Category 222
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Pass attachments from VBCS to PCSSummary: How to to pass the attachment uploaded in the VBCS form to the PCS Form? Content (required): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Sn…
Oracle Integration Update Webcast September 15th 2022Summary: Launch webcast Oracle Integration 3 and Oracle Process Automation Content (required): We are launching 2 exciting new offerings in the Integration space. We jus…
Select form component in PCS with connector to populate data from fusion rest apiSummary: I'm trying to populate Select control in web form in PCS with the connector i.e. getting value from Fusion SCM REST API but the preview is loading indefinitely …
Issue in PCS form select control with connectorSummary: Hi All I have created a PCS form where select control is getting populated with REST connector. I have configured REST connector as per Oracle docs and also pro…
Rest Receivables invoice attachment with postman OK, with OIC does not work (for me...)Summary: Hello, I would appreciate your help with this issue: I use postman with this payload:…
(my) Rest Integration multi-operation does not update the last action after changing responseSummary: Content (required): Hello, Please, I need help with the following, perhaps I am missing some step, or is something that is not taken into account by developers.…
Processes my tasks embed in fusion as a pageSummary: I want to embed my tasks page in process in Fusion as an extension. Example when user clicks on the icon it has to open the process tasks assigned to that parti…
Processes (PCS) tasks upload document error when uploading more than 1 MB fileSummary: we have tried to upload file to process tasks with more than 1 MB file but it is not going through via REST API. Please let me know what is the limit on the fil…
Expose BIP report as api for external vendorsHi Experts, What is the best way to Expose BIP report as api for external vendors consumption. Want to know the right way to do it? If anybody has experience.
How to migrate process application from lower to higher environment after modificationsSummary: Hi Team I'm working on support project. I have modified the process application in DEV instance and now I want to move the code to higher PROD instance. Please …
Issue in Data association in process (PCS) applicationSummary: I have created an integration which will accept request as an array but in process in data association I don't find the structure and it is showing as below. Pl…
Mysql connection. Impossible without admin privileges in OIC?Summary: Hi, I would thank if anyone can help me with this. Im just testing in the OIC instance for partners a mysql connection, without success. Ive seen this in the do…
How can I Launch an OIC Integration from HCM Coud?Summary: Hi all Is there any way to launch an OIC integration directly from HCM Cloud? I would appreciate any suggestions. Ernesto. Content (required): OIC - HCM Cloud V…
Options to sign JWT to invoke REST Trigger integrationsSummary: Using OCI Vault to sign JWT to to invoke REST Trigger integrations Content (required): Hello, Looking for some guidance with respect to signing of JWT for user …
For remote fault in OIC Adapters do we have automatic retry?Summary: For any connection failure scenario, does OIC adapter retry immediately internally? Content (required): I think auto retry was there in remote fault immediately…
How to Call BI Report Once for multiple parameter In OICSummary: How to Call BI Report Once for multiple parameter In OIC Content (required): Hi Expert, We have a requirement where we need to get UOM code for each Item number…
How can the response payload be modified to have the namespace prefix for the root element in OIC?Summary: Hello world response payload is missing the namespace prefix for the root element Content (required): I have been working on an integration migration project. A…
Need to check Structure of the schema Stage file ReadI would like to know if there is any way to check already uploaded file in the Stage File action. For example in the above process .csv file was uploaded during the deve…
HCM Rest IntegrationThe worker api response has a structure of item and inside that a links array with attributes as "rel","href","name","kind","properties" etc.. 1)Is it possible to filter…
Business Identifier fields in OCI LoggingSummary: We enabled OCI logging on an integration instance and I'd like to query the business identifier fields, but the field is not available. Content (required): We h…Guillermo González de Agüero 11 views 0 comments 0 points Started by Guillermo González de Agüero Integration
Process REST API to upload attachment is throwing 400 bad request in POSTMANSummary: we are trying to follow the below documentation to upload attachment to process task but getting 400 bad request error. Please help…
Skip Loop Iteration in OICSummary: Skip a Loop Iteration. Content (required): Hi, I have a really huge schedule based integration with lots of Scopes, Mappings etc all under in a loop. Now I want…
Integrate Apex application in Oracle CloudSummary: Users need to access Apex application from Oracle cloud based on custom roles assigned to them, need the process to integrate the Apex pages from Oracle cloud. …
Process reassign tasks with REST API 401 errorSummary: we are trying to reassign process tasks with the help of REST API, when we use OIC ADMIN user credentials they it is working fine i.e. we are able to reassign t…
OIC ERP Adapter- Get User Roles of fusion cloudSummary: Hi, I am trying to get the roles available in Fusion Cloud by passing username using ERP adapter, but not able to get it. Has anybody succeeded to get the roles…
Process (PCS) reassign task with REST API issueSummary: we are trying to reassign process tasks with the help of REST API, when we use OIC ADMIN user credentials they it is working fine i.e. we are able to reassign t…
Process tasks created 10 days back are no more foundSummary: There were few tasks created in Process (PCS) by users as it was holiday for our customer they had not taken action but now when we check then those tasks are n…
How can we get the new OIC UISummary: Our OIC UI has not been updated to version 3, Please let us know how can we get the early access for the new UI Content (required): Version (include the version…
FTP Adapter > Connection to FTP Server Using Private Key File and PassPhraseSummary: FTP Adapter > Connection to FTP Server Using Private Key File and PassPhrase Content (required): Hello, We are trying to connect to a FTP Server; however, we ar…
FTP EndPoint > List Files > File Name PatternSummary: FTP EndPoint > List Files > File Name Pattern Content (required): Hello, When we use the File Name Pattern, the List Files operation does …