Oracle Analytics Cloud and Server Idea Lab

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Enable Drill-Down through Data Action on KPI Tile Viz


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Currently, KPI Tile viz does not have the ability to drill-down that can pass context, it only allows to add URL which does not pass the context. Please enable data action on KPI Tile viz as well so that context/filter can also be passed to drill-down. 

Use Case and Business Need

The KPI tile is used to show the Key Metrics number which is generally a summarized number and business always would like to see the breakdown of this number which can be full-filled using the drill-down.

For Example: if we show Employee Headcount on the KPI tile, the users would be interested to see the breakdowns of this count by drilling down to a more detailed report which is limited in the current version of OAC.

Original Idea Number: ab7c1bd448

14 votes

Delivered · Last Updated

Came in the July update
