaction lines.Summary: I am facing the below error while receiving against PO The receiving transactions couldn't be processed for 1 receiving transaction lines. Content (please ensur…Peter Tawadrus 257 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Shabbir M Tahasildar Inventory Management
How to add validation on a field in Procurement redwood page ?Summary: I have a field in Procurement screen redwood i want to make a validation on that field using VBCS but i don't know from where to do it
Insert Review task within an Approval task for PO Approval workflowSummary: How to get a PO reviewed by a Reviewer before it routed to an Approver using PO Approval Workflow Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information):…
How to create relationship between BPA and parent contract (Enterprise Contract) - data migrationSummary: BPA can be generated from Enterprise Contract Fullfillment lines. We need to create a such relationship during data migration. Is it possible ? Content (require…
How do we change "Transferred" wording to "Action" for Procurement-related notifications?Summary: Is it possible to change the word "Transferred" to "Action" for Procurement-related notifications both under bell notifications and all notification lists? Curr…
Is AI Assist tailor made when Adding Requirements with Gen AI?Summary: The 'Add Requirements with Gen AI' at sourcing level, When we click on AI Assist, the list of questions we get, is it by default? If yes, is it tailor made? Or …
my PR is already approved long back, but i received PR approval notification now in oracle ebs r12.Hi All, my PR is already approved long back, but i received PR approval notification in workflow list now in oracle ebs r12.Nitish Varma 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by RANGANATHAN V-Oracle Self Service Procurement
Can we migrate Purchase Order historical data with various header statusesSummary: Dear Community members, Can we migrate Purchase Order historical data with various header statuses such as Closed for Receiving, Closed for Invoicing, etc? Cont…
Change Order approval pulls terminated Project resourceSummary: One of our customers has a DFF based PR/PO approval process implemented. The Projects resources are captured in the PO distribution DFF attributes using value s…Srinivasan Nagarajan-Oracle 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Elena-Cristina Staniloiu-Oracle Purchasing