Hey, Can you confirm what was wrong please?
No problem :). I just feel there are enough NetSuite customers in the UK that surely there must be other customers using this scheme. I just need to know how others are managing if if NetSuite don't offer any solution out of the box.
Hi Angela, This is a VAT scheme in the UK -
Thanks Richard. Any help appreciated
Wish there was more on this thread!
I really don't want that to be true! Is there any workaround? Would you suggest recording the leases then running interest journals up to date and then reversing those journals out?
Hi Micah, What to do if I have followed the above but I am still getting 0 last depreciation period plus the NBV is not importing correctly? Chris
Thanks Michelle, I shouldnt have been so quick to post this question really. I imported a bunch of assets myself and these ones depreciate fine so it is just a problem with the demo assets already on the demo account. That's not a problem for me. I will just inactivate these demo assets. Thanks
To be honest Michel, I don't remember if I resolved this but I will try to find time to have a play around and let you know. Chris
No it's fine. I did this with a second workflow state that removes all action buttons and adds two new ones that say Confirm and Cancel. The Cancel returns back to the previous state. The Confirm continues the workflow.
Ok. Do you have any other suggestions for non scripted solutions to my problem? I need to add a confirm step after the click of an action button to prevent users from clicking it accidentally.
Thanks Angie, My use case is actually not in the US so this isn't applicable to me fortunately. I understand on the Subsidiary level but I don't understand why that is limited to the Primary Book. Maybe I'll leave it though since I can see this isn't applicable to my customer if it is specifically around the Payroll…
Hi kristoffer, Yes that works thanks. I will go with that solution. It's not perfect because the user doesn't know that their submission has failed but It works fine. I think generally the Quick Add portlet presents problems so would be good to get rid of it if we choose. Maybe one day Thanks Chris
That's madness. Who is using Fax?! NetSuite should just drop that action button. No one in the developed world is using Fax. If you are using Fax through NetSuite I'll give you a gift card! And the Print in Customers Locale button should only be present if there is another language set for said customer. The NetSuite…
Does anyone else know how this can be done?
I also don't think the Print Statements page can be customised at form level. To be clear, I'm talking about this page and specifically the Print In Customers Locale and Fax buttons.
Thanks Is it possible to apply a workflow to the Print Statement page though? I can't find it on the list of records?
It worked thanks. I then set up a workflow on the UI only to give an error when the Invoice record is accessed. Thanks for the help
Hi Jack, I like that solution and I actually wanted to do that but unfortunately, I can't seem to view the invoices in the list view like you have shown. This customer centre role has View access of invoices but it doesn't appear anywhere as a list. As you can see from the screenshot the only lists I have are Sales Orders…
Anyone know the answer to this?
You're a legend. I'll update you
thanks @Gaurav_NS What is the command to make it mandatory at line level? nlapiSetLineItemMandatory('item','fieldid',true)? I cant get this to work
YES! This works. So long as the Cost price is not imported the Est Extended Cost will import correctly and will also populate the cost price correctly.
HI Dominica, Sorry to keep you waiting. I'm going to test this today and get back to you. This sounds promising though (ie. removing the Cost Price form the import) Chris
Yes it works. Thanks champ
I love that. Thanks Gaurav. Ill give that a try and come back if I have any issues.
Hi Dominica, I have tried this and it imports the Cost Estimate Type as Custom (as expected) but imports the Est. Extended Cost as 0.
HI Dominica, Thank you for your reply Custom can't be set in the item records Cost Estimate Type. It's not available. I have therefore set the item default to Item Defined Cost. I can then set it to custom on the import. The Est Extended Cost does not import correctly. Is this not the behavior you are experiencing? I don't…
Hi Dominica, Thank you for the reply. This doesn't provide any solution though. Custom cant be set as the Cost Estimate Type on the item record so Item Defined Cost is the best option. I have tried importing the Cost Estimate Type field on the line item import and although it picks up Custom it still leaves the Est.…
Any ideas what is going on here?