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Hey @Pallavi1903, You can do that via Mass Delete Script. Here are the steps on how to do that: https://suiteanswers.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/79526/loc/en_US
Hey, I noticed you didn't check the "Perform Item Commitment After Transaction Entry" checkbox. Yes, without checking it, all commitments will be manual. If you want the commitments to be automated for SOs, WOs, TOs, and other transactions, check the "Perform Item Commitment After Transaction Entry" checkbox.
Thank you, Team!
Thanks. In the "Filter" section, replace the "Internal ID" with "Item : Internal ID" and see if it works.
Hey @Brian Finlay, Perhaps the easiest way is to do that via Saved Search as a Workflow action criterion. In the Saved Search, you can have something like: Formula (Numeric): Case When {today} - {Date 1} < 0 AND {today} - {Date 2} < 0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END → (Equal to 0).
Hey @Martha Hakes, Can you share the screenshot of the Saved Search's Filter tab? The issue might be there.
Hey @User_8MM9H, It is not available natively. There is a solution called Netwrix (formerly Strongpoint) that does that. This solution regularly scans all of the metadata and XMLs related to Custom Objects and makes them reportable.
The issue you have might be caused by Open Waves linked to the orders. I assume you won't have this issue if you create test Work Orders with other items. If the issue isn't the Open Waves, then I would recommend contacting NetSuite Support and ask them to investigate.
Typically, the "Mine" parameter works, and I am unsure why it doesn't this time. Maybe there is a limitation regarding the Groups. Yes - the "Enhanced File Security" works only when the files are attached from the line. The main objective of this feature is to use it with the NetSuite Mobile App. When you take photos and…
If you find another way to do that, let me know.
Thanks for the clarification. No, that pop-up can't be customized to include additional fields as a look-up. You would need a custom field and some customization to show the required field in the pop-up. Alternatively, you can add the required fields to the Transaction, so you can see the values right after adding the item…
Did you make many changes to the custom field? Sometimes, NetSuite fails to update the changes, so a new field needs to be created. I replicated this in my Sandbox and set it to show two items, 400109 and 420168. With the above formula, each Sales Order correctly displays the relevant items: Sales Order 1 Sales Order 2
Hey @Febin Antony, You can do it via Saved Search, although you need some advanced formulas. Here is an example of such a report and a formula I used to give you an idea on how you need to do that: SUM(CASE WHEN ((to_char(to_date({trandate}),'MM')) = '12') AND (to_char(to_date({trandate}),'YYYY')) = '2024' THEN (({amount}…
Hey @SWSearcy, You should be able to do that via Workflow and using "Before Record Load" + "Set Field Display Type" = "Hidden"
Thanks for the update. In the results, can you try: Formula (Text) → Maximum and use this formula? REPLACE(NS_CONCAT(DISTINCT({item})),',',', ')
Hey @Martha Hakes, No, you need a script for that. The script will trigger on the native button press, open a pop-up to enter the mandatory information, and update the Sales Order on "Submit" (i.e., the Cancel might be clicked when the SO is in "View" mode).
Thanks. This might be happening because there can theoretically be multiple items that match the criteria. Or, the "Maximum" shows an empty value because of a "Tax Line" or something else. Can you check if the "Minimum" or "Group" produce any results? You can also have a temporary criteria that is filtered to, say, Line 2…
Hey @Julien Mi Electronics, When you search for the item using "%", doesn't it give you the required results? Here are the Preferences that impact the display of drop-down lists:
Hey @User_KAGURA, This might be related to the configuration or preferences related to the commitments. What is the configuration for item commitments? Also, are you using the Supply Allocation feature?
Hey @User_BD08X, If this is for Expense Reports, an "Enhanced File Security" preference automatically restricts folders to Expense Report employees. Otherwise, creating Groups for each employee and setting the "Restrict by Group" would be the primary option.
Is your search running on Main Line = True or Fales? If you could send screenshots of the Criteria, Results, and Filters, that would help with troubleshooting.
Hey @Andrea Barattini, NetSuite's current functionality doesn't prevent edits to "new Sales Orders only" when the Customer is On Hold. The only workaround is to remove On Hold, make the updates, and set the On Hold again.
Hey @Buckeye1497, Do you know if the "Item Status" is a native or custom field? In the Saved Search, there should be an "Inventory Location" join that might have the field you are looking for.
Hey @Adam Birk, Is the Custom Field on the Header or Line? The "Maximum" should work. Do you have the "Internal ID" of the Sales Order as a filter?
You can do that by checking the Journal Memo or System Notes → Context fields. The system-generated JEs have a standard Memo, such as "Rev Rec Source," and the Context is generally "Bulk Processing". Journals and all other Transactions in NetSuite have System Notes. Some manual JEs to the Deferred Revenue appear as…
NetSuite may need up to 24 hours to update their back-end record. If you can't send the emails tomorrow, I recommend opening a Support Case, as this might be a defect.
Yes, the custom "Item Receipt Date" will only get a value if a matching Item has been received on the same PO.
Hey @Amanda Edwards, You can do it with a custom field and a customization. Because the Saved Search is line-level, you can't reference information from another line to highlight the required line. One way to do it is to create a custom Date field on the PO line (e.g., Item Receipt Date) showing the earliest date for an…
Hey @Kyle Parlee, You can't populate a list value from a text field even if the names match exactly, as NetSuite doesn't recognize the "Text" as a match to the list value. The trick is to use "Internal ID" instead of a "Text". So, if the custom stored field has the Internal ID of the Employee, the Workflow will recognize…
Hey @dle_35705, There are a few ways to do that. The easiest would be to click "Customize View", create a custom view with required columns, and set the "Output Type" under Results to "Report". That way, you can click on the record to view it, or if you mouse hover, you can click "Edit", too. Another option is to create a…