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OAS - usage of custom Python scripts (creation, registration, usage in EXECUTE

Use Case and Business Need
Beeing able to leverage integration of Python language in OAS at the full extent - creation/registration of custom Python script (callable via EXECUTE_SCRIPT BI Server function) and use them for extending predefined BI Server function.
Original Idea Number: 2f449ffc32
Hi Michael,
Here are my answers to your questions.
1) What is the syntax for final XML ?
This involves a few mandatory XML tags. These include
- <outputs> - you need to predefine the name of the output columns and its data type
- <options> - parameters that you wish to pass to the script
- <scriptname> , <scriptlabel> - giving a name and label to identify the custom script
- <target> - "python" will be the value since we need to run the script against the Python engine
- <type> - 'execute_script'
- <scriptdescription> - to give a description on what the script is supposed to do
- <scriptcontent> - the tag which holds the Python code right from import statements to return statements
We have hosted couple of examples in Oracle Analytics Library ( on term frequency analysis and unpivoting. Looking into the details of the script will be helpful
2) Detailed explanation of arguments that needs to be passed.
Consider the following XML code
<ui-config />
</option>This is used to get an input from the user as to how many terms and its corresponding frequency the script show after execution. The arguments are taken in <option> tag with name, displayname, value, required and ui-config tags. These tags are common for any parameters
3) what is the method for registering custom scripts in OAS?
The most easiest way is to via the UI. Choose the option Create -> Custom Script -> upload your XML. This should show a preview of what is the inputs/outputs/arguments.
Click on OK to upload the script and you should be done.
4) Install additional packages?
The Python engine comes with a set of the most commonly used packages. In case you want to install other packages, you can follow this blog on how to do it. It gives a step by step tutorial
Finally , we are working on enabling the custom script option in OAC as well. It is being currently worked upon by our development teams and should be released in a few OAC releases.
Let me know if you hit any issues.
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Hi Shiram,
thanks for you answer, I appreciate it, but I consider this as a really "very first kickoff". What you are describing is fine for some small playing and small POC, but I am missing serious and enterprise wide documentation/knowledge base - your post simply raises another questions :
1) Your description of XML format does not seems to be complete - what about some "inputs" ? I assume, there must be also <inputs> tag, where I define inputs (source variables) to Python scripts, to be passed from "outside" - or is it handled solely within <options> tag ?
2) You described registration of Python script via UI (I understand in OAC you don't have any other option), but when you upload Python script via UI, you have to take care also for permission to this "object" (if somebody else except the "creator" - person, who uploaded script - wants to use it). So my question again leads to other form of "registration" of Python script on "on-premise" OAS environment - thus uploading script into cript repository folder on the server (<<OAS HOME>>/bi/bifoundation/advanced_analytics/script_repository) . Is this method supported on OAS or should we solely use registration via DV UI (and assigning permissions to uploaded script) ?
3) For installation of additional Python packages, you have pointed meto blog, which describes the process for simple Oracle Analytics Desktop (Windows) environment. But we want to use it on our "enterprise" OAS platform, running on Linux and thus the process should be described for this deployment.
As I wrote, I am considering you response as a kind of "first kickoff" (and really thanks for it), but to be able to use it seriously, it needs to be described in very much structured abd deatiled way (I am sure, you are aware of it).
Anyway I will start to "experiment" with Python script on our OAS "sandbox" and will hope, that in the meantime, you will fill this big documentation/knowledge gap .
Kind regards
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I also agree that there is a huge documentation gap. Given a non opensource piece of software, the company that created it should provide syntactical documentation to help get started with creating scripts because anything that accepts XML will be looking for certain tags. I shouldn't have to piece meal my XML tags by looking at the built-in scripts and comparing them to their respective python scripts. For any enterprise use case this a terrible bottleneck in efficiency.