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Hi Richard, I've submitted this issue with Netsuite in a ticket and it has been escalated to their dev team. They've reached out and we have connected through Zoom, they are working on a solution. Thanks!
Hi Richard, Yes, but I'm still not sure what my next step is here. I've filled in a support form with Webstorm but not sure if they will get back to me.
Hi Richard, Apologies on the delay. I'm not sure how to apply the solution you have sent me. My issue is adding my account to Webstorm so I can work on Suitescripts there.
Hi Richard, Sorry I'm just getting back to you on this. We only allow employees to submit time through the weekly timesheet, but not through time records, so that might be why with regards to the button. We have now got this working and we should be good! Thanks for all the help Richard!
Hi Richard, Sorry, should be more specific. In a timesheet record, you have both Save and Submit.
Hi Richard, I was able to stop the time entries from being submitted by also deploying my script on time records, not just timesheet records. Is there a way to differentiate between Submit and Save in a timesheet suitescript-wise? Thanks!
Hi Patrick, My suitescript is a UE script, it is not being triggered by a workflow. It is also currently only deployed to timesheet records.
Hi James, I was referring if your script is deployed on Timesheet records or Time records, because I can't duplicate your Notice (SuiteScript) message. Whenever I submit the timesheet, I get the red message rectangle in the top right, not a different page with the SuiteScript error.
Hi Richard! Are you doing this from the timesheet or from a time record? I am not able to replicate your scenario. Instead of getting that Netsuite Notice page, I get the red box in the top right on the timesheet.
Hi Richard, That is exactly where I have my error block:
I saw this list before but for some reason I just didn't put 2 and 2 together haha. Using EDIT fixed my issue. Thanks!
Hi Veronica, Yeah, no luck. I also sent her the actual link to the saved search to see if she could load the search directly and it would not load. It would instantly give this error:
Hi Veronica, We haven't had a chance to do this yet, but was wondering if you had any alternative solutions? Having to create a whole new employee record and inactivating the existing one messes up a lot of things. (Hours under projects, employee being project manager on several projects, etc).
Hello, Editing these records would not be a way of solving this cleanly. I did find another workaround though from Reddit, so sharing it here in case other people find it useful In the criteria, create a Formula(Text) field. In the description, put the field id (I.e. {custbody1} ). Make the selection in the drop down to be…
Hello! Would anyone have any useful insight on how I can fix this? 😄
Hi Michelle, I checked that on my sandbox account (I no longer have access to edit roles on production due to HR information on the system), and I didn't see any preferences being set on the role, yet the behavior is the same. One thing to note is I finally figured out how I ended up adding those links to the home links.…
Something to add, I just had my manager check on his end, he has the full administrator account, and those center categories do not show up for him either.
Hi Micah, Yes, my custom links are working from my employee centre home links. I am currently using a custom role that has all administrator access except for suitepeople stuff. With that being said, the Documents and My Company categories were already in the system and I added my links to them, I just can't find them…
Hi Micah, Thanks for the response! I did try that before, but there isn't a Documents category :S I also don't have a My Company category, and that is where my other custom link is. I'm wondering if this was changed after a certain release.
I do have a follow up question! This created a new category: If you look at the picture above, you can see the new one I made at the bottom. However, the Company Calendar under My Company and the Project SharePoint Libraries under Documents are also custom. How can I add my Company Perks under an existing category?
Amazing! Thank you for the refresher!!!
Hello Brian, Thank you for your input! I did check all that and also compared this to a similar custom sublist/tab that was already in the record. I ended up deleting the custom sublist entry, remaking it with the exact same information, and for some reason it now works. Thanks!
Hi Nicole, Took me a lot of tinkering but I finally got it working! Your article definitely helped me, I wasn't sure how to load the right unit type, now I understand that its using the unit of measure internal ID and then I can use the abbreviation to pick the right one from the list. One thing to note from your code, the…
Hi Nicole, Thank you for your reply! I am currently in the middle of testing based on the article you sent over last week :) Will update with results soon! Thanks again!
Hi Nicole, Just to add, it seems that this is the error that I'm getting:
Hi Nicole, So from my testing, I'm unable to load the unit type. From a PO, I am grabbing the unit type from the units field in the item sublist: var unit = record.getCurrentSublistValue({ sublistId: 'item', fieldId: 'units' }); I am then using a log.debug to check what I'm getting as a result, and the code is returning…
Hey Nicole, I wrote that last reply before giving record.load a try. I will try to use that using the unit type internal ID (from the sublist).
Hi Nicole, That's completely understandable! The part that im stuck with is how exactly to load the info for each unit type? My main part for confusion is that, for example, is unit types a different record than units of measure? We use two units of measure, and within each one, there are different unit types, each with…
Hello! Any new insights on this? :)
Hi Tafara, Thanks for answering! I looked up those articles and then proceeded to just try again. Something must've changed in the backend because today I can post everything no problem. I did have a case open with Netsuite but was still waiting on them to get back to me.