Category 85-2
Discussion List
Do we have any rest Api to create/update vendors in OTM?Summary: do we have any rest Api to create/update vendors in OTM? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are usi…
VALIDATION ON USER ACCESS when Edit BillSummary: Hi, we have a questions about user access manager, We have a need to make validation when editing the bill on the involved parties tab. when invoice_refnum_valu…OTM Puninar 41 views 13 comments 0 points Most recent by Nilesh Kumar Mal-Oracle Transportation Management
Sending documents from OTMIs there any possible way to send documents without using FTP from OTM to any other system? @Nilesh KumarMal-Oracle Please let me know if you've any information regardin…Narayana Rangollu 51 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by MarcD-Oracle Transportation Management
Getting error while changing the service provider, Anyone faced this before?Summary: While changing the service provider using standard action at shipment, we are getting the below error. Has anyone faced this before? Our rates are based on SMC …VarnitJain 31 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Islam Bahgat-Oracle Transportation Management
Is it feasible to enable check box by default while changing the service provider?Summary: Do we have any property or other way to enable by default any one or all checkboxes as shown in the below screenshot? Content (please ensure you mask any confid…
Populate Postal/Zip Code based on Latitude and LongitudeHi, In OTM locations are getting created via integration, In on of the scenario we only get latitude , longitude and country code and we don't get other address informat…
Transportation Management Business Process (Visio Diagram)Summary: Where to find the VIsio diagram of the Transportation management business process Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): I have already …
Which type of Internal material transfer can integrate with OTM?Summary: There are different types of internal material transfers i.e. as below . So for which type of transfer it is possible to integrate with OTM ? Within Same Busine…
Do we have any Rest Api/Soap wsdl to create Outbound Loads in WmsSummary: Do we have any Rest Api/Soap wsdl to create Outbound Loads in Wms Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Do we have any Rest Api/Soap ws…
Recurring Process Not Sending NotificationSummary: I created a recurring process to execute a query and send a notification with the gids returned by the query. This works in our TEST instance of OTM Cloud but d…Brendan P. Donlin 41 views 7 comments 0 points Most recent by Wendy Baum -Oracle Transportation Management
OTM Mobile AppHi Everyone, Here one of our customer requesting the below requirement. When mobile app operator perform the cancel action from mobile app, the status should be show DIS…ARAVINDA REDDY YELLA-Oracle 41 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by Al F-Oracle Transportation Management
Business number rule with system date format yymmddhh24missSummary: Hi, We need to define a new business number rule adding to the document_gid the system date with format yyymmddhh24miss. For example we need to add the document…
Order Release Tracking Events end pointSummary: The following REST call doesnt seem to be working as it returns back the full url as response. /orderReleases/{orderReleaseGid}/trackingEvents/{iTransactionNo} …
Stop automatic secure resources on shipments created via recurring process bulk planSummary: We have a custom agent which runs on shipment creation. This agent inserts logistics involved party in the shipment, which is basically the insert user of the s…
External Distance Engine as "Milemaker" not able to provide distance if County Qualifier is missingSummary: We have a scenario to get the distance calculated from Milemaker. In most of the cases, we are getting the distance in OTM but there are a few cases where it's …
Looking for ways if OTM will tender shipments only to carriers who comply certain certificationsSummary: Looking for ways if OTM will tender shipments only to carriers who comply with certain certifications due to government regulation. Any such out-of-box function…
ETA prediction (ML) for ground schedule shipmentsIn our project, I am exploring ETA prediction through machine learning. We have ground-scheduled shipments and don't use bulk plans for planning. I also tried to do a PO…
OTM poolingWe've a query regarding how pooling works based on distance. Let's say we've a scenario where there are 2 orders with the following details: Order1 - Source is A, Destin…Narayana Rangollu 63 views 11 comments 0 points Most recent by MarcD-Oracle Transportation Management
planned service provider in transportation intelligenceSummary: can you please advise if there is a Planned Carrier (Planned Servprov) column in Transportation Intelligence or I am overlooking it? we are calculating a PTA % …
Is it possible to create user in OTM using CSV?Summary: We are trying to create a user in OTM using GL_USER CSV and we can see that the file is getting processed. GL_USER table is also getting updated with respective…VarnitJain 52 views 10 comments 0 points Most recent by Lukasz Rafalko-Oracle Transportation Management
CCC: Here Maps ability to support Multiple Shipments drag and Drop in OTMSummary: Not able to select Drag and Drop on Multiple Shipment Stops. It works only when we Zoom Out the map where all the TearDrop icons in one place. Content (required…
proforma invoiceIs there any way to generate a proforma invoice in OTM? @Nilesh KumarMal-OracleNarayana Rangollu 21 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by MarcD-Oracle Transportation Management
How Can i create a prepayment invoice for buy shipment the beginning of Buy shipmentSummary: How Can i create a prepayment invoice for the buy shipment to the Service Provider at the beginning of the Buy shipment? Content (please ensure you mask any con…Abdallah Hamdy 21 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Ashok Kalidindi-Oracle Transportation Management
Unable to hide display Icon on enhanced WorkbenchSummary: We have a requirement to hide the icon on Enhanced Workbench. As per the OTM Help, it should work but it's not. please suggest. Content (please ensure you mask …
Modify the OTM Manager URL for email notificationsSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi, We are tring to modify the OTM Manager URL for email notifications in order to link to a cust…
Looking for best practice to follow to build the Oracle Fusion Procurement-WMS-OTM integrationSummary: Hi all, We have a requirement to establish an integration between Oracle Cloud procurement, WMS & OTM for inbound flow. Appreciate any input to handle this inte…
How to multiple download 2 or more documents at the same timeSummary: We have a Workbench in which on the one hand the Buy Shipments screen appears (somewhat customized) and on the other the Document Manager screen (also somewhat …Jesús Collado Pérez 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by MarcD-Oracle Transportation Management
How to Unassign An Order In Status Of SECURE_RESOURCE – MAX_RETENDERS without withdraw Tender?Summary: I am following the document mentioned…
Can we extract or build any OTM report similar to OTBI in FTI for transactional Master Data ?Summary: We are implementing a project with Cloud ERP and OTM applications (23 B) . We are want to extract / build OTM report similar to OTBI under FTI for transactional…
Create appointment with breaking timeSummary: I have the following scenario: A location with 30 min slots and dock calendar for all day long. Then, a shipment planned to be loaded in 2 hours is scheduled to…Carlos Eduardo 41 views 1 comment 2 points Most recent by Karl Baker-Oracle Transportation Management