Category 163
Discussion List
Questions related to Work Definition involving Phantom partsSummary: Questions related to Work Definition involving Make and Phantom parts ( for Hi Tech Industry) (a) Can we create a Work Definition for a Phantom Part number? I d…
Rework and reservationSummary: hi Expert I did Pick to sales order for serial number that was in the stock. Now I opened rework and did few operation on this serial and completed the Rework. …
ERES Approval Notification not received for Work Order ApprovalSummary: Electronic Signature and Electronic Records (ERES) Approval Notification not received for Work Order Approval Content (please ensure you mask any confidential i…Jayaharan Krishnamurthy 21 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Jayaharan Krishnamurthy Manufacturing
Inquiry regarding audit subnodes under SCM products in Audit Policy ConfigurationSummary: Hi, I am seeking clarification on specific audit sub nodes within the audit policy configuration that require a deeper understanding. We kindly request your gui…Zafar Ara Nawreen 21 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Prasanth Senthivel-Oracle Manufacturing
How to prevent close status from the mass action menu at the work order itselfSummary: our requirement is to prevent the user when making a work order closing status from mass action. cannot back again to complete it to prevent him from making any…
the assembly was automatically issued to the work order ,can I return of itIt seems that only manually issued materials can be returned?
Need Serialized part only for ShippingHello Team, We would like to have part which can be backflush in WO as child part as well as it should be shippable to customer. We need this part as serialized ONLY whi…
How to default WO Completion type as 'Automatic' instead of 'Manual' on Work OrderSummary: Customer has a requirement to default, WO Completion type as 'Automatic' instead of 'Manual' on Work Order. How can we achieve this? Content (required): Version…
Electronic record not visible in Material transactionSummary: Electronic record not visible in Material transaction Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): I have enabled ERES for the Manufacturing p…
Reserve WO to sales orderSummary: Hi We have a situation in which we need to reserve WO for a sales order or in other words when we produce WO for a specific customer, how I can keep that the WO…
Custom solution for Scanning barcodeSummary: Custom solution for Scanning barcode Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello Experts, I have a requirement to scan a QR code which …
Work order Material Requirement Report - Process manufacturingHi Everyone, We have process manufacturing implemented. We need to have Work Order Material Requirement report based on Open Sales orders and Transfer orders. Do you hav…Oracletechnofunctional 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Prasanth Senthivel-Oracle Manufacturing
Question about Process Manufacturing APIContent (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi everyone! I'm looking for examples to perform API calls for process manufacturing. Digging into MOS, I …Andres De la Ossa-Oracle 1 view 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Prasanth Senthivel-Oracle Manufacturing
Parent Work Order for Manufacturing ProcessSummary: We are losing visibility of the sub-assemblies that are part of our Finished Goods (also sub-assemblies of sub-assemblies). Once a finished good WO is created, …
Over Completion and Under Completion work order in a Contract Manufacturing scenarioSummary: Is it possible to have Over Completion and Under Completion of work order quantity in a Contract Manufacturing scenario Content (please ensure you mask any conf…
How to Disable manual creation of work order number during WO creation. Work order number should beSummary: How to Disable manual creation of work order number during WO creation. Work order number should be generated by system only.Shyam Ganesh Parthasarathi-Oracle 31 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Prasanth Senthivel-Oracle Manufacturing
Is there an FBDI to load WIP completion transactions?Summary: Unable to see the transaction type WIP completion / Production completion transaction type in the list of values for transaction type in FBDI for WIP transactio…
How to restrict users to perform the Input Material Transactions only in the Work Order?Summary: How to restrict users to perform the Input Material Transactions only in the Work Order by navigation to the Review Dispatch List UI? Content (please ensure you…
23D outside processing-Supply chain Orchestration Hold ProcessHi Team, In 23D upgrade, there was new feature mentioned under supply chain orchestration HOLD CHANGES FROM MANUFACTURING UNTIL PURCHASE ORDERS ARE READY IN OUTSIDE PROC…
Is it OK to update the Materials quantity to "0" to avoid re-issuing the Operaion Item?Summary: Users want to replace or disable already issued Operation Items in some cases. But as you know, once the Operation Items are issued, we cannot delete those Oper…
Can a rework work order be cancelled?Summary: Can a rework work order be cancelled? Content (required): Can a rework work order be cancelled? Also, can a rework work order be cancelled at any stage in the p…
Material Consumption in Work OrderI think that material consumption happens against the work order when it is closed. Do we have any option so that material is consumed before closing the work order.
Requisition approval IssueSummary: Approval Process Error Details MessageORABPEL-30103 exception.code:30103 exception.type: error exception. severity: 2 exceptions. The ruleset did not return any…
Component Picking: Avoid reservation if the Stock exists in Supply subinventorySummary: Suppose Work order has a component X with source Subinventory & Locator as A. Assume Stock already exists in A, when pick process is run, the system creates mov…
Is there a REST API avaiable for Work order reservationsHello Team, Is there a REST API available to process Ingredient reservations for a released work order. If so can you please help with API details and sample payload. Th…
Contract MFG or OSP - which will be more suitable in this scenarioSummary: Contract MFG or OSP - which will be more suitable in this scenario Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): There are 3 entities (A, B, C)…
How to prevent cancellation of work order which have components issuedSummary: Business wants to prevent cancellation of Work Orders on which material has been issued.
Unable to perform Quick complete for Lot and Serial controlled itemsSummary: Unable to perform Quick complete for Lot and Serial controlled items Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello Experts, I am testing …
Does Oracle Mfg cloud support work order creation for ATO Standard finished product with std BOM?Summary: There is an ask to create work order from sales order for standard finished product without enabling back to back feature. So, want to define an ATO standard it…
share me the List of OUM document linksSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any code snippets t…