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Ability to place a visual in Tooltip

Organization Name
Verizon Business Group
We would like to have the ability to place our own visual in Tooltip. Ideally, the data in the visual would automatically be filtered to the data point that is hovered on.
Use Case and Business Need
This would lessen clutter in canvases and provide our execs a quick overview or supplemental views of the data.
More details
Currently, we can add measures to the Tooltip. We would like to be able to place a visual to the Tooltip.
Original Idea Number: 4415f6d86d
It is very powerful.
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Don't forget to vote
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Interesting idea. Do you have any thoughts how you would like to see that in mobile on a phone ?
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Interesting Idea. Would love to see that.
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Very nice feature to have!
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+1 on this. This will be a really great feature to have!
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Anyone have thoughts on how they expect/would like this to render in Mobile ?
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Currently, tooltips do not show up on mobile devices. It may look too busy if we have tooltips enabled.
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This extra feature would be great to have more meaningful tooltips.