Oracle Analytics Cloud and Server Idea Lab

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A public portal where users can publish their best OAC projects



There should be a portal where all Oracle Analytics users can publish/upload their projects (also dashboards, if possible) to be publicly visible (like OAC Sandbox)

Use Case and Business Need

Not a business need, but this would increase interest in more users to try their hands on Oracle Analytics and also help them getting feedback from the experts.

Original Idea Number: a9e99523e2

4 votes

Submitted · Last Updated


  • M_Kumaran
    M_Kumaran Rank 5 - Community Champion

    Great idea!

  • Could you create a shared folder called 'Top Projects'  ? 

    Or are you looking for something like 'Featured Projects' on the Home page that would be managed by folks with elevated privileges ? 

    If you know of a public site that does something similar ( ie: Pinterest ) can you point to it , I'd love to know more about what you are thinking ? 

  • Neeti Choksi-Oracle
    Neeti Choksi-Oracle Rank 4 - Community Specialist

    Hi Jacques,

    It's more like Tableau public or Power BI public dashboards. Like we have OAC sandbox (where users can view projects without having to provide login credentials), but with permissions for registered users to upload their projects and dashboards as well. This might help budding OAC users get feedback from the experts as well as increase the interest for new users to enter the community.