Category 153
Discussion List
We are trying to import RFQ lines with 100 attribute lists and 100 Cost factors, is it possible?Summary: We have many legacy RFQ's need to be migrated to cloud negotiation, all the RFQ lines has 100 attribute values, when we try to import through FBDI import, I cou…
What is the deadline for activating Redwood in the negotiations and portal provider?Summary: I cant find the roadmap of this information, please help. Greetings
How to enable Share award decision to suppliers in the Negotiation?Summary: In the Complete Award stage, Share award decision to supplier option is not available. How to enable it? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential inform…
You cannot create a negotiation on behalf of another member.Summary: I'm trying to invoke the rest API to create a negotiation in VBS excel add-in. This error was returned: You cannot create a negotiation on behalf of another mem…
How to Submit Supplier response on the Negotiation without filling out the response price?Summary: When Submitting the Response on a Negotiation, an error will pop up when the Response price will be left blank. But Response price is a require field, how to en…
How to Know Knockout Reasons before award negotiation in oracle fusion?Summary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any code snippets t…
Approved notification still showing as assigned in BPM WorklistSummary: A Negotiation is fully approved and completed yet the notification shows as assigned in BPM worklist. Please advise how to remove this notification from the BPM…
Can we default/hardcode the "Type" to "New Negotiation" in Add to Document Builder?Can we default/hardcode the "Type" to "New Negotiation" in Add to Document Builder?
Cannot select the supplier contact while creating negotiationHi, While creating negotiation, we cannot select the supplier contact from the drop-down list, it is showing blank, but supplier have an active contact, please see secon…
Add multiple additional emails for supplier contact while creating a negotiation document RFQHi, How we can add multiple additional emails, currently only one email address is allowed in additional email field. how to add Mutiple? Please assist
Negotiation - Supplier Additional Email fieldSummary: I'm looking for some clarification around the additional email field on the supplier tab when creating a negotiation. Are emails sent to the recipient in the ad…
Requisitioning business unit not coming in the negotiation created from the purchase requisitionHi, We are facing an issue, the Negotiation document which is created from the purchase requisition is not showing the Requisitioning BU automatically in the negotiation…
Disable supplier invitation to negotiation emailHi, after publishing a negotiation (RFQ) the supplier receives an invitation email. The title of the notification is "Action Required: You are invited: RFQ XXXX" (where …
Unable to limit the access for contract managers within the same BUSummary: Hi Folks, We are unable to restrict the access of contract managers to edit, amend and create fulfillments for contracts created by their peers within the same …
Can we set auto rejection with Message for Negotiation Award ApprovalSummary: To include certain validations for Negotiation Award , We wanted to explore the automatic rejection in Negotiation Award Approval. Similar to PO and Requisition…
Is it possible to know the parameters used in Supplier Negotiation PDF report?Summary: We are developing a custom report for Supplier Negotiation PDF report. We want the user to be able to select the custom template for Supplier Negotiation PDF re…
Need clarification on customizing Negotiation Layout of the standard Supplier Negotiation PDF ReportSummary: Need clarification on customizing Negotiation Layout of the standard Supplier Negotiation PDF Report. Content (required): 1. Font change is not reflecting in th…
Supplier should not display the Internal Documents section from the supplier portalSummary: In the Documents section when a contract is created, documents are attached and shared in the supplier portal, the supplier's contact can view all the Documents…TSNET_CasalloLucy 39 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Ofelia Vez-Support-Oracle Enterprise Contracts
I-Response Amount requirement automatic score calculationI-Pricing- Response Amount requirement automatic score calculation is required to be manually input for custom report. Data table is not seen in the backend for scoring.…
Negotiation is active and locked but the invite suppliers screen is not appearingSummary: Hi Team, We have a RFQ negotiation raised in the system with the status as active and locked While the user wanted to invite few more suppliers, when we click o…
Can we control the award quantity to ensure it does not exceed the target quantity for each line?When we award by line, we need to enter the award quantity for single or multiple suppliers. However, is there a way to set up a control to ensure that the total award q…
Can we limit the Negotiation Style LOV in Add to Document Builder?Can we limit the Negotiation Style LOV to "[ALL] PR Manual RFQ]" and "[EQP] Machine Purchase" only in Add to Document Builder to avoid users from selecting other unused …
Negotiation and Response Statuses on Supplier portal during a Negotiation life cycleSummary: We would like to know if there is any documentation available for the following: -Negotiation and response statuses that Supplier user will be able to see on th…
What is the standard lookup code for "Type" in Add to Document Builder popup?Summary: May I know the standard lookup code for "Type" in Add to Document Builder popup window?
Is it possible to require collaboration team tasks to be completed prior to publishing negotiation?Summary: Is it possible to require collaboration team tasks to be completed prior to publishing a negotiation? Client wants to ensure that assigned tasks related to RFP …
REST API to get the negotiation template documentSummary: Hi Experts Is there any REST API to fetch the custom negotiation template created in fusion based on the pon_auction_headers_all.auction_title ?, Please help me…
contract creation from negotiation assigning document sequence not according to the legal entityHi, We are facing an issue when we create a contract from the negotiation, it assigns the document sequence to the contract which is not for the specific legal entity. h…
Would it be possible to transfer negotiation ownership in bulk?Summary: I have a requirement to reassign all negotiations to another employee in bulk. Would it be possible to transfer negotiation ownership in bulk in Oracle fusion S…
How to change the language of the notifications of the negotiations moduleSummary: How to change the language of the notifications of the negotiations module Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): How to change the lang…
How to increase the number of records on "Responses to Score" InfoletSummary: The scorer of negotiations can only evaluate (score) negotiations from the "Responses to Score" infolet, which displays only the first 25 records for scoring. H…