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Hi @Elina Kourouzidou, You don’t need to edit the Billing Schedule if it’s already the one you want to reflect in the Sales Order. Could you try the following steps on Sales Order #SO000097? View Sales Order #SO000097 Click Edit. Click Save. Note: You don't need to update anything on the sales order. After saving, please…
Awesome! Glad it works! @JohanvL 😍
C. Expense Report
Hello @JohanvL, Good day! Kindly try adding formula below using Formula (Numeric) in Criteria subtab: Filter: Formula (Numeric) Formula: CASE WHEN {createddate} < TO_DATE(TO_CHAR({createddate}, 'YYYY-MM-DD') || ' 08:00:00', 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') OR {createddate} > TO_DATE(TO_CHAR({createddate}, 'YYYY-MM-DD') || '…
Hello @Elina Kourouzidou, Good day! Could you please try editing and saving the Sales Order to see if the Billing Schedule updates? (This is to trigger the update made on the Billing Schedule.) A possible reason for the issue with the Sales Order Billing Schedule is that it was initially created with a Recurrence Count of…
Hi All, MJ here from the Philippines! I’m currently part of the NetSuite Customer Service team and have recently completed all five NetSuite certifications. I'm still getting familiar with the NetSuite Support Community and am working on mastering filters relevant to my area of expertise so I can assist other users…
A) At least one filter set on the Criteria subtab
Answer: False, employee record with Internal ID (-5) cannot be deleted because it is assigned to the default (initial) Administrator of the user's NetSuite account. Instead, a user with Administrator role is able to set the record as Inactive and remove any given access. SuiteAnswer: 88538 Resolve Error: "Unexpected error…
Hello @Elina Kourouzidou, Good day! You may refer to SuiteAnswer: 88268. Kindly follow Solution #2, Represents Subsidiary field is populated with the correct subsidiary (pair) in the Customer Record. Hope this will help resolve the error you encountered.
Hello @User_C2BGJ, Good day! We have NetSuite SuiteTax that can be enabled on customer's account. However, it may not be enough depending on their business use case. Most of the customers I've handled, uses Avalara AvaTax. Please note that it would be best to discuss this further with their Account Manager to find the best…
Hi @Mike Wondrasek, You may refer to SuiteAnswer ID: 75952 to change an item in a sales order via CSV import. I hope this is helpful!