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@Katerina Winklerova-Oracle Thank you for your response. It solved the issue . How can i round the number by decimal digits and how can i present the number as percentage?
@Tiru Chembeti But this is not showing the parent accounts rather the accounts himself. Can you send a screen shot?
@ Dominica Sevilla-Oracle Thank you. I need to know how define rule for the dunning that only the contact primary and secondary role will receive and email from the system when an invoice will be issued.
HI @Clarisa De Torres-Oracle, Thank for the quick response. I meant to the edit layout section no to the filters. In the edit layout i can design what the section will include, in the filter it's related to all the report data. Thank you,
Hi , Additional question, is there any option to edit manually the carve out amount or do any manipulation?
Hi @Clarisa De Torres-Oracle, Thank you for your response. So it means that I can't cancel the allocation and carve out functionality when there is a specific item that is part of the SO deal, right?
Hi @Michelle Jabanes-Oracle, The role is in an employee center type for lite users so when I'm trying to add the employee permission I can't do it. Is there any option to add this permission? Thank you,
Hi @Michelle Jabanes-Oracle, This is the standard field "Employee" I just changed the field label. The role has permission edit to the employee record
It works now thank you. I didn't change the window periods to 1
Hi, Thank you for the respond. I tried your solution and i doesn't work for me. see below:
Yes admin
Hi, Attached is the error screenshot and the error message text. Dear User, One of the values below selected in the department or area field is a prohibited value for selection: Departments: Balance sheet COR COR General (Eng.) COR General (PS) G&A G&A General R&D R&D General S&M Marketing General Sales General Region:…
Thank you all. You are the best
Hi @Katerina Winklerova-Oracle, Thank you. I'm still don't understand how to solve this issue. Can you share with me an example?
Hi Kristoffer Viray-Oracle, thank you for your response. Actually, I don't want to remove the checkbox that you mentioned I want to remove the option the system set into the line item the default values derived from the item master data. is it possible? thank you,
Hi @Patrick Fresnosa-Oracle, i have no this option. please see the 2 screenshots below:
Hi Patrick Fresnosa-Oracle, Thank you. I don't see the subfolder in my report and I don't see the enable feature accounting for this feature. can you share a screenshot of the enable section feature? We are running revenue recognition in our system
@Mikko De La Fuente-Oracle Gob belles you Man. thank you very much it works!!!!
Hi @Dominica Sevilla-Oracle, It seems that i don't have this field at all in my forms and i'm not able to add the expense tab. could you advice? thank you, Matan.
Hi Jack Daryl Espiel-Oracle, Thank you for your response. Actually, it's not what I'm looking for. I'm looking to add a button on the PO UI that the user will be able to click on when he opens the PO UI. By clicking, the system will trigger a workflow that sends vendor word (word document) via email. The screenshot I…
hi Jack Daryl Espiel-Oracle, Yes i still need assistance, because all the previous answers actually don't give me a solution. The case is that i want a button the will be enable when the user wants to intiate a PO and when is that the vendor he is looking doesn't exsit in the system he will click on this button that…
@ Katerina Winklerova-Oracle, thank you!!!
@ Kristoffer Viray-Oracle Thank you. you are the best
@Kristoffer Viray-Oracleת Thank you. actually, I'm not familiar with scripting yet in Netsuite, I'm planning to learn it in the future. Maybe you can share with me how to do it by script?
@Kristoffer Viray-Oracle, thank you But actually i can use button and workflow, the workflow will send the file as attachment via email. It won't work? thank you,
@Steve Barrett thank you
Thank you @John Griffin you are the best!@!
Thank you Champ! @Jack Daryl Espiel-Oracle
Hi User_1LVDZ, Can you share your code, please? thank you,
Thank you for perfect explanation