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D. Non-Financial Reports Only
Thank you very much, Judith, for all of your assistance. I will open the support case.
When I removed one of the custom fields from the criteria, the onscreen results did change to reflect the downloaded results, which did contain multiple duplicates for each invoice. I do need both criteria to get the proper results. Wondering if Main Line is Yes is what is removing the duplicates onscreen?? When I remove…
Sorry for the delay. I was out of the office. Here are the filters
On screen, I get 70 results. Downloaded, I get 732. They are the correct results but some are duplicated for some reason. Thank you!
I don't have an answer to your question but I just asked a very similar question. I am doing a transacton search on invoices. The search results are what I expect, on the screen (70 results). When I export to either Excel or CSV, I am getting duplicate lines for every invoice. (732 results). If I select print to pdf, the…
Yes, thank you. The last comment put me on the right path. On the custom field, it wasn't Validation & Defaulting that I needed but Sourcing & Filtering. I filtered on Stage=Lead. This issue has been resolved. Thanks to all who chimed in.
Thank you for this but I tried it already and for whatever reason, the field that holds the information isn't exposed. I've reached out to support so I am now closing this request. Thanks to all who've responded to my question.
Thanks for the thought, Angela. Hiding the system notes subtab is not an option I would even entertain. Someone accidentally pasted their home address into a custom field that's supposed to hold a project name.
Update: I have not been able to get this workflow to work. I slimmed it down to only the first two actions and nothing. I've tried the first action by itself...nothing. I tried the second action by itself...nothing. Thank you for your efforts to assist.
Angelica, I did receive your response. Thank you very much. I haven't had sufficient time to work through it yet to say whether or not it resolved my issue. So far it hasn't but I want to start from scratch and perform one action at a time to see if I can identify where/if it breaks down. I will reply again to this thread…
see attached
Thank you for taking a look.
Thanks for looking into it.
Hi Dominica, Yes, I am referring to Revenue Recognition Percent Complete. I have attached some snapshots. Page 1 is the relevant parts of a service order (which we've renamed lease). Under Items, I've only included the one in question with the 103.96% complete. There is a Term = 100, Units=blank and a Billing Schedule…
Thanks Leonard for looking into it. I will certainly add my vote to the enhancement request!
We're using a couple of Site Builder Websites. Would you consider the first one to be customer center? https://3596240.secure.netsuite.com/c.3596240/checkout-2-02-0/login.ssp?whence=&origin=customercenter&sc=6&login=T#login-register https://3596240.secure.netsuite.com/c.3596240/Guest-Portal/GuestPaymentPortal.ssp
So sorry for the very delayed response. It got lost in my inbox. Here is the exact error: An unexpected error has occurred. Please click here to notify support and provide your contact information.
After some testing... I started with the first (and most important) formula and deleted all the rest. Each of the formulas actually produce the correct numeric results however, when I attempt to sort on those columns or download the results, I get "An unexpected error has occurred......" I'm not sure what you mean by…
Thank you for the reply. I will try to recreate the saved search, one formula at a time. In the meantime, here are the screenshots of the Criteria and the Results. Thank you!
Again, thank you Shamaine for the help. I am able to get the Delete button on the record if the Charge Stage is anything other than Processed. However, when I try to delete one, say in a Hold stage, I get this error: This record cannot be deleted because it has dependent records. I've deleted the associated charge invoice…
No, we are not using Open Air.
Thank you for the quick response. I followed wht you suggested but we are not using Finance Charges but Charges. Transactions>Customers>Create Charges>List I don't have to option to turn on inline editing to delete these.
Yes, this was of great help. Thank you so much!
Hi Shamaine, That's not quite what I mean. I'm not trying to identify duplicate transactions but duplicate customers. Here's an example... we have a customer saved as City of Oz and another as City of Oz, CO. They're technically the same customer that has multiple sales orders (contracts) but over time got two customer…
Thank you very much. I opened a ticket with NetSuite. If I find out anything that may be useful, I will share.
Yes, Ivy! Thanks so much. That's exactly what I need.
@"Micah Timbol-Oracle"@"Shamaine Chan-Oracle" Thank you both for all your help. I think I'm losing sight of what I was really trying to achieve. I have always been able to get the check number in the saved search results. What I am unable to do is to isolate a specific check number using a filter on the check number…
I see and understand what you're doing here and it makes sense but something still isn't correct. When I use the type = Bill, it doesn't give me any results. I get results when I use type = Payment, but the transaction number = payment record # and the applying transaction = deposit number. It looks like we're using the…
Hi Mik- Thank you for the help. I have to say I don't fully understand the formulas but I tried both of your test scenarios. For testing #1, under criteria, I have to use: Type=Bill and Payment. Type= Bill Payment doesn't give me any results. Thus, I get no results from the formula you gave me. I do get the payment record…