Category 170
Discussion List
Can we restrict work order costing for primary cost book with PAC Costing ?Summary: For Primary Cost Book with PAC Costing method, we are intending to consider Costing for all the Inventory transactions EXCEPT MANUFACTURING Transactions i.e. Wo…
How to import to CMR_I_AP_INVOICE_DTLS for Cost ManagementSummary: We could not find an appropriate API or FBDI in the documentation, that can import to CMR_I_AP_INVOICE_DTLS. Content (required): For the functional requirements…
Analyze Product Gross Margins screen displays Category assigned to Order Entry Functional areaSummary: Analyze Product Gross Margins screen displays Category assigned to Order Entry Functional area Catalog Content (please ensure you mask any confidential informat…
How to query the inventory valuation for a specific date? After 23CSummary: Alternative for deprecated subject area 'Inventory Valuation Real Time' Content (required): With the release of 23C the subject area 'Inventory Valuation Real T…
Review Inventory Valuation UISince the introduction of 23C, I am unable to run the 'Review Inventory Valuation' UI it returns no data for any periods but I am aware there is data there. Are there an…Jake S Laurie 121 views 7 comments 0 points Most recent by Manikandan S R-Support Oracle-Oracle Costing
Account rule based on PO line amount/ PO totalSummary: Account rule based on PO line amount/ PO total Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): How an accounting rule can be defined in SLA in co…
Overhead cost and OH absorption in WO for standard costingSummary: Currently only plant and WC level OH rates are available in cloud which doesn't fits most of the business requirement for overhead cost. Content (required): 1) …
Business Unit above Legal EntitySummary: One business unit with Multiple Legal entities Content (required): Business wants to use one business unit for requisitioning, procurement, payables etc with mu…
Exclude Overheads for non-Standard Work OrdersHello, Client is using Standard Costing, and uses both Standard (Process) and Transform (Discrete) Work Orders. We have Overhead defined based on the output item within …
Inter org transfer transaction performed to move the consigned material creating PPVSummary: We are using the inter org transfer to move the consigned material from Consigned organization to Own Organization. During the process the event Transfer to Own…
Create Accounting process ends in Error -Hi All, The Create Accounting Process for Cost Management ends with an error message - The Create Accounting process ended with a status of Error because one of its chil…
When opening a new period, why is the target date showing a different month than the cost period?Summary: I am opening a client's cost period from the "Manage Cost Accounting Periods" screen. As an example, I highlight the row to open the October 2023 period, but wh…
Intercompany Invoicing for transfer order between two organization within same BUSummary: We have requirement to crate intercompany invoicing - AP and AR, for transfer orders between two organizations - BE_01 and BE_02. Both of these organizations ar…
As LCM is not supporting to Transfer Orders receiving, is there any possibility to release feature?Summary: As LCM is not supporting to Transfer Orders receiving, is there any possibility to release this feature near future ? If no in roadmap, what could be the possib…
How to Default Material Overhead Cost when defining Item Cost in Oracle SaaS Cloud Cost applicationSummary: Need the capability to default Material Overhead Cost when defining an Item Cost in Oracle SaaS Cloud Cost application Content (required): In Oracle EBS it is p…
how to get a legal message printed on an AR transaction from a Legal Justification Message ReportingWe have a requirement to print a message on an AR transaction Image from a Legal Justification Message Reporting setup based on bill to country. Please let me know how w…Kona Sreenivasula Reddy 31 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Raghuram Saradka-Oracle Receivables & Collections
Invoice for a matched to receipt purchase order is missing receipt details.Summary: Can we get the details for the error message of 'Invoice for a matched to receipt purchase order is missing receipt details.'? Content (please ensure you mask a…
Does LCM apply for Transfer Order scenariosSummary: Does LCM take freight, charges, fees, etc. into consideration for Transfer Order scenarios Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Versio…
AR Invoice Accounting and COGS recognition are accounted in different monthsSummary: We have a scenario, that the Invoice is accounted in the Sep-23 but the COGS recognition is accounted in the Oct-23. what could be the possible reasons as there…
Unable to see custom Account Segment Rule defined in Receipt Accounting Journal Entry Rule SetUnable to see custom Account Segment Rule defined in Receipt Accounting Journal Entry Rule Set We have defined the custom Receiving JE Rule Set copied based on the seede…
How is the "Material Account - Organization" mapping set used in Cost Management?Summary: How is this mapping set used in Cost Accounting? "Material Account - Organization" Content (required): I've noticed this mapping set, but I have yet to find a R…
How to roll costs without affecting another Inventory Org in Oracle Cloud?We would like to roll costs at an Inventory Org level. We have the parent items at multiple Inventory Orgs. How do I accomplish this cost roll by Inventory Org?
Debit Memo through RTS to be created with Invoice PriceSummary: In this scenario, PO, Receipt, Invoice created and accounted then return to vendor is recorded using return receipt. Usually Debit Memo through RTS is created b…
Account field in New Value AdjustmentSummary: For Manufacturing & Costiing Implementation, considering GL is already implemented and fully operational with all values, what should be the "Acocunt" to be sel…
Negative quantity Offset in costing and Cost Processing PrioritizationSummary: This issue pertains to the handling of negative inventory offsets in the context of cost processing, specifically addressing the challenge of linking offset tra…
WIP Costing Report - Standard Cost, Cost Incurred, Variance, GL AccountsSummary: Is there a seeded report that shows Work Order, Item Standard Costs, Cost Incurred, Variances, GL Accounts for closed work orders? Content (required): Requireme…
Why does an account segment not derive the value configured in the mapping set?Summary: Why does an account segment not derive the value configured in the mapping set that have like source the Inventory Category Code? I have a mapping set configure…
Which view will help me get the price of the item at the latest timeI want to get item cost of the latest time in item but in view CST_ATTR_ONHAND_VALUATIONS don't have it
Standard Cost AdjustmentSummary: We did standard cost adjustment transaction. However while creating the mapping set we are not able to find the specific inventory organizations. Only master in…
How to view distributions without clicking View Details buttonSummary: How to view distributions without clicking View Details button? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): In Review Cost Accounting Distrib…