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New Role for DataFlow
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DvConsumer can only view Data Flow, Authors can create and schedule. Is it possible to have another configuration to give the possibility to create without scheduling?
Use Case and Business Need
Another configuration
Original Idea Number: b645b5aee5
What would be the benefit of preventing a user from scheduling a Data flow run? More insight in to your goal versus the specific setting would help. As stated, this is unlikely for use to implement as the main purpose of a data flow it to be able to run it and scheduling is just a way to make that easier.
Is this about the ability to run in general or specifically about scheduling?
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I also would not like DV Authors not to be able schedule anything either. The automation of dataflows should go through the BI Admin(s). Someone can schedule a big dataflow to run in the middle of the day impacting performance of other users. Also, scheduling something means it's "productionalized" but has that report been validated? It could already exist and someone just created a duplicate dataflow creating redundancy. Now there are two versions to manage and which one is the correct version.
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So -- an author could run it manually and you would like to control who has the ability to schedule?