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Ability to allow command line/shell scripts to execute data flows

Organization Name
Verizon Communications
Use Case and Business Need
We would like to be able to run Data Flows to refresh Data Sets based on completion of our daily load in our Oracle OCI DB.
More details
With the current options, we have to either schedule it to run repeatedly throughout the day (e.g., every hour) to make sure we catch when our processing completes (since it can varies from day to day). In this instance, we unnecessarily run the data flow when it only needs to run one time putting unnecessary load on the DB. The other option is to load at a scheduled time, but if our processing runs late, then we've missed the window and have to manually run it (or not have it update) for that day.
Original Idea Number: 15383ed23b
First priority for us in my Company as well. Extremely needed. Being able to set a condition to run the Data Flow/Sequence would work as well.
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In my opinion, ability to programmatically execute data flows should be another extension of already introduce REST API for OAC/OAS: (so far available with very limited functionality , but with potential for further extensions and hopefully it will be available also for on-premise OAS).
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@Michal Zima I am a new PM on Bret's team focusing on data flows. This item is in the backlog, as we have received several requests for data flow execution via APIs. I don't have a timeline available yet regarding when this will be available.
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@GabriellePrichard-Oracle Thanks for update, there is huge space for extension of REST API (not only for DF, but also for manipulation of other DV objects - data sets, workbooks....). And I hope, that REST API will be also available for on-premise OAS - looking forward for it.
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Indeed a much-needed feature for orchestration and automation from other Scheduling tools which has more fancy features.
Bala Guddeti
Principal Analytics Technologist
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Can we have an update on the implementation status of this? Refreshing cached datasets and initiating DFs from DB scripts would is a feature we need. This request should be extended to include initiating email reports created using the newer DV email feature.
As daily processing completions times for data can vary from day-to-day due to upstream source availability, it is not always possible to determine a specific time to refresh data. We should be able to initiate a dataset/dataflow refresh via a cronjob/script.
This is very important for email-based reports as well. We currently auto-launch Delivers jobs via a script once our daily processing completes to provide execs and business partners current metrics as soon as they are available, but this is only a solution for Answers-based reports. This is another gap in functionality between Answers and DV that limits our ability to use the new viz tool.
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This feature is actively being worked on by development. I do not have an estimated delivery date to provide just yet.
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@GabriellePrichard-Oracle From your last update it is obvious, that this feature is not available yet. But this Idea has "Delivered" status - which is than not correct. Could you, pls, change status of this Idea to something else like "Planned", pls . Thanks.
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@Michal Zima @Greg Faris @BalaGuddeti-Oracle @Jorge Olmeda @Angel Shipp Public REST APIs will be available to use in the January OAC release. Please provide your emails so I can share some information- they will not be documented until officially GA (we are targeting March).
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@GabriellePrichard-Oracle And what about OAS - there is no REST API available at all. Is this in the roadmap ?